RE: Scattered mind's Trade Thread**Update: Timid Protean Froakie with Hidden Power Fire! 31/30/31/30/31/30 iv's**
Sounds great then! And no rush; I'll be waiting patiently uwu
scattered mind said:jhippie8 said:Hi SM Can I please have one of those Scizors? Also would you trade one or both beldum or magnemite for something on this list?
I will let you know once I will be readyAbout shiny Beldum and hp fire magnemite I really like Ampharos and Zapdos-Is this Pokemon hacked or rng abused ?
SylveonsAndEspurrs said:Hello to you! I'm very interested in a Scizor as well ;u;
I have a few perfect IV Pokemon at the moment that I can give in return if interested
Hi ! Shiny Scizor is free so I will trade it for anything you will offer. So you can give me any flawless iv Pokemin you can trade or just any Pokemon if you rather keep the perfect for future trades with other people
I will let you know once I am ready
Sounds great then! And no rush; I'll be waiting patiently uwu