
Aspiring Trainer
Hey wats up people?

what do you guys think about people palying with borrowed decks.?

i hate it.... speacially when they beat somebody and then talk alot of cr@p.....

i understand some people that borrow cards because of theire income or because they just dont want to spend for the cards...

but were i play they go to battle roads and cities with other peoples cards/decks...
I sometimes borrow cards cuz I can't get them in time. No harm done. The deck is still my creation.

If someone however takes a deck and wins with it, while it belongs to someone else, then I do frown upon it. Granted, the player knows how to use it, but dont let him start crap about how he designed it or anything like that.
I think it ok as long as you have the person's permission. I personally would not lend my own cards because I get really paranoid they might accidently damage them.
I do sometimes borrow cards from my friends.

I'd say that it's alright if you ask permission and don't damage it and return it.
For a Cities (last year) I borrowed my bro's Gatreggs deck and won, but I did help him make it, so I think it is OK.
well yeah it annoys me too but some people who borrow those decks may be new to the game or can't get the cards he needs ,and i jsut borrowed a few cards last saturday for a city and i didn't win , so no harm done and i think that's the end of this thread at last soem ones disagrees with me then bring it!
In my case i borrow DRE they are like gold no want want to change it but they can give it to you in tourney so i think that is fair
If I borrow any cards (Which I haven't yet) and I win any packs i give 1 away (If i'm 1st or Second anyway). It's balanced out IMHO. If your annoyed by it then don't do it or just don't lend them, simple.
OK. My thing is that I would NEVER borrow cards unless I ABSOLUTELY need them. I don't want the responsibility of replacing cards that I damage if I do. Borrowing whole decks is something to shake a Shinx at, because it lacks creativity and is just stupid.
Ok, My friend and I basically own all of each other's cards. We share cards and I'm not sure what cards are mine and what are his. However, my deck is of my own creation, it was my building so I don't see any harm in it.
There is really nothing wrong with it. I mean, are you also against buying single cards then?
good point^ but atleast you paid for it.... wehter you work or however you get the money.... it cost you.....

and i have no problem with sharing with your bro or nothing like that....
right sharing cards are ok , but borrowing decks are a big huge no no . so i tihnk that's the end of this thread
A no no? Yeah. It's like having Burger King steal McDonald's Big Mac. DK kinda copied it with the Whopper, but the Big Mac is still Mickey D's creation.
dude.... i think we got that , it was more about people just borrowing whole decks and talking crud....
i hate borrowing cards....i think its okay if you have friends that paly, but if you play alone....that can really suck.....i hate borrowing card to my friends too....they dont treat them well....i think they doesnt have to pay for them so.....