Scared to go to a prerelease :(


Aspiring Trainer
I only started playing around a week after Legends came out. And I've never gone to one prerelease in my life. I don't know what to do; I'd probably be intimidated by the good players there x_x.

I'm trying to persuade a friend to come with me, but even he doesn't know what to expect. :(

Any advice please? :)
Bring money about 15 of each energy type and you get 6 packs, make a deck from them and thats it, dont worry about loosing because prizes are the same from 1st to last.
There isn't all that much skill involved in a prerelease tournament. A lot of it is just dumb luck. There's no reason to be scared! ;) It's probably one of the more friendly formats out there.
the first official game I ever played was prerealease from Ex delta species. I got my ass kicked due to bad cards, strongest pokemon was vaporeon and I didn't even draw eevee to get it.
So if you get a little bit lucky you'll sweep the most experienced players

Good luck!
Since you can only use cards from SF, everyone has an equal chance at a good deck. And the skilled guys and veterans won't think less of you. I'd go to a prerelease myself but the nearest one is over 100 miles from where I live. So you should feel fortunate that you even have the chance to attend one.

They sound like fun too. So you'll have a blast!
Don't worry. Even if you lose, the worst thing that'll happen is that...

You lost, that's all. Anyway, on registration, you receive six packs to build a 40 card deck. All energies are provided for you (you just have to return it later). If you're playing the SF prerelease, there's plenty of threads around Pokebeach that discusses the best cards for PR, like mine:

Anyway, afterwards you get two more packs and 60-card sleeves. Tell your friend that there's no need to worry.
Fact: good players fail at a prerelease, because their normal tournament deck is built around erasing the luck factor; prerelease brings that painful reality back to all players, good or bad.
I completely disagree with you. The event is more based off of luck, but deck-building skills and gameplay completely pays off.
^Which means you do not completely disagree with me, but only partially. Sure, good players will know what to pick for their deck, it's just that they have the same limited choice as bad players, often forcing both sides to pick similar semi-worthless cards.
90% of a prerelease is luck based. About 10% is based on skill. Most of the time I pull junk from my packs. So i can never get anything really set up. However, With that junk, I try and utilize a deck based off my skill, and I can usually pull off something decent.
I'd say 40% skill actually. Why so high? Even with crappy pulls, you can manage some of the chaos away and find the best lines to use. If you read my PR report, note how the good cards I got were trainers. Most of my lines were horribly thin, except for Sceptile, but I didn't choose it. Gameplay is just as important, as some people don't know what they're doing, opposed to me, who've played SF cards a whole month before it came out (Only, I've never played Salamencs :p).

No Angel, I do not really completely disagree with you, but luck has never deterred me before (except for coin flips. I HATE DISLIKE THEM SO MUCH!!). If you pull at least 4 crappy packs however, then is there no way of a good deck can be built.
^Meh, I just based my answer on my personal experiences. Best lines I ever got in Pres were 2-1 Bibarel DP, 2-2 Flaaffy SW and 2-2 Houndoom LA =\. And I somehow got in the top 3 with that every single time. <_< Mostly because other players have even worse pulls.
I was very scared at my first prerealese but prizes are the same and you get to know pokemon players in your area. If you go good luck
StealthAngel667 said:
Fact: good players fail at a prerelease, because their normal tournament deck is built around erasing the luck factor; prerelease brings that painful reality back to all players, good or bad.

i highly disagree with you.
sure theres a luck factor in how you pull but no matter what deck a good player is using theyll do decent because its the players skill not the deck that determines who wins
this is how rogue decks are made,
you take a good player he builds a non-meta deck tops a big event not because the deck was great but because the player understood what he needed to do to win.
consistancy and minimal mistakes win games
Right, and all Piloswine or Bibarel decks win most Prereleases... Rogue decks have problems here.
StealthAngel667 said:
Fact: good players fail at a prerelease, because their normal tournament deck is built around erasing the luck factor; prerelease brings that painful reality back to all players, good or bad.

I love the fact that this quote precedes you ending 1st and me ending second to last on the prerelease ;)

And oh, skill means nothing if your only attackers available are Dusclops, Driftblim and Bronzong. One of each.

See, the luck of the pulls determines so much. Having 3 magnezones is awesome, until you realize there are no Magnemites to go with.
Pre-releases are just fun, and a cheap way to get 8 packs, sleeves, and a promo card. Pre-releases are just so lenient, because it's just about getting the packs and having fun. Good time to trade as well.
Okay, thanks everyone :).

Sadly, I just realized there weren't any pre-releases for SF where I live, as of the moment.
We might have it at a later date than the US. I'd keep in mind all your suggestions when a pre-release comes out.

Thanks again :)
I love the fact that this quote precedes you ending 1st and me ending second to last on the prerelease Wink

And oh, skill means nothing if your only attackers available are Dusclops, Driftblim and Bronzong. One of each.

See, the luck of the pulls determines so much. Having 3 magnezones is awesome, until you realize there are no Magnemites to go with.
You see, that's the thing. I didn't get that many attacker lines either (compared to certain people who ran Dusknoir, Salamence, ScizRim, etc), and still I somehow won because of good draws. But yeah, I noticed that too. xP Quite the irony indeed.