"Secret Soon" - Phase Moltres?

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RE: "Secret Soon"

Steadfast said:
At nightfall one shall rise
People will fall and bring demise
Uniting forces to become one
Continuing forever until it is done

WPM shall come on and explain the message. Inactive people's accounts will be deleted and will continue until the site goes away.
RE: "Secret Soon"

This very interesting to say the least but somewhat frustrating. I'm really confused, who's in on the joke?
RE: "Secret Soon"

"At nightfall one shall rise"
Someone will become a Mod, or a Co-Admin

"People will fall and bring demise"

People being infracted because they will be angry?

"Uniting forces to become one"

Two Admins, or the Moderator levels will fall, they will all be mods, no super mods and no normal mods.

"Continuing forever until it is done"

The change will keep happening, until they are satisfied.

That's what I think it could mean, you know, if it real.
RE: "Secret Soon"

This thread is becoming quite entertaining. We will find out soon what all this is about.
RE: "Secret Soon"

7. 4. We told you from the start.
RE: "Secret Soon"

If you understand my post, you cannot reveal the clue otherwise, you will not be modded.
RE: "Secret Soon"

Umm... I think I got it. SR becomes an admin, all stuff (like spammers) are taken care of, and then a forum readjustment. Hold on, this should have a certain title:

Phase Moltres/Articuno!

Remember that? That must be it! The mods are falling, so the next phase should be beginning now! Am I right or am I right?
RE: "Secret Soon"

Only the mods can see it. It's in the special mod forum (As you can see by the no permission page)
RE: "Secret Soon"

Well, its not like their gonna tell us until the time comes. Im still with #4
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