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Seniors BR - Leafeon UD/Roserade UL

Definitely take out 1 Unown Q for a different card, maybe another Unown R. You really don't want to start with lone unown Q, and you don't need 3 in 99% of matches. In fact, even most boomerang decks run only 2 unown Q.
I would say keep Blaziken in for one reason, with 150 damage you can almost OHKO an unbelted T-tar which is becoming quite a popular deck as of late.

I would add in maybe a couple of Crobat G just for Flash bites in a pinch.

Good Deck idea :D
@TheBugManiac: Oops. I meant 3 Unown R's and 2 Unown Q's (I fail at typing).

@MisaMouri: This is true, but keep in mind the extra Stage 2 evo-line that needs and the limited attack power it provides (use at least 2 {R} energies and discard 2 energies each attack... NOT good in a grass/psychic deck). I also find that 120 damage OHKO 90% of the meta. Plus who's to say I cant add a few Cherrim SF? They're Stage 1, deal 20 & heal 20 w/o any energy, and the poke-body gives Leafeon an extra 10 damage. Even if Tyranitar could land a hyper beam, it only does 80 and I can easily switch out to Cherrim to dish out some extra damage and heal Leafeon on the bench.