Ruling Shiftry Ex PK????

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Olly The Totodile

Beware I Bite
Hi I am a bit puzzled at Shiftry ex Skill Hack If I am correct If you used skill hack and your opponent had a Lugia ex could you do 200 damage with a single energy???
No it says that you must use any other effects from the attack so you would have to discard a {R}, {L}, {W} energy to do 200.
The Compendium said:
== METRONOME (Clefairy - Base Set; Clefable - Jungle Expansion; Clefable EX - EX:Fire Red / Leaf Green)

Q. If I use "Metronome" and copy Lugia-EX's "Elemental Blast" attack, do I have to discard a Fire, Water and/or Electric energy if I have any of them attached?
A. Yes, when using Metronome in this fashion you do as much of it as you can. So if Clefable-EX only has two Water energy attached, you have to discard one of the Water energy cards (but not both). And if you have a basic Water Energy and a Rainbow Energy attached, you would have to count the Rainbow as one of the other types and discard both cards. (May 4, 2006 PUI Rules Team)

Skill Hack is worded the same as Metronome, I believe this ruling is relevant
It is and was recently quoted in an "ask the masters" question that was idential.

If you have the energy you must discard it ... but if you don't have the energy attached the attack still works. It's odd but that's how it's been ruled.
I think Clefable Metronome Jungle set is much sheeter because on Clefable it say don't need to use a effect that discard an energy.
you would have to discard cause it says something like "you must do anything else required for the attack."
Ugh. To reiterate what vanderbilt_grad said, hopefully so everyone gets it:

You can always Skill Hack anything in their hand.

If you have anything to discard that is required of the attack, then you must discard as much as you can as part of the attack.

If you don't have anything to discard that is required of the attack, then you will still perform the attack successfully.

Since this has been answered in detail already, I will lock this to prevent people from randomly jumping in with an answer that's already been given...
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