Shaymin Lv.X's Poke-Body

What Poke-Body name do you like better?

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Aspiring Trainer
Come on!!! Why can't they keep JPN Pokemon Body names?
I went to and and saw that thay changed the name from Sense of Gratitude to Thankfulness!!! ><
Just watch the advertisement for Platinum on the front page.

But, yeah. Thankfulness? What were they on when they were coming up with names for this stuff?
I think its kind of funny. thankfulness, who even says that. And what is Shaymin so thankful about anyways? That other Pokemon are doing its dirty work?
ChaosKnuckles said:
I think its kind of funny. thankfulness, who even says that. And what is Shaymin so thankful about anyways? That other Pokemon are doing its dirty work?

Bulbapedia said:
Shaymin seems to appear only when someone gives thanks for a significant blessing in their life. A girl in Floaroma Town states that the flowers the town is famous for appeared after someone gave thanks for nature's blessings. With Oak's Letter Shaymin will lead the player to Flower Paradise after they give thanks for their Pokémon journey at the white rock on Route 224.

Platinum said:
The flowers all over its body burst into bloom if it is lovingly hugged and senses gratitude.

I rest my case
How about no.

Thankfulness= epic fail regardless.

And so is "Looker", in before Detective Gumshoe.
If there is one thing wrong about Platinum, it is the name of attacks, Powers, and Bodies. Seriously, this set has some really bad names.

I saw this earlier on Go-Pokemon myself, and I was disappointed at how bad they mistranslated it.
Clear said:
How about no.

Thankfulness= epic fail regardless.

And so is "Looker", in before Detective Gumshoe.

I agree with the latter.

He's Handsome, Not looker.
It makes him sound like some sort of pervert.
Divine_Light said:
Well. . .

. . . It's not that bad
You sir, have just made the understatement of the Pokemon 2008-2009 season.

These names are quite horrible. Ninetales' Flame Banquet to Flame Bash? Good grief, no.

EDIT: Ok, why did Chaos just voted the wrong answer?
Zyflair said:
You sir, have just made the understatement of the Pokemon 2008-2009 season.

These names are quite horrible. Ninetales' Flame Banquet to Flame Bash? Good grief, no.

EDIT: Ok, why did Chaos just voted the wrong answer?

It's a matter of opinion. What's wrong to you might be right to ChaosKnuckles.
I don't think its that bad its just how its translate. And for the record i like the new Cyrus better than schemed. Conspiracy > Schemes plus better abbreviation. CC vs CS (even with city champs)

and why does people like yugioh here get pissed when its "Translated" wrong >>

Clear said:
And so is "Looker", in before Detective Gumshoe.

Awsome... I'm calling Looker's Investigation, Gumshoe for the rest of eternity!

This set does have some bad names. I didn't like Sense of Gratitude that much, but it is better than Thankfullness.

Ninetales probably has the worst translation out of all of them.
oh yea, anybody think that Rampardos (it's the Japanese on this one), that the Body should be Mold Breaker and the second attack should be Iron Skull?

Mold Breaker is an actual ability in the game that negates extra effects.

Anyways, Flame Banquet to Flame Bash is just... no. I guess they think kiddies would not know what a banquet is. Just like the movie name: "Sky Bouquet Shaymin" to "Sky Warrior"

Bouquet sounds so much more elegant and pretty, warrior and bash is just... violent.
Just be Thankful that the Poke Body has good effects and it isn't anythiny worse.
Um... "Thankfulness" isn't as bad as "Flame Bash" or "Harrumph." You'd really expect a "bash" to be someone hitting someone else over the head, but the attack does no damage. Even "party" would be better.

"Best Dash" and "Best Dance" are complete fails. "Oh yes, that was Slaking's best dash. He couldn't do any better." "That was Ludicolo's best dance. I give him a 9.5 out of 10, not enough to win the competition though." Couldn't the translators be a little more creative?

And what about "Darkness Lost?" Did Giratina lose his darkness? It just doesn't sound like an effective attack name. "I choose you, Giratina! Darkness Lost!" FAIL.
^You're a bunch of win. I would give you cake, but I don't have any.

I say we let this thread die, since there's not that much else we really can do about this.