Round 2.
This round's rules and restrictions:
You can expect the results of the last round tomorrow. Those will be posted here, and then you can guys see what you need to improve on!
Your name will have a strikethrough when you have PM'd us your list. Once sent, no changes can be made to your list.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. Waay too many Pokemon. Cut your lines down a bit.
Creativity: 6/10. I like the use of Slowking and Sunflora, but Yanmega and Vileplume are pretty prominent today.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi works well with the idea of a locking deck, and it's a decent tech.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. Seems like your average Trainer-lock build, but a lot of techs.
Creativity: 7/10. Slowking and how you use Roserade makes me smile.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi fits very well in this lock deck.
venasour x
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. Great idea to use Mew to throw strong Pokemon into the LZ. Getting the Energy may be slightly difficult though.
Creativity: 8/10. Loving all the Primes. Absol is barely seen today, yet, it's used in a cool and innovative fashion. Mew is seen, but Jumpluff and Tyranitar aren't!
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Without Celebi in this deck, there is no Energy acceleration. It's vital. Really makes Celebi stand out.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. Although the deck is extremely dependent on opening with Celebi for a T1 attack, the deck can still setup later. However, setting up Tyranitar could be a problem considering you need to play constant Switches and have to attach every turn.
Creativity: 9/10. Pretty much every Pokemon list, save Mew, is unique and unseen.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi is the key acceleration, so it's definitely need.
the aura is with me8
Consistency/Effectiveness: 0/10. You have fifty cards. Unplayable.
Creativity: 7/10. I liked where you were going with this. Beedrill was a very interesting choice indeed.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Needed Celebi in this deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 0/10. Count the deck again. Along with that, with Beedrill, you're depending on if your opponent can't Retreat, and by using Leafeon as a Special Condition placer, you're depending on your opponent remaining Asleep. In other words, an unreliable damage output.
Creativity: 7/10. It's nice to see Leafeon in a deck that doesn't have Roserade.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. I'm not seeing Celebi in this deck. Beedrill and Leafeon both need one or two Energy to attack, and attacking with Vileplume is utter suicide.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. The maxxed out Celebi line + Sunflora guarantees a decent T2-T3 set-up.
Creativity: 10/10. Who the heck uses Tangrowth and Vespiquen anyway?
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Uses four Celebi, locks opponent, takes advantage of Poke-Power. He's a mod, folks.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. At first I was worried about sacrificing a few prizes, but Twins solves that problems, and a strong support line helps as well.
Creativity: 10/10. Use Celebi and Vespiquen to hide Tangrowth while charging it up and locking your opponent? Genius.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Utilities both Celebi's attack and Poke Power.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. A heavy T/S/S line is great for consistency, though timing the Roselia drops could be tricky when facing Yanmega Prime.
Creativity: 6/10. Roserade/Leafeon's been discussed before, though the Umbreon tech is intriguing.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi's a fantastic starter for this deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. Not sure about some of your Trainer decisions (Engineer's and two Black Belt to be exact). Having a way to return the Energy back into your hand would be nice as well, or else you're forced to constantly switch between Celebi and your Active Pokemon.
Creativity: 5/10. Umbreon makes me smile, due to the surprise factor, but seeing Leafeon and Roserade in the same deck is stale.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. You definitely utilities both Celebi's attack and Poke Power, but not to a great extent.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I don't think that Vespiquen is needed in this deck. And where's the fourth Eevee? Some weird Trainer choices in this deck...
Creativity: 4/10. Very basic Leafeon/Roserade deck.
Relevance to theme: 1/5. Only using two Celebi plus rarely having him pop up as a starter makes him almost unnecessary.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I don't get a few decisions. Why 3-4 Leafeon? Why two Rare Candy? Why only three Communication and two PETM? Why Cheerleader's Cheer? The inability to return Energy also hurts.
Creativity: 5/10. Vespiquen is an interesting addition, but Leafeon and Roserade in the same deck is stale.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. Celebi's only use is in the early game to powerup Roserade, and that's only to help put on Special Conditions. Later in the game you have to cycle between Celebi and the Active Pokemon, which isn't good.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. What? There's just so much going in this deck. There is no clear focus.
Creativity: 6/10. It was nice trying to use a bunch of different cards together, but they're all seen today.
Relevance to theme: 3/5. Glad you went more for a locking aspect. I would've used more disruptive cards in your deck and taken out Yanmega.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I personally would've gone for a slightly heavier Judge or Copycat line, but that's just me. I also think you're running too much Energy.
Creativity: 5/10. The most unique additions were Weavile, which isn't used so much (it has still seen play), and Jirachi (which sees play).
Relevance to theme: 3/5. You went more for a lock, but the Power usage could've used some work.
Vulpix Yolk
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. I'm loving this deck. I feel this deck could have definitely enjoyed Sunflora, but with a solid T/S/S line I think you're pretty well off.
Creativity: 9/10. Wow. I saw Roserade and thought you were going with Leafeon as well, so I was pretty shocked to see none of it. I like how this deck solely focuses on Celebi.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi's the main attacker in this deck. Aww yeah.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. Very strong Trainer line.
Creativity: 9/10. Roserade without Leafeon? Celebi without any other attacker? Yes sir.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Using Celebi as the main attacker makes me smile.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. There is a lot going on. Cut the Kingdra line a little, as well as the Magnezone. Can't always start Celebi when you run two copies of it.
Creativity: 9/10. I liked the incorporation of Kingdra a lot. It doesn't really belong with Celebi per se, but I like how you went for it anyways.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. No focus on Celebi. Chances of drawing it in the opening hand are very slim.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. The list is overteched, and running two Collector and two Dual Ball isn't consistency friendly either.
Creativity: 9/10. Roserade without Leafeon? That's nice, and seeing Kingdra, Magnezone, and Dodrio in the list was certainly a surprise.
Relevance to theme: 3/5. The use of Celebi to charge up certainly shows the relevance, but I feel as if two isn't enough.
The Yoshi
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. Beautiful. Pokemon Collector and Communication get you set up very quickly, and the Twins help you when you fall behind. I dig it.
Creativity: 10/10. When did anyone use Umbreon?
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi does a nice job in here. Can't use Trainers, no Evolved Pokemon, sweet. Great deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. Strong Trainer line, although a few Copycat would've been nice.
Creativity: 9/10. Umbreon was certainly an effective surprise.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. You strongly used Celebi's attack, and the Power could come in handy for accelerating Celebi as well.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. Love the Sunflora, love how nothing is Stage 2, it's a fast deck.
