Sets being rotated

Yeah, back when it was looking like DS was going to get rotated, everyone was freaking out that we were going to lose the Holon Engine. But we've moved on, and adapted to use the new trainers and Pokemon. Theres no reason to be trying to figure it out now. Theres almost a year untill rotation, if they rotate Claydol or anything else we "need" we will figure out something else.
Gowk said:
^Have they ever done that and only used one set for a single card? don't know how to explain it correctly, but it is unlikely a card like Rare candy could only be obtainable through pop packs, something you cant buy.

yes, but if you have older rare candy's you ncan use those as rare candy is reprinted, so it doesn't matter what set it was in, it only matters if it is in a modified set
Kronar said:
Yeah, back when it was looking like DS was going to get rotated, everyone was freaking out that we were going to lose the Holon Engine. But we've moved on, and adapted to use the new trainers and Pokemon. Theres no reason to be trying to figure it out now. Theres almost a year untill rotation, if they rotate Claydol or anything else we "need" we will figure out something else.
To be honest, I think we're already making do without it, knowing that Raichu has scared off about half of them.
Zyflair said:
Kronar said:
Yeah, back when it was looking like DS was going to get rotated, everyone was freaking out that we were going to lose the Holon Engine. But we've moved on, and adapted to use the new trainers and Pokemon. Theres no reason to be trying to figure it out now. Theres almost a year untill rotation, if they rotate Claydol or anything else we "need" we will figure out something else.
To be honest, I think we're already making do without it, knowing that Raichu has scared off about half of them.

Yeah, but I meant in general, I didn't just mean Claydol. I meant anything that it popular for setup or popular to use. But Raichu also isn't popular in alot of areas, I've seen a few, but the people playing it have said that they don't like it. I guess how much Claydols usage has gone down depends on what's played in your area.
That's true, but I'm sure that unless the format slows down in speed, Claydol won't be major by the Spring BRs of 2009. That really shows how fast we complain, then adapt to something new introduced in the format.
I think losing Bebe's Search is a much bigger worry than losing Claydol. Bye-Bye Pokemon search. (Save for 1 Luxury Ball.) I hope it will be reprinted in the next three sets.

Anyway, on topic, we will not find out until Juneish. Besides, it is way too early to worry about that. We've only gotten two of four sets for the season.

For sets SF-on, there is a 99.99% chance of them staying in format. That's all that we can truly say as of yet.