DPPt/HGSS Serebii1997

not the best trader.....had some FC Issues, but nonetheless the trade got done.

+1 Trade Ref

-Black Rayquaza
we made two trades. so can i post +2 trade refs?

well anyway, nice trading with serebii!

KG: Only one at a time.
Great trade! It took longer than anticipated, but it was well worth it. Celebi rocks! ^_^

+1 Trade Ref.
Battle Refs: +2 +1

your teams is getting better and better :D

KG: You can only give one ref for each category every two days.
-1 for battling.

We started battle. I selected the move Dragon Claw on my Dragonite. Then he spent almost 10 minutes picking his move. Plus I requested that he goes easy on me since I only just got into competive battling.

He apologized and rebattled me.

I haven't gotten to it yet. I have exams and only really important stuff is doable until I'm done with them. Also, please keep these posts to PMs. You aren't really supposed to post in your own thread unless there is an issue (like above).
LV gives Serebii +1 for trade.

My TM's 76 & 86 (Nidoran female/Zubat-female) for their Entai & Porygon