I imagine here a crazy deck concept.
Concept of the deck is to play this Excadrill, and try to get your whole deck into the discard pile, never having more than a few cards in it. Play Pal Pad, and IIRC there's a more recent trainer that lets you put item cards into your deck (this might be a supporter, I don't recall). Play those plus Brock's Grit and you can pretty much determine what your next turn's draw will be, or at least close to it, constantly sticking around 0 cards. Maybe include Oranguru also, alternate attacking with Resource Management and Excadrill. Would make the deck _super_ consistent once you got down to few cards in deck, obviously that would take probably too much time for this deck to really be all that good but... maybe with some stall concepts it would be playable? Stall plus ability to KO Pikarom and Dark box decks?