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Seismitoad EX / Slurpuff

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Aspiring Trainer
Hi i want to show you my deck idea with Seismitoad EX/Slurpuff. We made also strategy video about this deck, there we will show you full deck, strategy and also few battles so i hope you will enjoy it.


  • 4 Seismitoad EX
    3 Swirlix
    3 Slurpuff
    1 Jirachi EX

  • 1 Computer Search
    4 Crushing Hammer
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    2 Escape Rope
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    1 Startling Megaphone
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 VS Seeker
    1 Bianca
    1 Colress
    3 Lysandre
    4 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    1 Xerosic
    2 Virbank City Gym
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Head Ringer

  • 4 DCE
    7 Water Energy
Strategy video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu_OX-ft1h0
-1 Starling Megaphone (Quaking Punch prevents the opponent from playing Items, so how are they going to get tools on in the first place? Also, you wouldn't want to discard your own Head Ringers, would you?)
-1 Bianca (Not a good choice for a Supporter)
-1 Lysandre (Two is enough)
-1 N (Three is enough with VS Seeker)
-2 Water Energy (You want to Quaking Punch every turn, and DCE is more important. Grenade Hammer shouldn't be ignored, but you only want to use it as a late-game finisher, at which point you'd have no trouble getting it goign with just five Water energy.)

+1 Mewtwo-EX (I think Toad decks need a backup attacker in case they need to make a quick emergency KO. Mewtwo can hit hard for jjust a DCE, so it's a good choice.)
+1 Colress (Better than Bianca on so many levels.)
+1 VS Seeeker (Three seems standard these days, and it's too good not to have easy access to.)
+1 Lysandre's Trump Card (Great in Toad decks as it recycles all your resources. Your opponent will have been denied so much energy by the time you play it that you should be far ahead.)
+2 Float Stone (Good with Slurpuff, as after a Toad gets KOed, you can promote one, draw two cards then free retreat.)

Aside from these tweaks I think the list looks pretty solid. i'm personally not a fan of Jirachi-EX, but I know a lot of people play it, and it can be particularly helpful in a Seismitoad mirror match. While the decks you faced in the video weren't meta, I got an idea for how this deck functions and, and I'm sure it would be quite annoying for me to play against. I faced a similar deck at a Cities two weeks ago with Aromatisse, and there was almost nothing that I could do. Keep up the good work!
sycamore said:
Hi i want to show you my deck idea with Seismitoad EX/Slurpuff. We made also strategy video about this deck, there we will show you full deck, strategy and also few battles so i hope you will enjoy it.

4 Seismitoad EX
3 Swirlix
3 Slurpuff
1 Jirachi EX

1 Computer search
4 Crushing hammer
2 Enhanced hammer
2 Escape rope
4 Hypnotoxic laser
1 Starling megaphone
4 Ultra ball
2 VS seeker
1 Bianca
1 Colress
3 Lysandre
4 N
4 Prof. Juniper
1 Xerosic
2 Virbank city gym
3 Muscle band
2 Head ringer

7 Water energy

Strategy video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu_OX-ft1h0

Minus 2 energy for 2 mewtwos you need a back up attacker for a strong lastb puch of the game you really dont need seven.
Can i send you my video?:D
My list only runs 5 energy(4 DCE and 1 Water). I would add in a Cassius, Pokemon Center Lady to heal damage off and another way to get Flare Tools off(Cassius). My friend also recommended Shadow Triad in order to recycle Hypnotoxic lasers without relying on Trump Card. Also I run 4 VS Seeker to recycle supporters alot.
What's the point of playing just one Water Energy? It doesn't pay for any attacks by itself. You'd need at least 2 to Quaking Punch or 2 and a DCE to use Grenade Hammer. Right?
Having fought against this deck... a lot...

With Primal Clash coming out very soon at this point, I'd recommend trying to tech in at least one Weakness Policy; with the Item lock you already have on your opponent, there's little worry they'll be able to startling it off and it'd also patch up the Virizion/Genesect weakness temporarily, as well as the occasional Leafeon tech.
ObamaForWorlds! said:
sycamore said:
Hi i want to show you my deck idea with Seismitoad EX/Slurpuff. We made also strategy video about this deck, there we will show you full deck, strategy and also few battles so i hope you will enjoy it.

4 Seismitoad EX
3 Swirlix
3 Slurpuff
1 Jirachi EX

1 Computer search
4 Crushing hammer
2 Enhanced hammer
2 Escape rope
4 Hypnotoxic laser
1 Starling megaphone
4 Ultra ball
2 VS seeker
1 Bianca
1 Colress
3 Lysandre
4 N
4 Prof. Juniper
1 Xerosic
2 Virbank city gym
3 Muscle band
2 Head ringer

7 Water energy

Strategy video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu_OX-ft1h0

Minus 2 energy for 2 mewtwos you need a back up attacker for a strong lastb puch of the game you really dont need seven.
Can i send you my video?:D

try manectric ex with head ringer
kills yveltal ex and is cheap to attack
don't need water energy cause grenade hammer is rlly bad
I would recommend adding Reshiram, because it covers your back when your playing against Vir-Gen. For grass is weak to fire and if the Verizon hit's the Reshiram once then you can KO a Genesect Verizon or any grass Pokémon. I would also add another VS seeker so you can recycle those supporters. Along with a 4/4 line of water and double colorless energies.

-1 Startling megaphone
-1 Bianca
-1 N
-3 Water energies
+1 Colress
+2 Ghetsis (gives very nice draw power when paired with toad)
+3 Reshiram LTR 28
I would drop the Bianca, and a Lysandre for another VS Seeker and a Pokemon Center Lady. Bianca isnt that good of a supporter and 3 Lysandre will end up getting in the way. I would also drop three water energy and add two Float stone and a Charizard EX with Compustion Blast. The last change I would recomend would be drop an escape rope for a battle compressor so you can thin out the deck and get supporters in the discard pile that you dont want to draw into like the lysandre, pokemon center lady, ect.. You should also add in a Lysandres Trump card so you can be more aggresive with the deck and as a means of recyling DCE's, lasers, and hammers.
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