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Seviper, a nasty deck


Aspiring Trainer
Seviper is probably one of the most powerful basics I can think of.(other than SP). It shoots 80 damage if poisoned. Let me tell you how to run a seviper deck.

Seviper x4
Skuntank G x2
Crobat G x2
Unown R x2
Uxie LA x2
Azelf x1
Uxie x2
Unonw Q x2
Bebe's Search x4
Luxury Ball x2
Miasma Valley x4
Snowpoint Temple x2
Expert Belt x2
Team Rocket's Trickery x1
Poke Drawer + x4
Pokemon Communication x2
Pokemon Contest Hall x2
Twins x2
Pokemon Rescue x2
Galactic HQ x2
Psychic energy x12

So basically you have to get seviper out as fast as possible. It's good to have Crobat G to retreat if you don't have seviper in the beginning. Always remember to Retire using unown R to draw an additional card. Once you have a stadium in your hand use Skuntank G's poison structure to poison Seviper and the defending pokemon. Then hit with Poison Effect for one psychic and one colorless for 80 damage to surprise your opponent with this basic's strength.
When Seviper dies you have one of two options. Bring up Maternal Comfort Nidoqueen and hit your opponent with Mega Punch for 40 damage with only one psychic energy. You may also use pokemon rescue to save seviper and power it up again. The possibilities of this deck are endless
Weaknesses: This deck is bad against Machamp because Seviper is a basic and it's main attacker. As any non-SP deck is, this deck is also weak against decks like Luxchomp, Dialgachomp etc. This is a fun deck so I wouldn't recommend you put it in a tournament, but if you're really confident you can!
Message me any variations of this deck or if you have advice. Thank you for reading!
Why do you have Venemoth? I know Skuntank doesn't work against SP, but let's face it, if you're against an SP deck, you're not going to win by getting Seviper poisoned every other turn...
As for Nidoqueen... why? If you're using it for its attack, why not just use Jumpluff instead? Or Gengar SF?
You're going to have to format this deck better as outlined in the sticky: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=92842 or this will be locked. This includes putting the Sets by the Pokemon and separating the Pokemon, T/S/ST, and Energy.

dmaster out.