RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare & More Special
VictorCohen said:
Soooo I was just walking, not hunting for anything and BAM!! Shiny Floatzel!!!!!!!

Totally unexpected and she is sooooo beautiful and golden, I just love her

Aaaaand I also got pokerus? Should I be worried or happy? What's the deal with that, can someone explain me? I haven't made any trade or anything.
Seems like no one responded to you yet, so i'll explain to you.
First of all, Pokérus is a VERY rare thing, and it's AWESOME (At least until gen 6 came out).
You see, pokérus make the EV's of your pokémon go up faster, making the life of competitive players much more easy, but since Gen 6 came out, there is this new thing called "Super Training" and a Level 3 Super Training gives you 12 EVs on the training you did, and since you can only put 252 EV's in a single stat, i will take 21 times into the minigame to max out one stat.
That makes items to max out EVs and Pokérus kind of useless, but still, pokérus IS a rare thing, so get a low level pkm, put it in your party, so it can get pokérus, and then store it in your box so you dont ever lose the pokérus.
Ah, and relax, pokérus only doubles the EVs you get, your pokémons won't get weaker or something.
And just for this post don't be an OFF-TOPIC:
I made an almost perfect ditto shiny chaining, and at like 20-30 ditto encounters A *bad word* ZOROARK APPEARED (i hate my life)