Creativity: 10/10. Tangrowth win.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi really gets Tangrowth up and running in this deck. After a few turns of charging Tangrowth up, he's a threat.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. I'd personally go for Sage's over Cheerleader's, but overall a fine support.
Creativity: 9/10. Tangrowth is certainly creative.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi is definitely vital for the deck's damage.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. No reason this can't work, despite a few weird T/S/S choices.
Creativity: 1/10. Roserade/Leafeon in its most quintessential form. Nothing special about this list.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. There's a greater focus on Roserade/Leafeon, but it's a good disrupter nonetheless. A fantastic starter in this deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I honestly don't get a few decisions. Why Ruins of Alph, when like nothing has Grass Resistance? Your Trainer line could also use a lot work.
Creativity: 3/10. It feels like your average Leafeon/Roserade with a Celebi tech.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. You're using Celebi's Power and attack very well.
Dark Void
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. Seems like this may be a bit difficult to get out. I woulda jacked up the Celebi Prime count for consistency.
Creativity: 10/10. Meganium Prime!
Relevance to theme: 3/5. You had the right idea...just shoulda used more.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. Not sure about the 2-2-2 Meganium and no Rare Candy, but seems fine otherwise.
Creativity: 10/10. Meganium Prime. 'Nuff said.
Relevance to theme: 3/5. Celebi is certainly important for the deck's damage output.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. There isn't much synergy with the Yanmega there. You can't really take advantage of Celebi's Poke-Power trying to wreak havoc with Yanmega.
Creativity: 8/10. Then again, I do enjoy the Tangrowth. Yanmega docked you a bit.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Could have went Celebi/Tangrowth like a lot of others did.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. I like the Trainer line.
Creativity: 8/10. MooMoo Milk is a very surprising addition (honestly, who runs that?)
Relevance to theme: 3/5. Tangrowth is reliant on Celebi for some strong damage.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. The extra Houndoom line can slow you down a bit, especially with all the different Pokemon you're running.
Creativity: 7/10. Basic Leafeon/Roserade, though I do find the Houndoom and Unown interesting.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. Need to use more Celebi if you want consistent Energy acceleration.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. The Houndoom line doesn't seem necessary, and could have been cut for some more draw cards.
Creativity: 5/10. It feels like your average Leafeon/Roserade deck, and while Houndoom and Unown are underplayed techs in the deck, they certainly are known.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. I only see Celebi being used a few times early game, and then none later on.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. I'm thinking that four Tropius is overkill, and that Bill should be replaced with PlusPower or even a Leafeon tech.
Creativity: 9/10. Tropius is definitely a unique selection for its Fresh-Picked Fruit attack. I like the use of Umbreon as well.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Very clear focus on Celebi, with the lockingness and the stuffs. Good work.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. Bill is bothering me, but everything else seems fine.
Creativity: 10/10. Whoa Tropius and Umbreon.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi's purpose is seen.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. Pokemon line is balanced, T/S/S line is pretty solid, I'm liking this list.
Creativity: 10/10. Sure, we see tons of Magnezone today, but solely focusing on the Energy acceleration/discarding aspect in contrary to locking is very innovative.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi is vital to get Energy on the field. Without Celebi, this deck is slow and just not good.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. Even with Magnetic Draw, 4 Pokémon Communication is necessary for consistency.
Creativity: 9/10. Magnezone is very popular, but the way you used it is interesting.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi is dead-important for damage in this deck.
Chief Zavala
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. Not so sure what the strategy is here, but I'm seeing a lot of randomness. I don't know what the focus is.
Creativity: 7/10. I like the incorporation of Jumpluff, as he rarely sees play today.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. With so many other starters like Pichu and Cleffa, Celebi may not even hit the field.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. There are a few decisions in the deck that are bothering me, which is why an explained strategy would've been nice. But overall, seems fine.
Creativity: 8/10. Jumpluff is an interesting addition.
Relevance to theme: 1/5. Aside from the attack, and I don't see why Celebi is in the deck, and it feels more like an after-thought.
For the Love of Keldeo
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. See you're going for both locking and strength with both Vileplume and Tangrowth. Sunflora really helps you out, though I would've dropped an Oddish for another Pichu.
Creativity: 10/10. Got the best of both worlds with Vileplume and Tangrowth.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi's needed to charge up Tangrowth.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I'm honestly not sure about no Communication, while yes, you are running Sunflora and Vileplume, Communication is crucial for getting the extra Pokemon, and getting Pokemon without Sunflora in play.
Creativity: 7/10. Vileplume and Tangrowth deserves some props.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi is important for damage in this deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. Houndoom slows a pretty consistent list down a bit, and the Vileplume...I'm kinda confused about.
Creativity: 7/10. Tried to bring two kinds of decks together.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. Doesn't make a significant impact on the deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. Three PONT, three Engineer's, and only 10 Energy is not a strong draw engine.
Creativity: 5/10. It feels like Leafeon/Roserade with a Vileplume tech. Nothing too special.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. It doesn't look like you'll be using Celebi much throughout the game.
This round's rules and restrictions:
- Build an Eeveelutions deck!
- You may use any card from any set only within the HGSS-NV format.
- 60-card decks.
- This round is over at 11:59 PM, December 18th, EST. Please send your lists to [mod]Serperior[/mod] and [mod]ESP[/mod] before then in order to be eligible for this round. NO LENIENCY THIS TIME.
- The six members with the lowest score will be eliminated.
- BW rules and erratas still apply.
- Build the deck as if your match will be untimed.
You can expect the results of the last round tomorrow. Those will be posted here, and then you can guys see what you need to improve on!
Your name will have a strikethrough when you have PM'd us your list. Once sent, no changes can be made to your list.
