Looking to potentially buy a sealed box, preferably Call of Legends, but interested in other sets as well.
Kinda hoping to find a deal on one. I don't expect it to be dirt cheap, but I'm looking to spend a bit less than if I were to order one off Trollandtoad.com or Amazon. So naturally, the cheaper the better.
I also have Bulk, and other randoms for trade, so feel free to post in my trade thread or PM me if I have something we can use to barter with.
Feel free to post here or PM me with any offers. Thanks!
Kinda hoping to find a deal on one. I don't expect it to be dirt cheap, but I'm looking to spend a bit less than if I were to order one off Trollandtoad.com or Amazon. So naturally, the cheaper the better.
I also have Bulk, and other randoms for trade, so feel free to post in my trade thread or PM me if I have something we can use to barter with.
Feel free to post here or PM me with any offers. Thanks!