News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

Gyarados’ Draconic Disaster is just that as 5 energy attachment is a disaster. Espeon and Gardevoir will easily OHKO it.
Gyarados' GX attack isn't outright terrible though... Being able to discard any energy (DCE) from EACH of your opponents Pokémon is pretty powerful.
I thought there were only supposed to be Silvally and the Ultra Beasts in this set. Is Gyarados, Alolan Exegutor, and Alolan Golem replacing Phermosa, Celesteela, and Xurkitree?
This is correct. Phermose, Celeseeta, and Xurkitree will be released as promo's
If you're playing a dark rai or an xerneas break deck that would be a devastating, but I just don't see it as that great against most other decks in most cases.
What is with these incredibly high energy costs? Are we going to get some new tech or just depend on elixirs, etc.?
What is with these incredibly high energy costs? Are we going to get some new tech or just depend on elixirs, etc.?

Counter Energy maybe. Give up a Karp, you only need [W][Counter][Counter] which isn't impossible. Then if you catch up on prizes you toss on a DCE
That Gyarados art is tops... I can't wait to build Exeggcutor GX. I feel like it's one item or energy card away from being amazing.
I thought there were only supposed to be Silvally and the Ultra Beasts in this set. Is Gyarados, Alolan Exegutor, and Alolan Golem replacing Phermosa, Celesteela, and Xurkitree?
It was already confirmed that Xurkitree, Celesteela, and Pheromosa would come in their own promo boxes.
Buzzwole will fight nicely into my lycanroc deck. A strong energy and fury belt = 60 to active and 30 to bench. Also a bonus it is weak to psychic.
Gyarados-GX counters Turbo Dark with its GX attack, counters Volcanion/Turtonator simply by virtue of being a water-type (Waterfall does 200 damage with a choice band and weakness), and the new Magikarp card can't be damaged on the bench. This deck definitely has some potential.

Gyarados’ Draconic Disaster is just that as 5 energy attachment is a disaster. Espeon and Gardevoir will easily OHKO it.
That's the only counter to this card I can think of, although Gyarados-GX can also dish out OHKOs if the opponent has a bad start (Turn 2 setup is possible with two Aqua Patches).
If only Gyarados' second attack cost was like 2 Water and a DCE or something I feel like it'd be a little more playable.