Glaceon -
Chief Zavala -
the aura is with me8 -
Dark Void -
Neocandy -
EricDLee -
Vulpix Yolk -
[member]Emolga2254[/member] - [member]pokedudez2[/member]
- [member]For the Love of Keldeo[/member]
[member]EonEye99[/member] -
[member]Justupro[/member] - [member]Mawliekid[/member]
[member]Lumos77[/member] - [member]Mareepman[/member]
[member]venasour x[/member] -
[member]The Yoshi[/member] -
[member]RaichuGirl[/member] -
[mod]Celebi23[/mod] -
iisnumber12 said:3 Yanma TM
3 Yanmega (Prime) TM
1 Roseli UL
1 Roserade UL
2 Celebi (Prime) TM
2 Jirachi UL
2 Slowpoke UD
2 Slowking HS/CL
2 Sunkern HS
2 Sunflora HS
3 Oddish UD
1 Gloom UD
2 Vileplume UD
1 Cleffa HS/CL
27 Pokemon
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Twins
4 Judge
4 Copycat
23 T/S/S
4 Psychic Energy
6 Grass
10 Energy
The Strategy of this deck is to Lock with Celebi, Vileplume and Slowking until they waste their resources trying to get out of the lock. After they are dead drawing you want to use Yanmega Prime to KO Pokemon that have low HP. After you are around 2 or 3 prize cards you can start attacking with Roserade’s Power Blow and its power to put away their heavy hitters. If this deck is against a fast deck it needs to set up Vileplume at all costs to slow them down enough to lock them. Slowking also can paralyze to disrupt them and add 30 damage to their crippled field. This is the idea of my deck and I hope you understand how it works.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. Waay too many Pokemon. Cut your lines down a bit.
Creativity: 6/10. I like the use of Slowking and Sunflora, but Yanmega and Vileplume are pretty prominent today.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi works well with the idea of a locking deck, and it's a decent tech.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. Seems like your average Trainer-lock build, but a lot of techs.
Creativity: 7/10. Slowking and how you use Roserade makes me smile.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi fits very well in this lock deck.
venasour x
venasour x said:4 Celebi Prime
4 Absol Prime
4 Mew Prime
2 Jumpluff
2 Tyrannitar Prime
1 Crobat Prime
17 Pokemon
4 Switch
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Professor Oaks Now Theory
4 Copycat
3 Reversal
2 Energy Exchanger
2 Junk Arm
1 Flower Shop Lady
28 T/S/S
4 SP. Dark
4 Darkness
5 Grass
2 Psychic
15 Energy
I didn't know if we had to have a stradegy with this, but here it is:
You hopefully start with a Celebi Prime or Mew. Then while Celebi is active use Forest Breath to put a Grass Energy on Absol Prime. Use a Switch, get a Darkness Energy on Absol and start doing 70/80 T1 while putting stuff in the LZ for Mew to use. Celebi can also be used for Energy acceleration for Jumpluff's Mass Attack. Crobat is a Sniper and Donphan counter, T-Tar is for more spread with Absol doing an auto 20, and Jumpluff is because Mew needs to hit hard, and has synergy with the Grass Energy.
Hope you like it!
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. Great idea to use Mew to throw strong Pokemon into the LZ. Getting the Energy may be slightly difficult though.
Creativity: 8/10. Loving all the Primes. Absol is barely seen today, yet, it's used in a cool and innovative fashion. Mew is seen, but Jumpluff and Tyranitar aren't!
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Without Celebi in this deck, there is no Energy acceleration. It's vital. Really makes Celebi stand out.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. Although the deck is extremely dependent on opening with Celebi for a T1 attack, the deck can still setup later. However, setting up Tyranitar could be a problem considering you need to play constant Switches and have to attach every turn.
Creativity: 9/10. Pretty much every Pokemon list, save Mew, is unique and unseen.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi is the key acceleration, so it's definitely need.
the aura is with me8
the aura is with me8 said:I have made a Leafeon varient.
4-4 Leafeon UD (main attacker) (UD Eevee)
3-2-3 Beedrill UL (seting up Leafeon/secondary attacker if needed)
4 Celebi Prime TR (starter/energy exceleration)
2-1-2 Vileplume UD (Leafeon needs Vileplume to prevent stuff such as Reversal and making it harder for my opponent to set-up)
--------------------------- 25 Pokemon.
3 Pokemon Communication HGSS (staple)
4 Rare Candy UL (staple)
2 Interviewer's Questions CoL (needed incase I have no Grass Energy in my opening hand)
3 Professor Elm's Taining Method CoL (staple)
2 Professor Oak's New Theory HGSS (staple)
1 Flower Shop Lady UD (recovery)
-------------------------------- 15 T/S/S/
7 Grass Energy CoL
3 Rescue Energy TR
---------------------------- 10 Energy.
Strategy: Use Beedrill's Paralyze Poison attack to Poison and possibly Paralyze my opponent's active Pokemon. Next turn retreat Beedrill and use Leafeon's Miasma Wind attack to do 50 or 100 damage to my opponent's active Pokemon for one energy. Vileplume is for trainer locking my opponent to delay set-up.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 0/10. You have fifty cards. Unplayable.
Creativity: 7/10. I liked where you were going with this. Beedrill was a very interesting choice indeed.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Needed Celebi in this deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 0/10. Count the deck again. Along with that, with Beedrill, you're depending on if your opponent can't Retreat, and by using Leafeon as a Special Condition placer, you're depending on your opponent remaining Asleep. In other words, an unreliable damage output.
Creativity: 7/10. It's nice to see Leafeon in a deck that doesn't have Roserade.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. I'm not seeing Celebi in this deck. Beedrill and Leafeon both need one or two Energy to attack, and attacking with Vileplume is utter suicide.
Celebi23 said:Pokemon (20):
4 Celebi Prime
2 Sunflora
2 Sunkern
2 Vespiquen
3 Combee
2 Tangrowth
2 Tangela
1 Dodrio
1 Doduo
1 Cleffa
Trainers (24):
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Twins
4 Professor Oak’s New Theory
4 Sage’s Training
4 Potion
Energy (16):
1 Psychic Energy
11 Grass Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
The goal of this deck is to make Celebi Prime invincible. The removal of all the big basics in the BW sets was great for this. Sure, Celebi is still vulnerable to a couple of basics, but we'll get to that later.
Basically, your game plan starts off with getting Vespiquen on the bench and a Celebi Prime active. Vespiquen protects your bench from snipers, while Celebi Prime attacking prevents your opponent doing big damage to the active. Celebi uses his Poke-Power to charge himself up, as well as a Tangrowth/more Celebi on the bench. Tangrowth is used as a late-game attacker to finish up against their last couple Pokemon. One of the two reasons Rainbow is used over more Psychic is to get more out of Tangrowth's first attack.
The format was a little lacking in search/drawpower after the loss of Juniper, Cheren, Tropical Beach, and N. Hence, I included a Sunflora line since the entire deck runs off of Grass types. The deck does not do a lot of damage and requires a good amount of setting up, so a high Twins count was used for set-up as well. I figured it was better than a random inclusion like Emeece's Chatter or whatever it's called, and there really wasn't anything better to add. Fortunately, the deck usually goes down a prize naturally and takes a few turns to get caught back up. Oak's, Collector, Communication, Cleffa and Sage are obvious consistency inclusions.
