Writing Seven Days of Terror

RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

It won't be Shelly. That would make this part of the story far too short. something PMJ is not capable to doing.
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

So how would Ash, despite being fairly strong for his age, twist and break the neck of a Luxray? A Luxray which would surely be larger than average, and very muscular.
LOVING the story, read it all tonight. I've gotta get up in just over 2 hours!

If Weavile dies almost straight away it would be hilarious.

"Go for it, Weavile!", Ash screamed, before throwing himself into the fray, eager for Shelley's blood to cover the knife he had in a white knuckled grip. Suddenly, Mamoswine ran at Brock, accidently stamping on Weavile's head on the way. It also happened to stand on May's, Tracey's, Volbeat's, Shelley's, and Mr Mime's head. In that order. Brock threw his knife at Mamoswine, but missed completely, and got Magnezone in the eye, subsequently killing Magnezone. Mamoswine slipped because his hooves(?) were covered in blood, and fell over, crushing Brock up to his chest. Mamoswine died of starvation, while Brock ate Mamoswine as he waited for the last 3 days to come and go. The helicopter arrived, and obliviously landed on Brock's head. Upside down. And exploded.
Ash was suddenly remembered by the writer, and went back inside to write a letter home. To put in the letterbox.. at is house. He got a papercut, and was infected by the lead (he likes writing with pencils). Then he swam home, his finger swollen to the shape and size of an office chair.

Ahhhh, I should re-write this entire thing. XD

But yeah, this is amazing, I really enjoy reading it, just wish I'd started later so I could read it all at once.
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

chazmander said:
So how would Ash, despite being fairly strong for his age, twist and break the neck of a Luxray? A Luxray which would surely be larger than average, and very muscular.
LOVING the story, read it all tonight. I've gotta get up in just over 2 hours!

If Weavile dies almost straight away it would be hilarious.

"Go for it, Weavile!", Ash screamed, before throwing himself into the fray, eager for Shelley's blood to cover the knife he had in a white knuckled grip. Suddenly, Mamoswine ran at Brock, accidently stamping on Weavile's head on the way. It also happened to stand on May's, Tracey's, Volbeat's, Shelley's, and Mr Mime's head. In that order. Brock threw his knife at Mamoswine, but missed completely, and got Magnezone in the eye, subsequently killing Magnezone. Mamoswine slipped because his hooves(?) were covered in blood, and fell over, crushing Brock up to his chest. Mamoswine died of starvation, while Brock eat Mamoswine as he waited for the last 3 days to come and go. The helicopter arrived, and obliviously landed on Brock's head. Upside down. And exploded.

Ahhhh, I should re-write this entire thing. XD

But yeah, this is amazing, I really enjoy reading it, just wish I'd started later so I could read it all at once.

xDDD Oh my gosh, that would be awful, though obviously very funny.
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)


Nice. Sounds like something straight out of Talnem.

To answer your question: very carefully.

/me nods
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

I think... yes, this is how the battle is going to go.

"Ash sent out Weavile!
Shelly sent out Mamoswine and Magnezone!

Turn one

Weavile used Brickbreak!
Critical hit!
Magnezone fainted!
Mamoswine used StoneEdge!
The attack missed!
Shelly: Haxxxxxxxx
Ash: lolollolol
Shelly sent out Mr Mime!

Turn two

Weavile used Brickbreak!
Mamoswine lost 68% of its health
Mamoswine used stone edge!
The attack missed!
Mr Mime used barrier!
Shelly: wdfewasrfersgvfsg
Shelly: you are seriously getting too lucky
Ash: i know lol

Turn three

Weavile used NightSlash!
Mamoswine fainted!
Mr Mime used batonpass!
Shelly switched to Volbeat!
Shelly sent out Mr Mime!
Ash: oh no that volbeat is beefed up

Turn four

Weavile used Nightslash!
Mr Mime fainted!
Volbeat used bugbuzz!
Weavile hung on with its focussash!
Shelly: i hate you
Shelly: thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much
Ash: not my fault you are weavile weak
Ash: who the hell uses volbeat anyway
Ash: volbeat is rubbish
Ash: get a yanmega or something
Shelly: says the idiot who uses a freaking pikachu

Turn five

Weavile used aerial ace!
Critical hit!
Volbeat fainted!
Ash wins!
Shelly: OMG
Shelly: OMFG
Shelly: who the HELL uses aerial ace on weavile!?
Shelly: qdacewsrff
Shelly: ewffegrhh
Shelly: wfthyjtyjtyjtjt
Ash: hahahahaha
*Ash has left the room
Shelly: you SUCK you idiot
Shelly: oh he left
Shelly: i hate it when they leave just as i am about to insult them
Shelly: oh well at least nobody is reading this
*Shelly has left the room"
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

/me changes chapter 11 entirely because bacon spoiled it for everyone
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

I think brock will be the only survivor because no-one else notices him, so they would never think of him D:
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

scampy said:
I think... yes, this is how the battle is going to go.

