So I registered for the Scrappy Skirmish tournament to play against competitive players that don't use only Talonflames, Garchomps, Sylveons, Gardevoirs and Charizards! (It was stupid to ban Pikachu, Emolga, Ampharos etc just because they were top choices for the Pikachu Cup though because they could also ban other commonly used threats like Gyardos and Metagross) I look forward to it this weekend to get into pokemon battles again. I created this yesterday night while on bed using an app with a TeamBuilder and everything (It's awesome , it's called PokeType you can get it in the Play Store). It's the first time I think about a team so much. (I guess my break from pokemon worked to make me interested again) It took me about 3 hours and a lot of considerations were made. i'm pretty proud of it. i'malso gonna try it on Showdown but I need some advice to make the best out of it and this is always the first place I get to.
Flygon (M) @ Yache Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Calm Nature
- Tailwind
- Feint
- Dragon Tail
- Roost
Flygon is the supporter of this team. Many see Flygon as a physical attacker but Gamefreak likes to hide things inside pokemon to make you look deeper. Levitate is the only option we get and works great with Mamoswine's EQ. The EVs serve as a spread for an equally defensive mon and Calm Nautre in combination with Yache Berry and Roost can protect Flygon from Ice Beam. Tailwind is the most important move in the set as the team is based on it as well as sun. Feint is a great move for stopping pokemon that get dangerous AFTER Mega Evolution like Beedrill. Rost is for recovery and Dragon Tail is awesome for destroying opponents' strategies that are based on pure mon combinations.
Tagged with: Honchkrow & Mamoswine
Honchkrow (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Sucker Punch
- Night Slash
- Superpower
Honchkrow might look bad overall but is actually an amazing threat that can sweep through teams in both Singles and Doubles easily. With Moxie he's unstoppable. Sucker Punch and Brave Bird are the main STABS with great offensive capabilities. Night Slash is pretty much the filter of this set and can take on Supportive opponents without risking a turn or the boss pokemon's HP. Superpower is super-powerful and a must in the set as the attack lowering is cover by Moxie and a fighting move is always welcomed in a flying type set covering all of Honchkrow's weaknesses. The EVs are made for a balanced Tailwind sweeper. Sitrus Berry is for recovery after a hard hitting Brave Bird.
Tagged with: Flygon & Mamoswine
Blissey (F) @ Heat Rock
Ability: Healer
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Sunny Day
- Aromatherapy
- Heal Pulse
- Soft-Boiled
I was thinking about Meganium taking advantage of its Sunny Day capabilities including Leaf Guard, Heal Pulse, Synthesis, Leech Seed and the Dual Screens and had it for sure in the team but then I recalled sweeping teams with Victreebel and two grass types were too much. I also thought that Meganium has god overall stats and it can be pretty good but it's weakness is the pure Grass type that makes it vulderable against soooo many other importand and often used types like Fire and Ice. Then I thought about Ninetales as a weather support but it wasn't really a great option. So here comes Nurse Joy's pride. Blissey and her pre-evolved form were always huge walls and / or supporters. For me she's my Weather Supporting Healer. Soft-Boiled and esspecially Heal Pulse make her a helpful partner for everyone in the team. Aromatherapy and Heler ability make sure no Paralysis or Sleeping goes through. Sunny Day is of course there for weather support.
Tagged with: Victreebel, Blaziken, Honchkrow
Blaziken (M) @ Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 150 HP / 252 Atk / 106 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Flare Blitz
- High Jump Kick
- Thunder Punch
The Mega of this team by choice. Definetely one of the strongest megas in the game. The EVs are for a balanced Speed Boost sweeper. Adamant nature to hit as hard as possible. Protect is a great move in doubles and also allows Blaziken to mega evolve with no risk. Flare Blitz and High Jump Kick, while both risky have tremendous power and are great STABs. High Jump also goes well with Flygon's Feint. Thunderpunch is only used over EQ because I need to be able to defeat rain teams that otherwise stand out as a huge problem. It may not be a strong attack overall but with Mega Blaziken full attacking power it can OHKO many water types.
Tagged with: Blissey, Flygon & Victreebel
Victreebel (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 SpA / 76 SpD / 180 Spe
Modest Nature
- Solar Beam
- Weather Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Protect
Victreebel is basically a weaker version of Venusaur. Life Orb and Modest nature make him hit as hard as possible and along with Chlorophyll they make Victreebel one of the most dangerous sun sweepers around. Some investment goes to SpDef since we won't be needind more speed. Solar Beam hits in one turn, Weather Balls turns into a Fireball and Sludge Bomb is the second STAB that may also poison. I would use Sleep Powder for the 4th slot of the moveset but I remembered I need a turn to let Blissey set up sun, so Protect it is.
Tagged with: Blissey & Blaziken
Mamoswine (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 34 Def / 70 SpD / 52 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Icicle Crash
- Protect
The final member of the team is a well known purely offensive Ice beast. Mamoswine with some investment in Speed, HP and a bunch of attacking EVs along with Adamant nature, Leftovers and Thick Fat. I know. Big formula. But it's worth it. Tailwind Mamoswine FTW. Ice Shard is the priority move and EQ is a MUST for every double / triple battles team. With STAB Icicle Crush under his possesion he becomes a threat for Flying, Ground and many other common types in the Metagame. Protect or Knock Off wanted a lot of thought but I think that this is a team a lot based on protecting during some turns in order to make the battlefield yours with Winds and Suns or whatever. Mamoswine although an Ice type, he can easily take care of hte common-to-be Choice Banded Arcanine with him getting a Recoil from Flare Blitz and with Mamo finishing him off with his EQ and not losing so much damage.
Tagged with: Flygon & Honchkrow
So this is it!