The Potions are used to remove three damage counters from a Celebi Prime. Most standard basics won't be doing more than 30 damage to it, so that works perfectly for keeping Celebi alive as long as possible. I opted not to include Junk Arm, since the deck does not need PlusPower, Pokegear, Pokemon Reversal, etc, and with only two trainer lines I felt like it would be dead draw most of the time. Adding it would probably cut into those trainer lines anyway.
One obvious counter to this deck is Pokemon Reversal/Pokemon Circulator. The Dodrio is used as a permanent alternative to Switch. It brings everything's retreat cost down to 0 or 1, and it's great for switching a damaged Celebi with a fresh one. It still doesn't solve the problem of leaving your active vulnerable for a turn, but it's fine with me if they want to attack with an evolved Pokemon one turn for big damage and have that Pokemon be useless for the rest of the game. It's also vulnerable to snipe, but I found that Yanmega was the only sniper capable of doing this with any consistency, but that card's basic is so weak that the deck would still win without it.
The other hard counter to this deck is basics capable of doing real damage to you, such as Hitmontop and Tauros. The deck uses an interesting built-in counter to this - Combee. The little bee is actually a great attacker, and it's capable of OHKOing pretty much every powerful basic they try to throw at you. Rainbow was included over extra Psychic for this reason as well. Tangrowth can also handle a couple big attackers late-game, so the deck really has no trouble dealing with these types of cards.
The last counter to the deck is cards like Machoke that bypass Celebi's effect, but no cards like this do enough damage to threaten me anyway.
Other than that, nothing in the format is really capable of standing up to this deck in untimed format. If they can't Reversal/Circulator around you, they can't do anything to you except try to snipe Dodrio. Most decks don't run Circulator, and Reversal is flippy and unrelaible; much less reliable than Dodrio, so odds are even in the deck's favor there.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. The maxxed out Celebi line + Sunflora guarantees a decent T2-T3 set-up.
Creativity: 10/10. Who the heck uses Tangrowth and Vespiquen anyway?
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Uses four Celebi, locks opponent, takes advantage of Poke-Power. He's a mod, folks.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. At first I was worried about sacrificing a few prizes, but Twins solves that problems, and a strong support line helps as well.
Creativity: 10/10. Use Celebi and Vespiquen to hide Tangrowth while charging it up and locking your opponent? Genius.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Utilities both Celebi's attack and Poke Power.
EricDLee said:30 Lock
4 Celebi Prime TM 92
2 Roserade UL
2 Roselia UL
2 Umbreon UD 10
2 Leafeon UD
3 Eevee UD 48
1 Cleffa HS
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Judge
2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Engineer's Adjustments
3 Twins
2 Black Belt
2 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Communication
2 PlusPower
1 Pokegear 3.0
2 Pokemon Reversal
4 Rainbow Energy
4 {P} Energy
8 {G} Energy
This deck can do a few things. As the name implies, it's a lock deck - Celebi Prime and Umbreon can use their attacks to lock out either evolved Pokemon or Pokemon with powers/bodies. (They do 30 damage, hence the name.) Since the format is HS-CL, there are almost no good Basic Pokemon, so Celebi can potentially tank through many standard decks (DonChamp, MegaZone, etc). Umbreon is useful against Gengar and any other fringe cards that get around Celebi.
If Celebi and Umbreon can't pull if off, Roserade and Leafeon come to save the day! Celebi will hopefully be powering up the Bench with {G} Energy, activating Roserade's Poke-Power and powering up its attack. Drop a Rainbow Energy on Roserade and Leafeon can pull off its trademark Miasma Wind, too.
The deck is slow to start, so Twins and Black Belt are very useful.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. A heavy T/S/S line is great for consistency, though timing the Roselia drops could be tricky when facing Yanmega Prime.
Creativity: 6/10. Roserade/Leafeon's been discussed before, though the Umbreon tech is intriguing.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi's a fantastic starter for this deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. Not sure about some of your Trainer decisions (Engineer's and two Black Belt to be exact). Having a way to return the Energy back into your hand would be nice as well, or else you're forced to constantly switch between Celebi and your Active Pokemon.
Creativity: 5/10. Umbreon makes me smile, due to the surprise factor, but seeing Leafeon and Roserade in the same deck is stale.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. You definitely utilities both Celebi's attack and Poke Power, but not to a great extent.
pokedudez2 said:so here it is..
Pokemon 21
2 Celebi prime (TR)
3-4 Leafeon (UD/CL)
2-2 Vespiqueen (UD)
3-3 Roserade (UL)
T/S/S 25
2 Twins
2 Switch
3 Communitcation
4 Collecter
2 Fisherman
2 Cheerleaders Cheer
2 Rare candy
2 Team Rocket's Trickery
Energy 14
4 Rescue {C}
6 Grass {G}
4 Psyhic {P}
Sratergy : This whole deck revoles around Leafeon. You see i use Roserade to posion and confuse the active pokemon, this make Leafeon's acttack a lot more powerful. Vespiqueen keeps Roserade safe and i use celebi as a draw engine for Roserade.
Hope you like my deck
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I don't think that Vespiquen is needed in this deck. And where's the fourth Eevee? Some weird Trainer choices in this deck...
Creativity: 4/10. Very basic Leafeon/Roserade deck.
Relevance to theme: 1/5. Only using two Celebi plus rarely having him pop up as a starter makes him almost unnecessary.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I don't get a few decisions. Why 3-4 Leafeon? Why two Rare Candy? Why only three Communication and two PETM? Why Cheerleader's Cheer? The inability to return Energy also hurts.
Creativity: 5/10. Vespiquen is an interesting addition, but Leafeon and Roserade in the same deck is stale.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. Celebi's only use is in the early game to powerup Roserade, and that's only to help put on Special Conditions. Later in the game you have to cycle between Celebi and the Active Pokemon, which isn't good.
Emolga2254 said:This is my deck for the deck building contest round 1
3 celibi prime
3-2-2 vileplume
4-3 Yanmega prime
2-2 weavile ud
2jirachi col/ul
2-2 sunflora
4 collector
2 seeker
3 rare candy
2 communication
3 judge[/size][/font]
2 copycat
2 sages
8 grass
7 physic
Use yanmega as an early attacker, lock asap with vileplume, sunflora engine, weavile to disrupt early, and use celibi when your opponent attacking with stage 1s and 2s. end game jarachi/yanmega to deevolve & take prizes
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. What? There's just so much going in this deck. There is no clear focus.
Creativity: 6/10. It was nice trying to use a bunch of different cards together, but they're all seen today.
