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Shadow's trades.

RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

Would you do it for these three:Gengar (stamped with Gym Challenge),Wartortil (stamped with State Championship) and Ivysaur (prerelease)?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

Well the thing is, I have 4 Luxray GL already. I need 2 Luxray Gl Lv X.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

Okay then could you check my list for those three.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

Do you have any unlisted Blaziken FB, I'm willing to trade a lot for them. So cml if you have any(possiby two x's for set of 3)
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

I'll do that deal thing.

Flygon Lv.X
Blaze FB Lv.X

Luxray GL Lv.X

RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

Mudkip: Really? Sweeeet. Hold off though until sun.
Sat is another BR tourny and I will try and get it there....But If not, I WILL say yes.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

hey i live in the US. I really want japanese shiny swablu. I can send u my complete trade list. Please PM me cuz its too much for me to check individual threads on here.

japanese shiny swablu
xxx bubble coats

dragon- 19 holo R salamance
dragon- 19 R non-holo salamance
lots more cards, toys, coins, badges
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

eevee said:
Would you do it for these three:Gengar (stamped with Gym Challenge),Wartortil (stamped with State Championship) and Ivysaur (prerelease)?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

eevee: I will pass. I dont need a regular Luxray Gl.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

Could you check my list for them,please?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

eevee said:
Could you check my list for them,please?

Nothing seen. Unless you have an Uxie on hand.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Blaze FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for your Luxray GL Lv X.

Mudkip: I was able to obtain a Luxray X yesterday. Sorry.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Lots of Wants. I may buy as last resort.

I have a Mewtwo Lv.X Promo. I am interested in your Garchomp C Lv.X.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Lots of Wants. I may buy as last resort.

Mmmm.....Its tempting. I know i posted that as one of my wants....but.... Do you have any of my Deck wants?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Lots of Wants. I may buy as last resort.

I have Weedles. Which do you need, GE or RR?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Lots of Wants. I may buy as last resort.

I may have those I will check when I get home.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Lots of Wants. I may buy as last resort.

i'm interested in your 2 gengar from stormfront, i have 4 poketurn and 1 is reverse holo, i also have a Bebe's search from mysterious treasures.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! My: Lots of Wants. I may buy as last resort.

OK. It seems I have two Weedle RR. Would you do the Mewtwo X and the 2 weedle RR for the Garchomp C Lv.X?