Secret Technique to Booster Choosing

Yeah. I know a REALLY good place that sells 1 pack for $3 and 3 for $8. Anyways, there isn't skill for packs. Just hope for the best.
capt.penguin said:
Lou Cypher said:
Buy a Box. Thats all there is to it.

yeah just buy a box u are 95% chanced of getting a lv.x plus trainers and other stuff

Not really. Depending on the amount of LV Xs in that particular set. Like Secret Wonders, you might not even get a LV X in it because there are 2 LV Xs in there only...
EmperorPenguin said:
not to sound rude or anything, and sorry if I am, but don't dealers absolutely hate it when you do the scale thing?

In Big W and stuff (Walmart) they get pretty ticked if you want a new Magmortar and Raichu promo blister and thats at the back of the display case.... Although its funny when everything falls out ;D
Certain shops do allowing weighing, because there are shops that specify for just pokemon and other TCG. So they actually do.

Mind you all, other people also mess up the packs from the box so choosing from the middle is never accurate. The only way to do that method is by asking them shop owner to open a new box.
I have been told that Cresselia packs are more likely to contain rare cards then other GE packs. And the people who told me that buy a terrifying amount of cards, so if that was the case, they would probably know.
Never buy the very top pack on the top of a box if you buy straight from a box and never buy the first pack you see on a rack. Always buy y the one near the back of racks or near the bottom of boxes. I learned this trick with the EX cards. I does not always work but most of the time yoyu will get an EX/LVX or a very good holographic.:)
you know weighing packs at a store is mostly ilegal plus just have fun and buy a pack or two and see what you get but if you know the lv.x has been pulled out of the open box ...i woudnt touch that with a 40ft pole lol.also the way i pull lv.x is i pump the pack with air and pop it ,that seems to be good luck since ive pulled quit over 35 lv.x and ex over the year.
ps just make sure not to pop a pack in someones ear lol
Anyone know the chances of pulling a Lvl X from a booster pack if it's one of those boosters that comes in a bargain thing (They typically come with a promo card or a bunch of other boosters) or getting one from a tin?
Theorotically, it wouldn't have any better chances, but they seem to have a slightly higher chance, or at least the tins do.
This will debunk every fact here said. I just wanted to test out everyone's theories 2 years ago and the results were

Never choose the top card from the box
I asked the shop keeper to open a fresh box and I took the top right booster and I got lugia ex.

Tins are crappy
My bro bought a celebi ex POP tin and inside were 4 boosters. DF booster, flygon ex d, 2 PK boosters, metagross ex and blaziken firestarter, HP booster, nothing much there.

Trainer kits are also crappy
My bro bought the plusle/minun trainer kit and we got charizard ex in the free booster.

Conclusion, there is no real theory on how to choose boosters. Just pray hard.
get the ones every 6 packs away your gona get asome cards i did that ones and got a vire x maggy x and a tsd inone boster box
ow i cant by boxes so i userule get the 12 pack in te box
Well, seems to be I go out every week for cards, and tonight I opened about 5 packs (one from a friend, sealed in cardboard and plastic) and the other 4 from the Palkia Lvl X tin, no luck. Girlfriend also opened 4 from the Infernape Lvl. X tin and got nothing.

Not complaining though, I'm totally new to this Lvl. X thing and have a lot more opportunities to get what I want.
Since when do big chains carry boosters in a box? Ever place I've ever been to that isn't one of those overpriced hobby stores sells them in the cardboard packaging.

The reason why should be obvious: The big stores sell them in the toy sections, like at Target and Wal•Mart, and the cardboard packaging is a major way to deter their theft. Anyone who's ever seen someone drop a Charizard on the ground back during the Base Set days knows people gotta catch em' all, in any way. (Even then, there's nothing that prevents some of the craftier people to open the packaging quietly, put the packs in their pockets, backpacks, or purses, and discard of the cardboard packaging somewhere, like at the food court at Target. I see empty cardboard packaging all the time...though not as often for the cards as for the figures.)

I don't know how so many of you guys find department stores that sell the booster packs in boxes. Either crime in your areas are absurdly low or they have some other way to figure out if someone's pocket-stuffing.
It is completely random unless they hire some person to personally put a pack with a Lv. X in a box, exept for Japanese boxes which have a specific spot/pack/place/whatever you want to call it in the box that always as a Lv. X in it.
Well when you buy a pack just pick one up and pay to the cashier, the more you try and get a LvX, the more it won't come to you.
you can bend the boosters lightly to fell the hardness of the cards. holos and lv.x cards are much harder to bend. if U fill like bending a 30 page booklet, you can reject the booster.