Shiny Mew ex, Shiny Gardevoir ex, and Several Baby Shinies from “Shiny Treasure ex!”

It might just be the photos, but does it look like the baby shines have texture? I'm guessing they wont, but it kinda looks like it
If I remember correctly, previous baby Shinies have had texture on their artwork, so I'd assume these ones do as well
I really hope this set is a total failure so we finally stop getting these kind of sets. They have absolutely made shiny Pokemon into a joke
Assuming the Great Tusks/Iron Treads will end up being the other tin promos in English. Really hoping we see the other paradoxes get their shinies here.
They don't usually reprint cards from the sets that just released, so don't expect anything from Future Flash/Ancient Roar and perhaps Raging Surf to be featured here. Same reason why we didn't get a Lugia VSTAR or Serperior VSTAR alt art in Crown Zenith.
"Several baby shinies"
I only see Cleffa, or is Charcadet a baby?
baby is a fan-term for regular cards that are not exs, Vs, GXs...

Gardevoir ex vs baby Gardevoir:

Shiny Gardy ex would be so cool in deck but sad Gardy loses a lot in rotation. I don’t know how it fits to metagame after that