Relevance to theme: 3/5. Glad you went more for a locking aspect. I would've used more disruptive cards in your deck and taken out Yanmega.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I personally would've gone for a slightly heavier Judge or Copycat line, but that's just me. I also think you're running too much Energy.
Creativity: 5/10. The most unique additions were Weavile, which isn't used so much (it has still seen play), and Jirachi (which sees play).
Relevance to theme: 3/5. You went more for a lock, but the Power usage could've used some work.
Vulpix Yolk
Vulpix Yolk said:Notorious
Haha, I have no idea why I bothered with that. Onto the decklist. In a HGSS-CoL format I figured that stage 1's and 2's would be dominate since few basics are playable, so I decided to look into the attacking aspect of Celebi Prime.
The List
4 Celebi Prime TM
3 Oddish UD
2 Gloom UD
3 Vileplume UD
1 Bellossom UD
3 Roselia UL
3 Roserade UL
1 Shaymin UL
1 Cleffa HGSS
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Copycat
3 Sage's Training
2 Seeker
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Psychic Energy
6 Grass Energy
Card for Card Strategy.
Celebi Prime: Celebi is the main attacker, after using Time Circle, you're opponent will not be able to deal a powerful blow to Celebi, allowing you to wall them while hitting for slow, yet consistent damage. Celebi can also be used as Energy Acceleration to itself, or something on the bench thanks to Forest Breath.
Vileplume: Vileplume is in this deck to stop your opponent from playing Pokémon Reversal to play around Celebi Prime. It also keeps your opponent from playing Switch to retreat high retreat cost Pokémon such as Donphan Prime. Vileplume can be used to attack in a pinch.
Bellossom: Bellossom is used to heal Celebi and friends from any snipe damage from Yanmega Prime, or any small amounts of damage dealt to Celebi by basics. I figured to would work well in this deck since I am already playing Oddishs and Gloom.
Roserade: Roserade is used to have another source of damage while your opponent is struggling to do anything to Celebi. With Celebi, it is very easy to attach a Psychic Energy, then you Forest Breath to attach a Grass Energy to Roserade, inflicting your opponent with Confusion and Poison. Rainbow Energy can also achieve that. One of the things Roserade is best at is countering Tyrogue, something that could be an issue for Celebi Prime. Tyrogue can potential 2HKO Celebi if they get a lucky flip on sleep; however, with Roserade and a Grass Energy, you can make the asleep Tyrogue wake up by confusing it, then one shot it with Time Circle.
Shaymin: Move Energy off of Roserade mostly, a very situation card, but useful.
I think the rest of the list is pretty self explanatory, LMK if anything is unclear, but I think this should suffice. Hope you enjoyed reading this!
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. I'm loving this deck. I feel this deck could have definitely enjoyed Sunflora, but with a solid T/S/S line I think you're pretty well off.
Creativity: 9/10. Wow. I saw Roserade and thought you were going with Leafeon as well, so I was pretty shocked to see none of it. I like how this deck solely focuses on Celebi.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi's the main attacker in this deck. Aww yeah.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. Very strong Trainer line.
Creativity: 9/10. Roserade without Leafeon? Celebi without any other attacker? Yes sir.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Using Celebi as the main attacker makes me smile.
Lumos77 said:Here's my deck
Using Roserade to Attack? Preposterous!
Pokemon: 24
2 Celebi Prime
3-3 Roserade
3-1-3 Kingdra
3-1-2 Magnezone
1 Shaymin
1-1 Dodrio
Trainers: 24
4 Rare Candy
3 Junk Arm
3 Twins
4 Communication
2 Collector
2 Dual Ball
2 Seeker
1 Interviewers Questions
1 Fisherman
Energy: 12
4 Rainbow
8 Grass
Always start with Celebi for energy acceleration to Roselia, evolving to Roserade for status and later, attacking. Kingdra is very good since this deck stalls for status, and the extra damage can be important, and Kingra can KO Donphan with a Rainbow if you have another Kindra out. Shaymin is for transfering energy from nearly KOed pokemon to fresh one, and Magnezone is for consistancy and occasional KO. Dodrio gives everything but Magnezone a free retreat.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. There is a lot going on. Cut the Kingdra line a little, as well as the Magnezone. Can't always start Celebi when you run two copies of it.
Creativity: 9/10. I liked the incorporation of Kingdra a lot. It doesn't really belong with Celebi per se, but I like how you went for it anyways.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. No focus on Celebi. Chances of drawing it in the opening hand are very slim.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. The list is overteched, and running two Collector and two Dual Ball isn't consistency friendly either.
Creativity: 9/10. Roserade without Leafeon? That's nice, and seeing Kingdra, Magnezone, and Dodrio in the list was certainly a surprise.
Relevance to theme: 3/5. The use of Celebi to charge up certainly shows the relevance, but I feel as if two isn't enough.
The Yoshi
The Yoshi said:Lost In Time
4 Celebi Prime
4 - 4 Umbreon UD
3 - 1 - 2 Vileplume UD
1 Pichu HGSS
2 Cleffa HGSS/CoL
Total Pokemon: 21
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Twins
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Seeker
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
1 Flower Shop Lady
Total I/S/S: 24
6 Grass Energy
4 Psychic Energy
4 Special Darkness Energy
2 Rescue Energy
Total Energy : 16
Strategy: Set up a complete lock deck using Celebi23Prime, Umbreon UD, and Vileplume UD. Celebi Prime gets almost complete immunity from most top contenders in the format, and Vileplume blocks Trainer cards, so your opponent cannot use Switch or Pokemon Reversal. Umbreon blocks almost all other Pokemon that hit Celebi for Weakness (or just for lots of damage). Most of the T/S/S is self-explanatory, and Pichu and Cleffa help set up the Bench or refresh the hand.
This lock deck can counter most, if not all, in the HS-CoL format, and it's only real threats are Basic Pokemon without Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies. Other than that, this deck can be extremely frustrating for an opponent to play against if played correctly.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. Beautiful. Pokemon Collector and Communication get you set up very quickly, and the Twins help you when you fall behind. I dig it.
Creativity: 10/10. When did anyone use Umbreon?
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi does a nice job in here. Can't use Trainers, no Evolved Pokemon, sweet. Great deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. Strong Trainer line, although a few Copycat would've been nice.
Creativity: 9/10. Umbreon was certainly an effective surprise.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. You strongly used Celebi's attack, and the Power could come in handy for accelerating Celebi as well.
