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Shed Ninja Deck (NInjask/Shedinja) BW-on (FINAL BUILD)


Aspiring Trainer

This deck and the Darkai EX version are very solid. They set up fast and use very little energy. The key to winning with this deck is to catcher out quick prizes, early game then finish the late game with Mewtwo EX and or Shaymin EX. Strategy is to attack with Ninjask and hide with an appropriate Pokemon. This deck is by no means top tear but can win if played correctly.

4 Nincada
4 NInjask
4 Shedinja
1 Shaymin EX
2 Sigilyph (Safe Guard)
2 Mewtwo EX

4 N
4 Professor Juniper
3 Bianca

3 Level ball
2 Super Rod
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Energy Switch
3 Plus Power
2 Switch
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Random Receiver

6 Grass Energy {G}
3 Blend {D}{P}{R}{G}
3 Double Colorless Energy {C}{C}
RE: Blast from The Past (NInjask/Shedinja/Darkrai EX)

terrynum1 said:
This deck was a top tear deck during the E reader Set Bracket. -http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ninjask_%28EX_Dragon_18%29- I remember playing against this deck and playing with it.

Here is my list for the BW-on version. I also have a Gothitelle version of this deck list if anyone would like me to post it.

Attack and Hide (A Shed Ninja Deck)

4 Nincada
4 NInjask
4 Shedinja
1 Sableye
3 Darkrai EX
1 Shaymin EX
1 Sigilyph (Safe Gaurd)

4 N
4 Professor Juniper
3 Bianca

3 Level ball
1 Super Rod
2 Random Receiver
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Energy Switch
2 Dark Patch
3 Full Heal or Plus Power or

5 Darkness Energy
5 Grass Energy
4 Blend DarknessPsychicFireGrass

The strategy to this deck is to attack with Ninjask and hide with an appropriate pokemon. NOT necessarily Shedinja. What made this deck great in the E reader set bracket was there was no catcher.

Haha I built a similar version of the deck as my B/W Fun deck

-Full Heal is a terrible card, Switch is >9000 Times better
-You'll have Better Draw with Cheren over Bianca, Bianca is too situational, and Cheren is a straight up draw 3 no matter what
You'd Have to run at least 2 Sableye for him to be viable, having one prized means that you lose your recycler.
-If you plan to use darkrai as an attacker you need 4 Dark Patch and at least 8 basic Dark Energy, otherwise I wouldn't run more than 2
-Also if you do run darkrai why no ultra ball? the cards super good in a darkrai variant.
RE: Blast from The Past (NInjask/Shedinja/Darkrai EX)

You should max Level Ball; it searches all of your main attackers.
RE: Blast from The Past (NInjask/Shedinja/Darkrai EX)

Project_Fedora said:
Haha I built a similar version of the deck as my B/W Fun deck

-Full Heal is a terrible card, Switch is >9000 Times better
-You'll have Better Draw with Cheren over Bianca, Bianca is too situational, and Cheren is a straight up draw 3 no matter what
You'd Have to run at least 2 Sableye for him to be viable, having one prized means that you lose your recycler.
-If you plan to use darkrai as an attacker you need 4 Dark Patch and at least 8 basic Dark Energy, otherwise I wouldn't run more than 2
-Also if you do run darkrai why no ultra ball? the cards super good in a darkrai variant.

I saw your deck, nice job. It's Kool to see someone else thinking outside the box.
Are two decks are different though your strategy is to stall while mine is to attack. Before critiquing a build you should figure out the person's base strategy.

Bianca and Cheren are just a matter of a persons personal preference.
Sableye is a situational card in my build just like Shaymin EX and Sigilyph. I don't use it to recycle. Darkrai is not an attacker in the deck unless in a dire situation. Ultra ball is an another preference based card and my build has no need for it.

Mora said:
You should max Level Ball; it searches all of your main attackers.

You really like your level balls.
RE: Blast from The Past (NInjask/Shedinja/Darkrai EX)

You should too. It searches out 78% of your Pokemon.
RE: Blast from The Past (NInjask/Shedinja)

I'd run tool scrapper, with Evolited EX's being the best thing since sliced bread in the format it guarantees you can put a dent in them when you make there resources go away.
RE: Blast from The Past (NInjask/Shedinja)

Project_Fedora said:
I'd run tool scrapper, with Evolited EX's being the best thing since sliced bread in the format it guarantees you can put a dent in them when you make there resources go away.

Agreed, Tool Scrapper is a must in this deck.
-1 Sigilyph: One is fine.
-2 Switch: Don't see what this is used for

I would add Rocky Helmets. Attach it to Shedinja, and you're technically doing 80 damage over 60. That extra 20 2HKO's a lot more than just 60 will. Zekrom, Garchomp, Empoleon. But of course most people won't even bother attacking Shedinja if it puts them in KO range of Ninjask. So unless your opponent has a Catcher, they're just going to sit there for a turn.
Project_Fedora said:
I'd run tool scrapper, with Evolited EX's being the best thing since sliced bread in the format it guarantees you can put a dent in them when you make there resources go away.

