Pokemon Share your Pokemon facts! :P


Aspiring Trainer
Well this thread is for facts about pokemon that you would like yo share :p
here is mine XD

i had this on my mind for a long time and i noticed that the starters always have a certain form

There are pokemon that walk on all fours(usually grass):

There are ones that walk on only back legs:

And there are ones that walk on both:
Ash Ketchum has never caught a Steel, Psychic or Ghost Type Pokémon in the Anime though he did use a Haunter in EP023; The Tower of Terror and EP024; Haunter versus Kadabra but he never officially caught it so it doesn't count.

Groudon is the heaviest Pokémon weighing at 2094.4 lbs or 950.0 kg.

Wailord is the largest Pokémon with a height of 47'07'' or 14.5 m.

In the Super Smash Bros. series the Pokémon series has the most amount of playable characters with the amount of six which are Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Mewtwo, Pokémon Trainer and Lucario.

The Pokémon mini is the smallest cartridge-based system Nintendo have ever produced.
Shellos was originally meant to be put in R/S/E but for some reason was instead put in D/P/Pt instead.

Hilda/Hilbert were originally meant to be battleable in the PWT but never were; they had lines and everything.
Gen I has an insane amount of glitches which include glitch Pokemon (such as the infamous Missingno.), changing the location of wild Pokemon (such as being able to catch Safari Zone Pokemon in Cinnabar) and the Mew glitch, which allows you to catch a Lv.7 Mew.
Gen II, III and IV allow the player to clone Pokemon without the use of a cheating device.
Unova is based on NYC, with Castelia imitating downtown.
The other regions are based on areas of Japan.
Rayquaza is the only 680 BST legendary that doesn't learn a signature move.
Each generation has a cute event-only legendary with 100 on every stat.
ryter78 said:
Favorite one is that ditto is a failed clone of mew in the process of making mewtwo.

Fan-made theories are NOT facts. Repeat that sentence fifty times.
Ken Sugimori designed all 151 Pokémon plus a lot of 2nd Gen. That would explain the style behind the nostalgic 1st and 2nd Gens.
Anyways, here's some Pokémon etymology.
Mareep is an amalgam for Ampere, the electrical unit.
The 'pharos' in Ampharos comes from the name of a lighthouse in Egypt.
Deino, Zweilous, and Hydreigon contain the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in their names... in German.
The 'lee' part of Hitmonlee comes from the last name of Bruce Lee, a martial arts actor.
The 'chan' part of Hitmonchan comes from Jackie Chan this time.
Re: RE: Share your Pokemon facts! :p

ChillBill said:
Gen I has an insane amount of glitches which include glitch Pokemon (such as the infamous Missingno.), changing the location of wild Pokemon (such as being able to catch Safari Zone Pokemon in Cinnabar) and the Mew glitch, which allows you to catch a Lv.7 Mew.

Actually, you can use Growl on the Slowpoke 6 times, and it will be level one with a negative amount of EXP. If it gets less than 51, it will instantly level to 100.

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Does that actually say "Sylveon is a Pokemon."?

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I did. I just want to know if I am intoxicated in some way.

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Bulbapedia said:
Azurill is currently the only Pokémon which does not evolve based on gender whose gender ratio does not match that of its evolved forms, being female 75% of the time while Marill and Azumarill are female only 50% of the time. Due to this, one of every three female Azurill evolve into a male Marill (whether or not this will happen is determined by the hidden personality value). It is unknown if this is an error in programming or if it was intentional to reference real-world animals that change gender under specific conditions.

Thats because they don't know where to put it in the National Dex or regional yet.
I got one (Not confirmed, but resembles)

Yleltal: http://img.vooks.net/2013/01/Yveltal-Official-Art_300dpi.jpg

Falzar(Megaman battle network 6):http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_WQheqI9LV_s/TQ-x4aroEyI/AAAAAAAAAk8/DoDUZ_12YVs/s1600/mmbn6_booklet_falzar_copy.png

Ok, not that much of resemblance, but has similarities.

EDIT: Mods, that megaman one went COMPLETELY wrong.http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_WQheqI9LV_s/TQ-x4aroEyI/AAAAAAAAAk8/DoDUZ_12YVs/s1600/mmbn6_booklet_falzar_copy.png