JuStuPro said:So here is my round one Entry
Let’s Grind this man…
Pokémon (18)
> 4 Celebi Prime TM (cool right?)
> 4-3 Tangrowth CoL
> 2-2 Sunflora HGSS
> 1 Cleffa HGSS/CoL
> 2 Shaymin UL
Trainer/Supporter/Stadium (28)
> 4 Pokemon Communication
> 4 Switch
> 3 Junk Arm
> 2 Pokemon Reversal
> 4 PONT
> 3 Cheerleader’s Cheer
> 3 Pokemon Collector
> 2 Copycat
> 2 Seeker
> 1 Twins
Energy (14)
> 9 Grass Energy
> 3 DCE
> 2 Rescue Energy
The strategy is to get out Tangrowths COL with a lot of Energy to do High Damage with Grind.
Therefore you want to start with Celebi Prime and do Forest Breath to load up a Tangrowth with Grass Energies and DCE.
Card Explanations:
Celebi Prime – Your preferred Starter to load up Tangela and Tangrowth with Energy
Cleffa – Your Emergency Starter and your rescue if you have a bad hand
Tangrowth – main Attacker with Grind, but you can also use the other attack…
Tangela - Can load up itself and evolves into Tangrowth
Shaymin – To put the Energies from an highly damaged Tangrowth to a fresh one
Sunflora – searching out Grass Pokemon – means nearly every Pokemon in this deck
4 Switch – Starter with one retreat, main attacker with four retreat, this means you really could need this
Cheerleaders Cheer – Draw without putting hand into deck
Twins – if your Celebi prime gets knocked out you can use this for a better set Up
Seeker – reuse Shaymin and “heal” Tangrowths
DCE – 40 for one Energycard = NICE
Rescue Energy – This means you can have more than 3 Tangrowths at the end
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. Love the Sunflora, love how nothing is Stage 2, it's a fast deck.
Creativity: 10/10. Tangrowth win.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi really gets Tangrowth up and running in this deck. After a few turns of charging Tangrowth up, he's a threat.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 9/10. I'd personally go for Sage's over Cheerleader's, but overall a fine support.
Creativity: 9/10. Tangrowth is certainly creative.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi is definitely vital for the deck's damage.
RaichuGirl said:This started off as just a decklist, but the strategy kinda turned into an essay ^-^' Sorry.
4 celebi prime
4-4 roserade
2-2 leafeon
4 pokémon collector
3 pokémon communication
4 junk arm
1 fisherman
3 pokegear 2.0
3 pokémon reveral
1 Professor elm’s
1 burned tower
1 seeker
1 ruins of alph
2 switch
10 grass energy
6 psychic
16 energy
4 Celebi prime – Celebi prime. The main attacker of the deck. Since there aren’t many extremely overpowered basics in this format, a majority of players shall be using stage 1/2 decks. This will cause them to have to resort to their weak basics, or try to play around Celebi, which will be hard with no catcher in the format. Celebi also has built in energy acceleration, so it can set itself up in 2 turns instead of the usual three. It can also be used to accelerate benched Pokémon’s attacks.
4-4 Roserade – Secondary attacker. Has great synergy with Celebi. Celebi prime uses his power to attach an energy to Roserade, then you can attach a Psychic energy from your hand to Roserade, causing the opponents active to have both special conditions. Why not run rainbow? Well, all my attackers are quite frail, and rely on special conditions, and locking, so the extra damage could be vital to whether all my pokémon live/are KO’d. Also, the energy attached to Roserade by celebi’s power can be used to fuel its attack, and when it has 3 energy on it, it can easily KO the 60/50 HP basics that are used against Celebi. The special condition/s it inflicts also prevents the actives power/body from working. It is also possible to donk with roselia on the first turn, as on the first turn it can do up to 60 damage for 1 energy.
2-2 leafeon. – leafeon help’s improve my matchup against anything with Umbreon, and Is generally an attacker that can hit for a large amount of damage when the opponent’s active is affected by a special condition, which Roserade can easily afflict. Eevee is also quite a good starter, as it can search out Roselia/Celebi with its attack
4 collector – As the main pokémon of my deck is a basic, collector is a key card to swarming them, as well as generally helping me get set up, by letting me search for basics, so they can evolve in the near future.
3 communication – This helps me get my stage ones/basics from the deck. It has great synergy with collector, as you can search for 3 basics, the communicate them away to search for evolutions.
4 junk arm – help me reuse my trainers and throw away cards that I won’t use, like a late game collector, or that aren’t helpful in the matchup I am facing. Throwing away these unuseful cards helps me thin my deck, so I draw into cards I need with PONT.
4 PONT – Hand refresh. Helps me fill my hand with new resources.
1 fisherman and 1 burned towed – My energy recoveries. I chose to play a 1-1 split due to the different circumstance that I will use them in. One is flippy, but I can consistently use it every turn, while the other allows me to recover 4 energy and put them in my hand, which will be helpful if I need to attach 2 energy to Roserade to get a ko (attaching 1 with celebi’s power).
3 pokègear 2.0 – This helps me get my supporters, which is very helpful, as it increases my chance of getting a turn 1 collector, which is almost always necessary to get set up as fast as possible. It also just generally adds consistency, as getting a specific supporter in a turn can sometimes change the game.
3 pokémon reversal – brings up pokémon that are easy targets, or that have low HP/High retreat cost.
1 prof elm’s – assists me in grabbing my stage 1s, especially under trainer lock.
1 seeker – If a Roserade has too many energy attached, you should seeker it up into your hand. This helps recover the energy, that can now be re-attached, and heals the Roserade if it had any damage on it.
1 ruins of Alph – Due to the fact that all my pokémon have a common fire weakness, I have added ruins of alph to make sure my matchup is more even, even though there aren’t too many competitive fire types in this format. A downside of this card is that it stops me from playing burned tower – although overall this will improve the fire matchup.
2 switch. To help get my active onto the bench, or vice versa. It can also be used to swich up a Celebi to another one, so the power can be used again.
10 grass energy – Grass energy is the main energy type of the deck, duo to you being able to attach it using celebi’s power. It is also part of Rose/celebi’s necessary energy to attack. The last thing grass energy does is activate Rose’s power, causing a special condition to be inflicted on the opponents active.
6 Psy energy – Celebi requires this energy to attack. It can also be used to fuel Rose’s power.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. No reason this can't work, despite a few weird T/S/S choices.