"Ash sent out Weavile!
Shelly sent out Mamoswine and Magnezone!

Turn one

Weavile used Brickbreak!
Critical hit!
Magnezone fainted!
Mamoswine used StoneEdge!
The attack missed!
Shelly: Haxxxxxxxx
Ash: lolollolol
Shelly sent out Mr Mime!

Turn two

Weavile used Brickbreak!
Mamoswine lost 68% of its health
Mamoswine used stone edge!
The attack missed!
Mr Mime used barrier!
Shelly: wdfewasrfersgvfsg
Shelly: you are seriously getting too lucky
Ash: I know lol

Turn three

Weavile used NightSlash!
Mamoswine fainted!
Mr Mime used batonpass!
Shelly switched to Volbeat!
Shelly sent out Mr Mime!
Ash: oh no that volbeat is beefed up

Turn four

Weavile used Nightslash!
Mr Mime fainted!
Volbeat used bugbuzz!
Weavile hung on with its focussash!
Shelly: I hate you
Shelly: thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much
Ash: not my fault you are weavile weak
Ash: who the heck uses volbeat anyway
Ash: volbeat is rubbish
Ash: get a yanmega or something
Shelly: says the idiot who uses a freaking pikachu

Turn five

Weavile used aerial ace!
Critical hit!
Volbeat fainted!
Ash wins!
Shelly: OMG
Shelly: OMFG
Shelly: who the heck uses aerial ace on weavile!?
Shelly: qdacewsrff
Shelly: ewffegrhh
Shelly: wfthyjtyjtyjtjt
Ash: hahahahaha
*Ash has left the room
Shelly: you SUCK you idiot
Shelly: oh he left
Shelly: I hate it when they leave just as I am about to insult them
Shelly: oh well at least nobody is reading this
*Shelly has left the room"

RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

Scampy's idea would be the best chapter ever! You should steal his idea, PMJ. :)
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

Chapter 10.5: THE LOST CHAPTER :O
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

Okay, so I don't think chapter 11 is going to be as long as chapter 10 was. It's about 3,200 words so far and the fighting is almost over. That doesn't mean the chapter's almost finished, but it's not going to be as long as I envisioned at the start.

But hey, that's good news for you guys, right?

edit Someone else just died! Things are moving along quite nicely... a bit over 5000 words at this point.
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

And the bodies just keep piling up. Whopee, yay!!! Your fanfic is really well written, PMJ, with great word choices and an interesting plot line. I'm waiting excitedly for the next instalment. My only question is if there will be enough people alive to do something about all of those bodies? No wait, scratch that. Will there be anyone left alive at all?
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

Of course there wi Are you nu Maybe. :3

The only ones who weren't buried were Max (he kinda... couldn't be) and Luxray. For fear out of accidentally letting slip the identities of those who die in chapter 11, I'll not name the names of the ones that were buried (cause I almost did). :x

At any rate, I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far. Tell your friends! ^_^
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

Well no wonder no one's been posting, this thread's dead! >:O

/me casts Resurrection

Status report:

Not a whole lot has changed since then, but I will say this: I brought someone back to life.

Obviously, I can't note any details, but yeah. Someone was dead, but they're not anymore. Make of that what you will. ^_^

I know this is not much of a timeline, but chapter 11 will be done, at the very latest, by month's end, and just so I got all my bases covered, that's not a joke.

Hopefully it won't take me like three weeks to get done with chapter 11, but I want to finish this story. I impose this limit so there's not another six-month gap between chapters, lol.

This is normally the part where I say "here's a little excerpt to keep you interested," but I honestly can't find anything that won't spoil something about the chapter. So, to make up for it... here's a bunch of random sentences that don't make any sense out of context (but are still from chapter 11, subject to change), in no particular order:

"Weavile fen!"

"That's... that's a lie..." he said aloud.

Surely that had to count for something.

"Be careful, it's a trap!"

Even the most level-headed of people has that point where the stress is just too much to handle; logic and reason take a back seat to insanity-filled rage.

Maybe he'd wear himself out?

I couldn't lose.

Be strong.

I'm actually trembling right now.

Now then. What next?

Weavile would not be able to see his plan's success.

RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

You brought someone back to life?! Wow, I can't wait for the next chapter!
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

PMJ said:

Weavile would not be able to see his plan's success.

I think this counts as a spoiler. :p Goodbye Weavile, we hardly knew ye. (Or however that phrase goes.)
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

Hmm, the sentences are random, and therefore useless and impervious to speculation! The bringing back of a character is cool though, I'm rooting for Misty. If Max comes back, I'll have to shoot something. I'm glad the story is finally coming to a close, it's been too long already. x_x

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)

If Max DOES come back, shoot him, d master.

Can't wait to see the ressurection. Should be interesting. I hope more chapters ccome out quickly, the slowness of production is starting to get a teensy bit on my already shot nerves. (LOL)
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I doubt that Max could come back. He was shattered to pieces wasn't he? :p

Meh.. I think it will be Jessie.
Well, at least I hope it will. I like her as a character. =]