Secret Technique to Booster Choosing

thats just stupid that never works and all your doing is bending the cards in the pack cuz it really works in yugioh cuz theres cards dont get bent easily.
On a School Band Tour in San Deigo, my friend and I found a comic store that had ALL DP boosters set out in their boxes, in chronilogical order, and then some other, more rare items such as base set, original team rocket, POP box set w/ FLygon, and the Blaze/Gardy Battle Staduim. They also had one of those machines where you put in 50 cents and out comes a sticker. There were pictures of some gross cartoon and some of Pokemon cards, so we each put 1.25 into the machine, and all we got were the gross cartoons! Took about luck rofl
I don’t know about the weighting but I have tried the bending technique . It’s really hard to tell the difference in hardness between the boosters though . I only really tried it with df boosters a while back , but out of like 30 something boosters I pulled 10 ex’s and around 15-16 holos . That was the most ex’s and holos I ever pulled from a set! You guys should try it, it might work . The only reason I stopped though was because the extra card from the dp sets confused me . And no , it didn’t damage my cards , Everyone knows that real cards don’t damage that easily. You have to be bending the cards brutally to truly damage them .
You guys are getting these things from small stores, where the store managers and workers can see you picking out the cards, aren't you? Pokémon cards are hot stuff. I used to see them getting shipped in armored trucks.
These techniques really will only work in those local comic shops, my local one moved, So I have to go to Target usually. Hard to bend packs at Target, since there in that wierd plastic packaging.

Armored trucks huh? Crazy, but I could believe it!
Ophie said:
You guys are getting these things from small stores, where the store managers and workers can see you picking out the cards, aren't you? Pokémon cards are hot stuff. I used to see them getting shipped in armored trucks.

I work at Target (randomly) and over here, the first ex set to get in stock was Hidden Legends and we had those in the booster boxes on shelves in the entertainment area, along with FRLG and the deck tins... They were in a non-secure area where people could just open and swipe them but now there behind the service counter in a secure staff only area with the knifes, down the road at Big W there behind alarmed glass because of the amount of people stealing them. so theres really no way to test them.

When the Jungle, Fossil and Team Rocket boosters were being cleared out they were $2 each! real ones too... :O

I dont know why I typed out that but meh... And the prices are in AUD too.
Prof. Shinx said:
thats a pretty good haul.... whats set was it??

I don’t know about the weighting but I have tried the bending technique . It’s really hard to tell the difference in hardness between the boosters though . I only really tried it with df boosters a while back , but out of like 30 something boosters I pulled 10 ex’s and around 15-16 holos . That was the most ex’s and holos I ever pulled from a set! You guys should try it, it might work . The only reason I stopped though was because the extra card from the dp sets confused me . And no , it didn’t damage my cards , Everyone knows that real cards don’t damage that easily. You have to be bending the cards brutally to truly damage them

df= ex dragon frontiers

....i also forgot to mention that i did the bending at stores like *wally-world* (what we call walmart) and target where the annoying plastic and cardboard Packaging Interfere with the technique . there is no local card shops in the area so im forced to buy them there . i have bought several boosters before and removed the outer packaging to compare the hardness, and its still as confusing to determine which is harder. so yeah , you just have to learn to do the bending test with obsticles incuded.
weighed out a box from gamestation of great encounters

bought the 18 heavyest packs, 3 of which were significantly heavyer than others.

i pulled 14 holo rare cards, 2 lvX and 2 rares, one of which was calydol lol there were 2 pachys and the Lvxs were cresselia and dialga.

whats the odd of picking machamp,medicham,dusknoir,dusclops,riolu in DP set?

and whats the odd of picking miltank, from the SW set?
So it's true--Pokémon cards ARE still frequently-stolen merchandise. I don't think they're shipped in armored trucks anymore, but back in the early days, people would come up with ridiculous and powerful means to take them that Wizards of the Coast had to use armored trucks out of necessity and safety of its drivers.

On another note, I didn't know you could buy boxes of booster packs at Target. I've never seen them sold, not even behind the secure glass like the jewelry and watches. I've only seen the packs sold individually in the packaging in the toys section and by the cash registers. Even then, I often see the packaging ripped open and its contents ransacked, usually when a tournament is coming up.

To furiouswildcat: Wouldn't opening the packaging for lots of booster packs really really hurt sales for that store? No one wants to buy a pack whose packaging has been torn open. It's terrible etiquette, and you'd look like a total jerk to anyone nearby.
waterblast said:
haha I was thinking of that...but then I was/am to embarressed to way every single booster pack in the store while the clerk watches me... :|

I think the only way you can get a lv.X is when you buy a the whole booster pack box. if, ever, it is true that lv. X cards weigh less than normal cards, how are you going to measure it exactly, right? It's very hard to notice the deference of a .01 ounce. And if you're really desperate to the point you can't sleep just to have one, go to

P.S. are you waterblast from
The ViD said:
waterblast said:
haha I was thinking of that...but then I was/am to embarressed to way every single booster pack in the store while the clerk watches me... :|

I think the only way you can get a lv.X is when you buy a the whole booster pack box. if, ever, it is true that lv. X cards weigh less than normal cards, how are you going to measure it exactly, right? It's very hard to notice the deference of a .01 ounce. And if you're really desperate to the point you can't sleep just to have one, go to

P.S. are you waterblast from

yup thats me
In my Target, I see about 1/3 of all tins have the plastic wrapping taken off and the Lv. X gone. But all of the boosters are still there!!! If you are going to steal, which I DON'T, why not steal the boosters as well?
Serebii1997 said:
Boosters have bar codes. If they walked out, it would detect them.

i work at target and all it takes is.... well lets say, 0.5 of a second.

we get peeps doing it all the time :O
That being said, why didn't they open the packs, stuff their pockets with cards, and walk out? They'd be undetected by the x-ray things. The booster packs may have the detectors on them, but the cards don't. It's done with the Trading Figure game wherever I go. It's difficult to find figure packaging that hasn't been tampered with, since some kid will inevitably see them, rip open the back, take the figures they want, and put the packaging back.

I sometimes see empty wrappers of Pokémon booster packs, but I guess the little kids like the figures more.