Yup. And then don't forget the fourth Level Ball, seriously. Get that in your list. Rocky Helmets are an option, but remember that those are also susceptible to Tool Scrapper and can ruin consistency. At least try 'em out.
Serperior said:
Yup. And then don't forget the fourth Level Ball, seriously. Get that in your list. Rocky Helmets are an option, but remember that those are also susceptible to Tool Scrapper and can ruin consistency. At least try 'em out.

4 level balls have the same constancy as 3 if your playing with a lot of draw support. I've played with both. Have you forgotten one runs draw power which also helps one set up. My personal preference is 3 level balls over 4. I also have played with rocky helmet it helps but not against the high HP ex Pokemon.

I like this deck because it is fun and has a lot of variants. The down side to this deck is it is capable of making top cut but not easily.

Thanks for the input.

Rocky Helmet
Devolution Spray
Darkrai EX
Mew EX
Giratena EX
Max Potion
Dark Patch
Pokemon Communication
I can't understand why you'd consider using Mewtwo or Shaymin EX when you have no way of powering them up in one turn for them to do anything. The pain about the EXs is they give up two prizes, you have to always be under the impression that your opponent has an answer for your moves during your turn. When you bench the Mewtwo or Shaymin with no way of getting them ready to attack the same turn, your opponent will see easy EX KOs on your bench and gun them down immediately. With Shaymin EX's low HP and Mewtwo EX weak to itself, you're setting yourself up for failure, more so.

Either add in DCE, Energy Switch, Dark Patch, some exploitable way for you two get two energy attachments to your pokemon or remove both Mewtwo and Shaymin from your deck.

Competitive, tier 1, 2, or 5, there's not really much of an excuse for not actually thinking about how your deck is put together and making it the best possible deck that it can be. Saying it's a fun deck is such a lazy excuse to actually think about what goes in your deck.
Well Dark Patch wouldnt do much considering his current build has no dark pokemon in it. That said, I completely agree with JimboJumbo in that placing an EX without powering it up that turn can become devestating for you, since you really dont have much room for failure with your main attacker having such low HP.

Also I see you havent added that fourth levelball. who knows why you havent, but you really should.
JimboJumbo said:
I can't understand why you'd consider using Mewtwo or Shaymin EX when you have no way of powering them up in one turn for them to do anything. The pain about the EXs is they give up two prizes, you have to always be under the impression that your opponent has an answer for your moves during your turn. When you bench the Mewtwo or Shaymin with no way of getting them ready to attack the same turn, your opponent will see easy EX KOs on your bench and gun them down immediately. With Shaymin EX's low HP and Mewtwo EX weak to itself, you're setting yourself up for failure, more so.

Either add in DCE, Energy Switch, Dark Patch, some exploitable way for you two get two energy attachments to your pokemon or remove both Mewtwo and Shaymin from your deck.

Competitive, tier 1, 2, or 5, there's not really much of an excuse for not actually thinking about how your deck is put together and making it the best possible deck that it can be. Saying it's a fun deck is such a lazy excuse to actually think about what goes in your deck.

With all do respect can you read i have energy switch and dce in my build. I read you on the fun deck lazy thing though. But you miss understood how i use the term. I consider any deck that i would not run at a competition to be a fun deck. I also use the saying "a fun deck" to describe my Garchomp Alteria Deck, and i can guarantee this is a competitive deck. "Fun deck" is just a saying i use; it does not mean the deck can't win at a competition. The fact of the matter is there is no point to make a deck that losses. I agree with you on this.

I also found that you and MetaArmor are probably looking at the wrong deck build. The final build of this deck is the first post. I was told by the administration to take down all prior builds from the first post because it was getting confusing. I copied all my earlier decks builds to the bottom of the post so i would not loose them. The final deck build has energy switch and DCE is at the top of this post.

Thanks for the input you and MetaArmor are completely correct there is no reason to use Mewtwo EX or Shaymin EX if there is no way to put energy on them in a turn. This is also the same for Sigilyph.

MetaArmor said:
Well Dark Patch wouldnt do much considering his current build has no dark pokemon in it. That said, I completely agree with JimboJumbo in that placing an EX without powering it up that turn can become devestating for you, since you really don't have much room for failure with your main attacker having such low HP.

Also I see you havent added that fourth levelball. who knows why you havent, but you really should.

I don't think you and JimboJumbo are reading the correct deck build I have Energy Switch and DCE in my final deck build. I can run 4 level balls but choose not to because i have draw power. I also think Pokemon Communication is more useful in this deck.