BW/BW2 Shikijika=Grass type?

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Playerking95 said:
Finally some one who agrees with me Poison has more to do with autumn then ground.
("Than" when comparing things :p )

I can see the poison aspect now, plant's dying and stuff. Cheerful :D
It does look like a really cool Grass Type. A part of me hopes it is Grass Type, but on the other hand, I was hoping I could use it on my team in Black, but I was going to start with Tsutarja. Eh, maybe I'll save it for my White team. I like teams that are balanced in typing.
man watching that pokemon musical made me cry, was so brutal. but if the deer is a grass type that wouldnt be all bad.
yeah idk if its a grass type, alakazam can use energyball but its a psychic type lol. but idk normal/grass type would be cool and nnbd but idk, i was hoping for other type ups, but it would still be coooll i guess, but only time will tell the truth
I don't think that Shikijika is a Grass type simply because Energy Ball would probably do more damage, considering STAB is involved. You saw how much Swift did with STAB.
imo, it's more likely normal than grass. Also, shouldn't this just go in the random speculations thread?
SinnohTrainer17 said:
imo, it's more likely normal than grass. Also, shouldn't this just go in the random speculations thread?

The thread is locked.

I think it's more Normal type than Grass, but that's just me.

dmaster out.
It can use Energy Ball... so... it's grass type :p and the flower on it's head [I think not!]

I think it will be a pokemon that changes it's appearance according to the season because:
  • Deers are asociated with nature and seasons
  • The flower on it's head
  • It's fur screams "SPRING!"
I'm almost 100% sure that Shikijika is a Grass-type. Not because of it using Energy Ball, but because of its design.
The flower on its head, and that weird floral-like pattern on its body. Someone also said Shikijika's name means 4 season deer (or something similar to that). Shikijika could probably be a Pokemon that changes form during different seasons, since we might be having seasonal changes in B/W. I'm hoping that's true. And if it is, I say this form of Shikijika is for Spring. :p
I can see it learning energy ball in the spring, Flamethrower in the summer, air slash in the fall, and ice beam in the winter. It could be like the rotom forms where you teach it a special move then it'll get replaced by another forms special move.
ManhattanTheStarr said:
I'm almost 100% sure that Shikijika is a Grass-type. Not because of it using Energy Ball, but because of its design.
The flower on its head, and that weird floral-like pattern on its body. Someone also said Shikijika's name means 4 season deer (or something similar to that). Shikijika could probably be a Pokemon that changes form during different seasons, since we might be having seasonal changes in B/W. I'm hoping that's true. And if it is, I say this form of Shikijika is for Spring. :p

I agree with 100 %. And frankly, Energy Ball only adds fuel to the Grass Type speculation.
Well, its now revealed to be grass/normal, so it probably has nothing to do with stantler. Although he still needs a preevolution...
Quagsires said:
Well, its now revealed to be grass/normal, so it probably has nothing to do with stantler. Although he still needs a preevolution...
No, it is Normal/Grass. That's something different.
I would LOVE it if it evolved into different forms depending on its gender. ^^ I want a grass stantler ( bit of a let down coz stantler could be lush if it wasn't such a crap type and had a better move pool). Is it just me or do there seem to be a lot of grass types/ grass double types popping up? Im gonna gets me a mamepato straight off just to deal with them ^^
It's been revealed that the deer thing IS Grass/Normal, and has the ability Chlorophyll. :)
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