BW/BW2 Shikijika=Grass type?

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Darkus Helios
Hey Guys a video just appeared of a battle and Shikijika uses energy ball. So what do you guys think Shikijika Grass type?
Just because it can use Energy Ball, that doesn't necessarily mean it is Grass type. Mothim can use it. So can Mismagius.

If anything, I think it can learn it as a TM move. There is the possibility that it can learn it naturally, but only time can tell.
It looks nothing like stantler. Shikijika smiles and I have never seen a stantler smile before. And like someone said just because it knows energy ball does not mean it is a grass type(Though if the season rumors come true it could be a grass type during the spring)
The smile doesn't prove anything plus i remember a baby stantler in the anime and i think it smiled because it grew an attachment to brock why wouldn't the baby smile?
Yea it should be a Grass type judging from the flower-like thing on its head, but who knows? Might be Grass or Normal. But being a Stantler evo... I'm not too sure, but doesn't seem like it. The colour schemes are totally different. And Shikijika's too smiley like to evolve into a grumpy looking Stantler. Besides Junichi Masuda already said that ALL of the pre-National Pokedex Isshu Pokemon would be totally new ones (that means to total rip-offs of random old pokemon like in Gen IV's DPPt). But that means we'll most probably see Magikarp and Gyarados no more lol. So Shikijika's likelihood of evolving into a Gen 2 pokemon's rather impossible.
Maybe it has seasonal Changes?
It might be normal/[type related to that season].
Spring: Normal/Water (rain..?)
Summer: Normal/Grass
Autumn/fall: Normal/Flying (Wind...)
Winter: Normal/snow
achernar said:

for me, I guess:

Spring: Grass
Summer: Fire
Autumn: Ground(?)
Winter: Ice
I realize I wrote 'Snow'.... lol

@Playerking95: Well... It's usually windy in Autumn (Here anyway)...
castformman said:
awwwwwwwww i wanted it to be a stantler pre-evo =(

I'm glad that it's not a prevo.

rocky505 said:
It looks nothing like stantler. Shikijika smiles and I have never seen a stantler smile before. And like someone said just because it knows energy ball does not mean it is a grass type(Though if the season rumors come true it could be a grass type during the spring)

That was me.

achernar said:

for me, I guess:

Spring: Grass
Summer: Fire
Autumn: Ground(?)
Winter: Ice

I figured that Autumn would be a Poison type or something. I mean, plants are dying at the time. IDK. Ground also seems like a good possibility.
Playerking95 said:
Finally some one who agrees with me Poison has more to do with autumn then ground.

I'm ok with Poison or ground really. Poison is like the symbolization of the the leaves of plants starting to die off.
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