Now that I'm working as a cashier, I have nightmares about Black Friday. Today, I had an Inception-like dream where I woke up the day after Thanksgiving, and was glad to go to work. Then my dad said it was Black Friday, and I woke up from the fear of said day.
Another one that happened on Friday night: I had a dream that my gf was killed. The last word I said to her was sorry irl because I had to work and couldn't spend time with her.
and a recurring night terror now since Saturday night: I'm apparently british with a sister and two brothers. Dad is an extreme liberal and has somehow been punished by having his youngest son turned into a homicidal freak. Basically, the son is now possessed, and is labeled by conservative media as 'gay' in a sense that he is a zombie possessed by the devil, and he only targets those who are of the male gender.
I left off from Dream 2 where sister was stupid enough to leave the keys to the locked door that held him next to the lock. some idiot probably let him out, and now we are evacuating London.
Dream 3: We somehow ended up in a hotel after escaping the crowd of people. The possessed boy is Aiden, and the other brother is Ethan. I'll try to actually become lucid tonight to get more info, hopefully successful. I hope to actually turn this into some kind of book or something, so i'll keep updates here.
I need help.