Several 'Dream League' Cards Revealed, Including Special Full Arts!

NEW JUST IN! Will found dead in a ditch. Officer Jenny tells news outlets, "We are working tirelessly to find out who could have done such a thing and bring them to Justice." We interviewed locals to get their opinions about what happened and the results might shock you.

Random person A " <Bad word here> that guy. He had it coming."
Random Person B " Some nerve that guy had trying to change things. Serves him right."
Random Person C " I think it was a little harsh but, he did deserve it."

We will continue to report on this as it develops.
Xatu + Will + Giratina?

Kind of clunky but if you Xatu someone's active then gust like a Dedenne GX to the active, you can bench Giratina from discard to finish them off, and then get a KO on Dedenne GX for a ton of prizes, assuming Xatu's target was a Tag Team GX.

Great Catcher will be out with these cards so it's not like this is particularly hard to pull off.

EDIT: Would Will apply to Whimsicott GX's ability too? Will doesn't specify that the coin flip must happen immediately after playing the card, nor does it say it must be on your turn. It just says the first time after playing the card, and only for you.

Furthermore, since it says "The first time," that means if I play will on T1 and my opponent doesn't attack a Whimsicott until Turn 4, can I activate Will at that time? It would be the first time a coin flip scenario comes into play since playing the card, so I assume you can just "bank" a Will and hold onto it.

You wouldn’t need Giratina or do any of the gusting you mentioned. You would just pair this with shrine of punishment so that when you drop a gx to 10 HP, they will get knocked out immediately after.

Also no, this does not work with Whimsicotts ability because it specifically states that Will only works during this turn. Once you end your turn, the effects of Will are gone.
That Xatu-Will-Shrine combo is messed up. Easy kills on GXes.
It easily KO's TT GXs. 270 Hp = poof

Anything that OHKOs Reshizard and PikaRom is playable.

I would play this in shrine decks to replace Garbodor, who was a late game big hitter. Xatu hits hard at any time, but needs a little help (Will+Shrine). Those conditions are better than Garb since I control the conditions, whereas with Garbodor, your opponent controls Garb's damage output and can avoid playing items to limit Garb. The two energy requirement is Xatu's biggest weakness.
These two are TTGX slayers. I wouldn't be too worrried about not playing your supporter for the turn. We have alot of amazing draw support Pokemon. We have that new Sylvally GX that'll draw us 5. We have dedenne that'll let us draw more. Problem though, this will have an extremely tough time against non-gx decks, specifically looking at the best non-gx deck Giratina. So probably can't be it's own archetype
You wouldn’t need Giratina or do any of the gusting you mentioned. You would just pair this with shrine of punishment so that when you drop a gx to 10 HP, they will get knocked out immediately after.

Also no, this does not work with Whimsicotts ability because it specifically states that Will only works during this turn. Once you end your turn, the effects of Will are gone.

I guess I need to learn how to read. I read the effect about 10 times and still didn't see it, lol.

Good idea with Shrine of Punishment, too. I forget that stadium exists a lot.
Would Will apply to Whimsicott GX's ability too? Will doesn't specify that the coin flip must happen immediately after playing the card, nor does it say it must be on your turn. It just says the first time after playing the card, and only for you.

After playing this card, the first time you flip a coin for the effect of a Trainer card, an Ability, or an attack during this turn, you may choose to make the result heads or tails.

Based on the card text you need to use the effect the turn that Will has been used. The effect cannot be banked. When not used it simply fizzles.
uses will to make effect tails

whenever i see these nerfed draw4 cards i always think "why cant they just print a normal 'Draw 4 cards' supporter" . i just realized how expanded and deeper has many "4 cards inX's hand" mechanics. see will prob never get a basic draw 4. not that its that major it just is something i noticed and am bummed about
Way to outclass that promo lol. I was going to buy 4 of those checklane blisters for a playset of Nuzzle Pikachus, but then the supplier never got them in stock so the order was cancelled. Blessing in disguise lol. It's very nice to see Nuzzle Pikachu with 70HP. Love that Raichu has Nuzzle too and is essentially a 1 prize version of the GX.
Way to outclass that promo lol. I was going to buy 4 of those checklane blisters for a playset of Nuzzle Pikachus, but then the supplier never got them in stock so the order was cancelled. Blessing in disguise lol. It's very nice to see Nuzzle Pikachu with 70HP. Love that Raichu has Nuzzle too and is essentially a 1 prize version of the GX.
Just still use the promo one, because Prof. Elm is a thing.
  • Raichu - better than the GX. 4 Geodudes
Do we know what cards come before Pikachu or Raichu in this set? Because I'm ecstatic over the mere thought of Pichu GX now
omggg my favorite Johto E4 member finally gets a new Trainer card <3 Really hoping to see a CHR of Xatu with him in it
With Emolga and Pachirius Raichu could be a viable non-GX deck after rotation since Emolga and Pokémon Communication can be used in tandem to search for the entire Pokémon line in this deck.