Creativity: 1/10. Roserade/Leafeon in its most quintessential form. Nothing special about this list.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. There's a greater focus on Roserade/Leafeon, but it's a good disrupter nonetheless. A fantastic starter in this deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I honestly don't get a few decisions. Why Ruins of Alph, when like nothing has Grass Resistance? Your Trainer line could also use a lot work.
Creativity: 3/10. It feels like your average Leafeon/Roserade with a Celebi tech.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. You're using Celebi's Power and attack very well.
Dark Void
Dark Void said:Here is my decklist for the competition:
20 Pokemon
2 Cleffa GS-17
2 Celebi (Prime) TM-97
3 Tangela CL-72
3 Tangrowth CL-34
2 Chikorita GS-59
2 Bayleef CL-40
2 Meganium (Prime) GS-109
1 Chansey GS-58
1 Blissey (Prime) GS-106
1 Caterpie GS-57
1 Metapod GS-46
24 T/S/S
4 Pokemon Collector GS-97
4 Pokemon Communication GS-98
4 Sage's Training UD-77
4 Professor Oak's New Theory GS-101
4 Copycat GS-90
2 Pokegear 3.0 GS-96
2 Seeker TM-88
16 Energy
14 Grass Energy GS-115
2 Rescue Energy TM-90
Strategy: The main idea is to use Celebi Prime to quickly load large amounts of energy onto Tangrowth so that Tangrowth can deal large amounts of damage with Grind. Meganium Prime moves energy around so you won't lose as much of it when a Tangrowth is KOed and so you can use Blissey Prime to heal your Pokemon without losing any energy. Cleffa is the optimal starter for this deck to help it set up quicker and Metapod is to help against the otherwise near-autoloss to Typhlocargo and other miscellaneous fire decks. There are a large amount of draw supporters in order to quickly set up and get lots of energy into your hand. Seeker allows you to pick up a Blissey Prime so you can use its Poke-Power again. Seeker is more reliable than Super Scoop Up for this because it doesn't rely on coin flips and works against decks running Vileplume. Rescue Energy allows you to reuse Tangrowth so that you can potentially have up to 5 Tangrowth per game. As a fast deck or one with a sniper such as Yanmega will usually be able to take a prize from Celebi Prime or Cleffa, if you lose 5 Tangrowth you will probably already have lost. If not, you can use Meganium Prime to attack as a last resort, although you will almost always be getting 2HKOs with it so if you have a Tangrowth you should usually use that instead.
Also, on the round 1 page you call it Celebi Prime TR, but TR is the abbreviation for Team Rocket. The proper abbreviation for Triumphant is TM. Just letting you know!
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. Seems like this may be a bit difficult to get out. I woulda jacked up the Celebi Prime count for consistency.
Creativity: 10/10. Meganium Prime!
Relevance to theme: 3/5. You had the right idea...just shoulda used more.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. Not sure about the 2-2-2 Meganium and no Rare Candy, but seems fine otherwise.
Creativity: 10/10. Meganium Prime. 'Nuff said.
Relevance to theme: 3/5. Celebi is certainly important for the deck's damage output.
Glaceon said:3 Celebi (TR 92)
3 Tangrowth (CL 34)
3 Tangela (CL 72)
3 Yanmega (TR 98)
4 Yanma (TR 84)
16 Pokémon
3 Sage's Training (CL 85)
4 Judge (UL 78)
2 Copycat (CL 77)
3 Engineer's Adjustments (UL 75)
3 Pokemon Collector (HGSS 97)
4 Pokemon Communication (HGSS 98)
2 Super Scoop Up (UL 83)
2 Switch (HGSS 102)
2 Junk Arm (TR 87)
2 Moomoo Milk (HGSS 94)
27 T/S/S
4 Double Colorless Energy (HGSS 103)
13 Grass Energy (HGSS 115)
17 Energy
The strategy is to use either Celebi or Yanmega early game, while getting a lot of energy on Tangrowth to sweep. Celebi uses it's power for better energy acceleration (for getting energy on Tangrowth), and Yanmega is an early game attacker, and works wonders against Donphan, which would be a very popular card HS-CL. SSU and Switch are for either getting Celebi out of the active spot, or to get a Tangrowth with a lot of damage on it back to your hand (only applies with SSU). Moomoo milk is for keeping Tangrowth alive a bit longer. DCE is included because it counts as 2 energy so it adds 40 damage to Tangrowth's attack. No PP are needed because 130 is no longer the "magic number".
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. There isn't much synergy with the Yanmega there. You can't really take advantage of Celebi's Poke-Power trying to wreak havoc with Yanmega.
Creativity: 8/10. Then again, I do enjoy the Tangrowth. Yanmega docked you a bit.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Could have went Celebi/Tangrowth like a lot of others did.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. I like the Trainer line.
Creativity: 8/10. MooMoo Milk is a very surprising addition (honestly, who runs that?)
Relevance to theme: 3/5. Tangrowth is reliant on Celebi for some strong damage.
EonEye99 said:Leafrade!
Here is my rougue deck. Too bad I couldn't use Serperior... Explanation below.
Pokemon: 20
x2 Celebi Prime TM-gets out fast energy to attackers.
x1 Cleffa HS
x2-2 Roserade UL-Double special conditions.
x2-2 Houndoom Prime UD-Burns
x4-4 Leafeon UD-Main attacker
x1 Unknown RETURN-gets back Rainbows from Roserade.
x4 Pokemon Collector
x4 Pokemon Communication
x1 Energy exchanger
x2 Seeker
x2 Plus power
x1 FSL
x3 Pokemon Reversal
x3 Junk Arm
Energy: 16
x6 Grass {G}
x4 Psychic {P}
x4 Rainbow energy
x2 Rescue energy
The strategy is to quickly hit for 150 damage each turn by attatching a rainbow to Roserade, burning with Houndoom, and attacking with Roserade. It actually does 160 and potentially 180 because of the special conditions burn and poison. It's great that you can power up Leafeon with a Rescue energy, so you can swarm easier.
Thanks, and hopefully you like my deck!
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. The extra Houndoom line can slow you down a bit, especially with all the different Pokemon you're running.
Creativity: 7/10. Basic Leafeon/Roserade, though I do find the Houndoom and Unown interesting.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. Need to use more Celebi if you want consistent Energy acceleration.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. The Houndoom line doesn't seem necessary, and could have been cut for some more draw cards.
Creativity: 5/10. It feels like your average Leafeon/Roserade deck, and while Houndoom and Unown are underplayed techs in the deck, they certainly are known.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. I only see Celebi being used a few times early game, and then none later on.
