Second Language?

Can you speak or write in another language?

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sonicyellow said:
whats so epic about saying "I have a jellyfish"?

Also I can speak french, as you can see above.

Because JC said I AM a jellyfish, not I HAVE a jellyfish.

suis= form of êtrè(SP?) (to be)

/endgrammargeeking :p

HS: There are so many other languages in the world. I just named the bigger ones that popped into my head first sorry. ^^'; That's why the other button is there!

But no, I have a penpal friend I occassionally talk to who speaks Dutch too. I think it's Dutch? I'm not sure. I know she comes from Holland, sooooo :X
Crystal Hikara said:
But no, I have a penpal friend I occassionally talk to who speaks Dutch too. I think it's Dutch? I'm not sure. I know she comes from Holland, sooooo :X
Yup, that's Dutch.
So you don't think it's a silly language?
I have been taking french for 5 years now. I still suck at it lol. I can understand it and speak it. But not fluently. However I can speak Urdu fluently.
Why do I only have the option to choose one language? D:

Anyway, Dutch is my first language. I guess I can speak English too.. At least I hope my English is not that worse... I honestly have no idea whether my English is good or not. At least you can understand me... I hope so...

Also I'm able to speak and write French and German, even though not as fluent as my English. Further I understand Italian and Spanish, although I can't speak it well enough to say it's a second language. Also, I do understand some Japanese.

I'm also able to translate Latin and Classic Greek (since it isn't spoken anymore it's hard to speak since we don't know the right pronounciation). Latin is my third best language I guess. I've a very good teacher and so is my level of speaking way above average (compared to others of my age (and even older)).

Guess I have to agree with Spoon, Dutch is indeed a silly language :3
I learned Vietnamese first when I was five, and i have to admit I was better at Vietnamese back then compared to today. English is one of the main languages I used and I learned it a bit after I was able to master complicated conversations in Vietnamese. I learned Japanese in high school and I am a fairly good speaker, it is just the constant Kanji I am stuck with, so I use a dictionary to help me out.
I am trying to learn Korean, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
French as a second and English as a third, though I must say my English is quite a bit better than my French, despite technically learning English a couple of years later (not counting TV, which had been teaching me English ever since the Power Rangers 1st aired here, when I was about 5).
And for those who don't know, my 1st language is Dutch, the barely-spoken language of the Netherlands and half of Belgium (which is where I live). Probably amongst the silliest languages in the world, imagine German but orders of magnitudes less evil-sounding ;)
... So silly it didn't even make the list, it seems.

Yes, and yet dutch is the hardest to master 2nd language of europe :)

I speak dutch and english fluently.
I can speak herman very well, but I can't find my way into their silly words *gummistiefel* :'D
And i can read french, just not speak or write.that well :p
j'aime ma belle fille <333

EDIT: German, not herman xD
red blastoise said:
Yes, and yet dutch is the hardest to master 2nd language of europe :)
True because of all the rules and their exceptions and exceptions of the exceptions etc etc. Also words without any purpose, with no literal translation. Since I'm grown up with it I'm used to all those rules and exceptions, but learning it as a second language... good luck! Although even I still have problem with the Dutch language.. I still make alot of mistakes :X
I am trying to learn SPanish. It is kind of hard because they say things differntly in spain. Anyway I can speak is a little but eh in Florida you need to know it.(We have to many mexicans and cubans (good food though lol) on another note I hate it when I can't understand people)

I really wish I knew a second language. What irritates me the most, was for m, I couldn't get a chance to until high school. And then, I couldn't stand my spanish teacher, so I switched to french and I was only in that for about half a year before I was transfered to a diff. school without a foreign language program. I really look back and wish I learned german or japanese the most though. But when it came to learning spanish, like the year after i get out of middle school (grades 6-8), they start teaching foreign language to the entire middle school, granted it was mostly spanish, but they taught a lil japanese, german, italian, pretty much a lil bit of everything.
Noobnerd said:
Here in my country we have this bilingual policy so I know both English and Chinese.

My Chinese really sucks.
Ugh... living in an English-biased country doesn't help me with Mandarin. It also doesn't help that I can't type in Chinese faster than a snail's pace online, so I just visit English sites and slowly watch the other language of me deteriorate...

Funny thing about Japanese: several of their words is based off of Chinese words, so I could catch glimpses of meaning without even trying to learn the language.

I took Spanish I+II, but they flew out of my head...

@CH, Latin is a dead language, so I don't think it's that hard to translate it. I picked up a few Latin words when I tried to learn it out of boredom.
I know some japanese (and how to read and write, obviously)
been taking classes for 2 years
oh and I really want to learn german, cuz german is for pwn
I was born in France and moved to the US when I was 8. I still speak the language semi-fulently, and I'm currently taking my 2nd year of Spanish.
I know some japanese (and how to read and write, obviously)
been taking classes for 2 years
oh and I really want to learn german, cuz german is for pwn
Whaa?! Why does everyone want to learn German? D:
Last year I quit my German classes, just because... well I couldn't stand the language. But with Dutch as my first language, German isn't that hard :)
Pokequaza said:
Whaa?! Why does everyone want to learn German? D:
Last year I quit my German classes, just because... well I couldn't stand the language. But with Dutch as my first language, German isn't that hard :)

Because german sounds really commanding if you put effort into the accent.
I still take german classes, and I can't quit because I'm in 2nd year :p
I don't know much, but I can speak a little Italian. I don't know how to write it though. It's fun for me cuz I can now talk a little to my Grandma is Italy :D
Languages are fun to learn. Since I was homeschooled and my aunt knew how to speak German, I learned German. She always has foreign students come from Germany which is really cool and I started German back when I was around 4. It's cool because know I'm taking German in public High School... so yeah. Also, when I come on chat, it's fun to talk German with a few people who speak it as a second language also. :D
sonicyellow said:
whats so epic about saying "I have a jellyfish"?

Also I can speak french, as you can see above.
That's why we don't use translators :B IDK if you did, but an announcement to everyone; don't try to act cool by using a translator. 75% of the time you are going to get the wrong results, and look like an idiot.

Also, I guess this is kinda off topic, but it kinda fits.

At my school, (including high school) they ONLY offer Spanish, German, French, and Dutch. I have no problems with those, but I don't see why the heck they would put Dutch in over a cooler language (Asian languages for example) It's not like more than a tenth of a percent of kids will ever need to know a dutch word in their life. On the flip side, there won't be a single kid who grows up without meeting a Chinese schoolmate/Co-Worker who wants to talk to you. It's always fun to talk to people in their native language. IDK if it's just the school board supporting European languages, or just a general lack of culture. Do other people have a more diverse selection of foreign languages.
Actually that's what I got without a translator then I double-checked using one and it said "I am a jellyfish" even though "je suis" means "I have"... I think...
It's possible that it's one of those duel meaning words. My old French teacher said that was am, and another said have. Most people I know say am, as I think that is the more modern term for it. It seems like foreign languages have a lot of words like that.