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Seismitoad EX / Garbodor (Plasma Storm-on rotation)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 12

  • 4 Seismitoed EX
    2 Mewtwo EX
    1 Druddigon (FlashFire)
    3-2 Garbodor
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 40

  • 4 Korrina
    4 Sycamore
    4 N
    3 Colress
    3 Bicycle
    1 Dowsing
    4 Lasers
    3 Virbank
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Float Stone
    2 M phone
    1 Lysandre
    1 Profs Letter

  • 4 DCE
    4 Water

Strategy: Goo Punch. A DCE for 30 and preventing an opponent from playing items for a turn. With Garbodor, and continuous goo punching, you can shut off abilities and items, which should slow down the game considerably. Mewtwo and Druddigon are backup attackers since Seismitoed has terrible damage output (which is why lasers, virbank, and muscle band are needed).

This seems like it should be a lot easier to set up than the Dragonite deck with the same strategy. It leaves a lot more room for trainers and other techs. Speaking of which, the trainers should be self explanatory. The only new one is Korrina, which is a replacement for Skyla (which might be rotated). It serves the same purpose, but only for items, which is why I have Bicycle in the deck (a pseudo draw card to search for).

Seismitoad-EX - Water - HP180
Basic Pokemon

[C][C] Goo Punch: 30 damage. During your opponent's next turn, they cannot play Item cards from their hand.
[W][W][C]: Grenade Hammer: 130 damage. This attack does 30 damage to two of your Benched Pokemon.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Korrina - Trainer

Search your deck for 1 [F] Pokemon and 1 Item card, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).
RE: Seismitoad EX/Garbodor (assumes PS on rotation)

Cobalion-EX would give this deck fits. Though with 4 water, maybe not.
RE: Seismitoad EX/Garbodor (assumes PS on rotation)

matuxlogan said:
why korrina?

In the original post he said it replaces skyla because skyla is 90% chance of being rotated. Plus you could tech in a howuloch for reveng killer since if you have Garbodor up you ignore his ability so you can apply weakness :)
Maybe I should add another water energy or two? I don't have any way of recovering energy, which could be a problem.
I would only go with 1 startling megaphone because you dont need it for garbodor and if you really need a second one you have dowsing machine. You could then use that extra space for an energy retrieval.