• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
3-3 Steelix prime ( all unleashed) onix 2x 57/95/1x56/95
3-3 Scizor prime (all undaunted) syther 2x 36/90 1x 65/90
1-1 blissey prime (hgss)
2-2-2 klingklang (b&w)
1 cleffa (call of legends)
1 skarmory (call of legends)

~T/S/S-~21 ~
4 pokemon communication
2 rare candy
2 switch
2 super scoop up
1 energy retrieval
1 interviewers Question
2 pokemon collector
3 professor oak's new theory
2 copycat
2 professor juniper

~Energy- 18~
10 metal energy
4 special metal energy
4 double colorless energy

get klingklang up as soon as possible then get scizor 2 atack and charge steelix (free 2 move energy around when using blissey's nurse poke power

~i need help plz advice me ^^~
RE: perfect red nurse shift (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

Please add the set number of the Onix and Scyther in your first post. Thanks :D
RE: perfect red nurse shift (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

Copy cat is not needed! Pont and juniper are much better.
-2 copycat
+1 Pont

Junk arm will help alot in my opinion cause you be able to reuse communication which will help alot!
+2 Junk Arm

I think skarmory are pretty helpful here so i would...
+1 Skarmory

4 DCE REALLY i think that that is too many.
-1 DCE

More collector are needed and other tweeks!
+1 Pokemon Collector (consistency)
-1 interviewers questions (not needed)
-1 energy retrieval (not going to help either)

PONT = Proffesor oaks new theory
DCE = Double Colorless energy
JUNIPER = Proffessor Juniper

Hope I Helped!
RE: perfect red nurse shift (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

-1 Skarmory
-1 DCE
-1 IQ
-1 Energy Retrieval
These are only one ofs in your deck you need consistency so I would
+ 1 Cleffa(better chance to get 1 T1)
+ 1 Collector(consistency)
+ 2 Fisherman(replace with Super Rod when it comes out)(get energies back/super rod=Night maintence)
RE: perfect red nurse shift (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

ok so tyaranitar trainer
im not using junk arm i always get the pokemon i need on time so no need 2 reuse the pokemon communication'
another pont wil be 2 much especialy when i have cards i can use next turn (i would suggest my self :
-2 copy cat
+2 fisherman/super rod like (golferboy69) said
also i saw someone using lanturn prime in the deck wich would add
1 chincou
1 laturn prime
2 electric energy's
wich is handy against fire opponents but is it good
also saw: moomoo's milk
is is it good?
plz comment^^
RE: perfect red nurse shift (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

moomoo milk is a bit flippy i would say no. Potion is better than moomoo milk cause guarentee 30 or life herb is also better. 1-1 lanturn is no help cause if he dies he gone and maybe it gets to kill one reshiram but then he gets ko'd. And i would go Flower Shop Lady over fisherman.
RE: perfect red nurse shift (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

so life herb is better.. chance on healing with that thing is smaller then with a moomoo milk
i need Junk arms and moomoo milk or any other kind of healing because its needed hmm
1 more pokemon collecter aint needed because getting basic is not the problem:p
not playing lanturn could get me in trouble when i fight against a fire deck.
anyways what im trying 2 say is this deck doesnt work that well yet
and maybe someone can advice me a deck strategy
(please post the whole deck so i can check how it looks:p

so stil needs help^^
plz advice me^^