i feel this is a fun, and somewhat playable card, though not made for all decks, i think it could give sylveon a really good chance as you could acquire a red card, delinquent and peeping red card as you have the option to run 4 of each for max disruption; the play being red card, then delinquent, and if they keep a supporter to benefit their hand, peeping red card. though at that point, tormenting spray would be better as its straight up discarding it. but if a player was smart enough to keep a card like a lele to search it, peeping red card would be more beneficial to that scenario,
as it goes for most decks? i don't see it being a popular card for the meta-game as it doesn't do anything to make your own setup and output consistent, it just disrupts your opponent, but in hindsight can also hinder yourself as that slot could be dedicated to another consistency card (rare candy, second Skyla, a beneficial tech, extra draw supporter)