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Scizor/Cobalion/Mewtwo Ex/Lock

Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
This is a Fun deck, but maybe it will work i don`t know say your opinion and help me to improve this deck!!!

Pokemon 20:
3-3 Scizor
3-1-2 Vileplume
2 Skarmory
2 Cobalion
2 Mewtwo Ex
1 Pichu
1 Cleffa

Trainer/Supporter/Stadium 22
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Twins
2 N
1 PETM (Prof. Elm)
1 Juniper
3 P-Com
3 Rare Candy

Energy 18
10 Metal
4 Special Metal

In this deck i want to get the Trainer Lock like any other Vileplume deck after the Trainer Lock i want to use Sizors Poke-Body to get no damage because every deck plays Special Energies (DCE,Prism,Rainbow,...). When my opponent switches after retreating his/her energies won't come back in the game.Mewtwo is there for lategame or battle against an other mewtwo because of that there are 4 DCEs
The main problems I see is that
Skarmory is a good starter and helps power Cobalion and Scizor faster. He should be ran at 3 or 4. 2 makes him too inconsistent.
Cobalion should be your second attacker. Same thing. He should be ran at 3 or 4 to stay consistent.
Trainer lock decks can be very slow. Sage's Training helped a lot.
You should consider seeker 1-2 should be plenty. Spread is getting more and more popular and you don't want Vileplume dying.
Your energy count is way too high. You could probably dump 4-5 regular metal energies. Which will help thicken your lines up.

I ran a deck very similar to this until all of my cards got stolen so I know a lot about the deck style.
Thanks for your help.

I think that skarmory should be cut out completely, because when i draw it i almost get everything out and the second thing is it steels my energies when i play only 6 or 5 so i don't want to use him.
The problem with seeker is that, that i only can get something other than vileplume back to my hand (trainer lock) but when i seeker something other i have to wait 2-3 turns to get back my full cobalion or scizor.

Sage's should be in i know but i don't like him, because i have bad luck with discarding.
Cobalion is a good idea to play 3-4 but then i had to use more energies.
I think skarmory is actually beneficial because it lets you attach two energies a turn including special I think, so it can power up both scizor and cobalion. I also do not think that pichu or cleffa or that necessary because skarmory helps set up better and collector and PONT take care of that already.
Professor Pokémon said:
Thanks for your help.

I think that skarmory should be cut out completely, because when i draw it i almost get everything out and the second thing is it steels my energies when i play only 6 or 5 so i don't want to use him.
The problem with seeker is that, that i only can get something other than vileplume back to my hand (trainer lock) but when i seeker something other i have to wait 2-3 turns to get back my full cobalion or scizor.

Sage's should be in i know but i don't like him, because i have bad luck with discarding.
Cobalion is a good idea to play 3-4 but then i had to use more energies.

Skarmory is the best starter for any metal deck. And even if you draw him too late, he's good for pokemon communication.
This was the deck I was going to run before all of my cards were stolen in January. It doesn't have Scizor in it but I think the list will help you a lot when it comes to what you're looking for when it comes to a theme of the deck.

Pokemon (17)
1 Cleffa
2 Mewtwo EX
4 Cobalion (NV)
4 Skarmory
3-1-2 Vileplume

T/S/S (29)
2 Skyarrow Bridge
2 Seeker
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 N
3 Rare Candy
4 Twins
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Sages Training
4 Pokemon Collector

Energy (14)
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Metal Energy (Special)
6 Metal Energy
I made some changes so here comes y decklist

2 Mewtwo
4 Cobalion
3 Skarmoy
2-2 Scizor
3-2-2 Vileplume =20

4 Collector
3 Twins
2 Juniper
2 N
3 P-Com
3 Candy =22

4 Special {M} =18
I think I would cut some steel energy and a gloom, because good vileplume lines are usually 3-1-2. I think 18 energy is too much too. I'd add in either another 1-1 scizor, and/or a shaymin and seeker in case scizor is about to get KOd, and you have a back up. Its not necessary but thats how I would make it for more safety in case.
I made some changes here comes my decklist which i play now

1 Kyurem EX
2 Mewtwo Ex
3 Cobalion
3-1-2 Vileplume
3-2 Scizor

4 Collector
3 Twins
2 N
2 Juniper
2 Cilan
3 P-Com
3 Rare Candy

6 {M}
4 Special{M}
2 Prism

The reason why i play no slarmory is , because it steels my energy, it is a cheap prize card for my opponent and it`s useless when i don`t have it from beginning of the game.

The reason why i play Kyurem is for stalling and keep my opponent under pressure. It´s funny to discard his DCE or his prism and then to attack with cobalion when i got it with the energies.

I forgot to post the 2 Seeker