Hello there. I
was interested in your Mew EX FA and Registeel EX, but I realized those were pending

But would this trade interest you?
BW cards:
2/114 Snivy C
21/114 Pansear C
40/114 Blitzle C
4/114 Servine UC
18/114 Pignite UC
22/114 Simisear UC
79/114 Watchog UC
85/114 Tranquill UC
12/114 Maractus *
43/114 Zebstrika *
61/114 Throh *
62/114 Sawk *
67/114 Liepard *
86/114 Unfezant *
6/114 Serperior *H
EP card:
17/98 Virizion *H
NV cards:
43/101 Victini *
34/101 Kyurem *H
64/101 Conkeldurr *H
74/101 Landorus *H
84/101 Cobalion *H
ND card:
Kyurem EX 38/99 (Not promo)
Sigilyph DRX 52/124 X1
Roserade DRX 15/124 X3
Emolga DRX 45/124 X3
Roselia DRX 12/124 X3 (If you have them)
Blend Energy {G}{R}{P}{D} X4 (If you have them)
Level Ball ND X2 (If you have them)
N DEX X1 (If you have one)
Max Potion EP X2 (If you have them)
PTCGO Codes (None that don't give packs/used ones) X30
I also have Zekrom EX ND, Samorutt BW 31/114 (I saw you were trading for that), Zoroark BW RH, Zoroark EP RH, Beartic EP 30/98 (Bad condition). I'd love to trade for those ultra rares if possible. But I'm sure there's like 10 other people in line first. I'd also be willing to trade any of those other cads (other then Zekrom EX) for more codes.
Let me know what you think, don't like it, counter offer. I'm
always open to counter offers. Thanks