NeoCandy said:Name: Total Attack Lock
Stage 1: 5
2 : Roserade, UL-23
3 : Umbreon, UD-10
Basic: 13
4 : Celebi (Prime), TM-92
4 : Tropius, UL-66
3 : Eevee, UD-48
2 : Roselia, UL-61
Trainers: 12
3 : Pokemon Communication, GS-98
4 : Pokemon Reversal, GS-99
3 : Switch, GS-102
2 : Energy Exchanger, UD-73
Supporters: 16
4 : Professor Oak's New Theory, GS-101
2 : Twins, TM-89
4 : Bill, GS-89
4 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97
2 : Copycat, CL-77
Special Energy: 6
4 : Rainbow Energy, GS-104
2 : Darkness Energy (sp), UD-79
Basic Energy: 8
4 : Grass Energy, GS-115
4 : Psychic Energy, GS-119
The goal is to use Celebi's power in order to set up a quick lock with his attack. Then use Celibi's power and Roserade's power to keep a constant status lock, boosting damage as well as adding to the lock. Umbreon is there to counter cards like Tyrogue, Gengar Prime, and Mew Prime. The Tropius helps alot with the set up.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. I'm thinking that four Tropius is overkill, and that Bill should be replaced with PlusPower or even a Leafeon tech.
Creativity: 9/10. Tropius is definitely a unique selection for its Fresh-Picked Fruit attack. I like the use of Umbreon as well.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Very clear focus on Celebi, with the lockingness and the stuffs. Good work.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. Bill is bothering me, but everything else seems fine.
Creativity: 10/10. Whoa Tropius and Umbreon.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi's purpose is seen.
SerperiorMareepman said:CARDS
3 Celebi Prime TM
2 Doduo UD
2 Dodrio UD
3 Magnemite TM
2 Magneton TM
3 Magnezone Prime TM
2 Combee UD
2 Vespiquen UD
1 Manaphy UL
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Switch
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
2 Judge
2 Twins
2 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Junk Arm
1 Pokemon Reversal
5 Lightning
12 Grass
This deck's strategy is to get out 2 Celebis, a Magnezone, and a Dodrio ASAP. You use Dodrio's Poke-Body and Switch to retreat between the Celebis and Magnezone in order to get 2 to 3 energies a turn on your pokemon. Then you can move Magnezone up to Lost Burn the energies. Vespiquen is included to protect your hard working Celebis from getting damage while waiting behind Magnezone on the bench. If something gets KOed before you have a Magnezone up, then you have Twins to recover.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 10/10. Pokemon line is balanced, T/S/S line is pretty solid, I'm liking this list.
Creativity: 10/10. Sure, we see tons of Magnezone today, but solely focusing on the Energy acceleration/discarding aspect in contrary to locking is very innovative.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi is vital to get Energy on the field. Without Celebi, this deck is slow and just not good.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. Even with Magnetic Draw, 4 Pokémon Communication is necessary for consistency.
Creativity: 9/10. Magnezone is very popular, but the way you used it is interesting.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi is dead-important for damage in this deck.
Chief Zavala
Chief Zavala said:2x Celebi Prime
3x Yanma
3x Yanmega Prime
3x Jumpluff
2x Skiploom
3x Hoppip
2x Pichu
1x Jirachi
1x Cleffa
1x Shaymin
4x Twins
4x Judge
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Pokemon Communication
3x Sages Training
3x Professor Oak's New Theory
3x Rare Candy
4x Pokemon Reversal
1x Switch
4x Psychic Energy
7x Grass Energy
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. Not so sure what the strategy is here, but I'm seeing a lot of randomness. I don't know what the focus is.
Creativity: 7/10. I like the incorporation of Jumpluff, as he rarely sees play today.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. With so many other starters like Pichu and Cleffa, Celebi may not even hit the field.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 7/10. There are a few decisions in the deck that are bothering me, which is why an explained strategy would've been nice. But overall, seems fine.
Creativity: 8/10. Jumpluff is an interesting addition.
Relevance to theme: 1/5. Aside from the attack, and I don't see why Celebi is in the deck, and it feels more like an after-thought.
For the Love of Keldeo
For the Love of Keldeo said:Here's my list! At first I was going for a lock-their-evolution thing, and then I realized Celebi helped against evolved pokemon. :{
Tangrowth Grind Deck
Pokemon - 25
3-1-2 Vileplume
3 Celebi Prime
2-2 Sunflora
1-1 Metapod
4-4 Tangrowth CL
1 Cleffa
1 Pichu
T/S/S - 20
4 Sage's Training
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Judge
2 Rare Candy
4 Twins
1 Interviewers Questions
Energy - 15
8 Grass
4 Rescue
3 Rainbow
Consistency/Effectiveness: 8/10. See you're going for both locking and strength with both Vileplume and Tangrowth. Sunflora really helps you out, though I would've dropped an Oddish for another Pichu.
Creativity: 10/10. Got the best of both worlds with Vileplume and Tangrowth.
Relevance to theme: 5/5. Celebi's needed to charge up Tangrowth.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. I'm honestly not sure about no Communication, while yes, you are running Sunflora and Vileplume, Communication is crucial for getting the extra Pokemon, and getting Pokemon without Sunflora in play.
Creativity: 7/10. Vileplume and Tangrowth deserves some props.
Relevance to theme: 4/5. Celebi is important for damage in this deck.
mawliekid said:2 Celebi Prime
3-3 Roserade
3-3 Leafeon
2-2 Houndoom prime
3-1-3 Vileplume
Total 25
3 Collector
3 Commuicator
3 Rare Candy
3 Oak
3 Elm
2 IQ
3 Seeker
3 Engineer's Adjustments
Total 25
5 Grass
5 Psychic
Basic strategy of a Status Lock Deck. use Roserade and Houndoom to inflict Statuses, and Leafeon to deal damage. Celebi works as an amazing tech in this deck. Send it active when you cant KO something with Leafeon, and use the acceleration to set itself up, or attach to Roserade to add statuses while stalling
thank you, and sorry about the misunderstanding with the due date
Consistency/Effectiveness: 6/10. Houndoom slows a pretty consistent list down a bit, and the Vileplume...I'm kinda confused about.
Creativity: 7/10. Tried to bring two kinds of decks together.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. Doesn't make a significant impact on the deck.
Consistency/Effectiveness: 5/10. Three PONT, three Engineer's, and only 10 Energy is not a strong draw engine.
Creativity: 5/10. It feels like Leafeon/Roserade with a Vileplume tech. Nothing too special.
Relevance to theme: 2/5. It doesn't look like you'll be using Celebi much throughout the game.