'Shocking Volt Tackle,' Japan's September Set!

Interesting. Twin Energy / Welder are the most obvious and probably ideal ways to power this up, but Capture Energy could be a boost to damage, as could Powerful Colorless Energy.
  • Whismur/Loudred/Exploud - another ROUND gimmick that never gonna work at all. Side note, in terms of TUP-on format, these are the only Pokemon that has Round attack. ??/2/2-3
Too bad that Round doesn't include previous Evolutions who got Round.
That could be a little bit better.
One thing about the ninjask.... Who's up for fun in expanded using ninjask with the LOT shedinja :)
Sweet, another proto-Blacephalon that has to do 200+ to be remotely exciting.
It's interesting though, that Round costed 4 C before, but it was dropped to 2 C - a massive difference, especially with Powerful Energy. That's how powercreep rolls.
  • Whismur/Loudred/Exploud - another ROUND gimmick that never gonna work at all. Side note, in terms of TUP-on format, these are the only Pokemon that has Round attack. ??/2/2-3
Round was viable for a couple formats after Legendary Treasures. Not tier 1, but definitely tier 2.
This is probably yet another deck that uses Mew ex to attack instead of Exploud. In expanded there are some good/synergistic basics that use Round, and with a bench full of them and Sky Field you can deal 350-400 damage. Let's wait Whismur has the attack
It's actually 望遠 - bouen, so the card is probably called Telescopic Scope or something along those lines
Salamence V and Cramorant V will love this. I use both of those as supporting attackers in my Welder Dubwool V deck, as they are both very splashable. More broadly, energy acceleration in the form of Frosmoth, Welder, ADP, Rillaboom, Porygon-Z, PikaRom, etc. can use Salamence V to take on Spiritomb or Mad Party decks that lack Mew, or make KOs easier—and Cramorant V with this can KO benched Crobat Vs or pick off damaged Pokémon, which can be pretty big in some matchups. Cramorant V is a good starter now that PikaRom’s nerfed, so it might actually see some use. Salamence V is certainly more niche, though the Salamence VMAX focused deck might want to use this alongside the new Memory Capsule.
  • Ranged Scope - aside from Decidueye getting use to this, AR Raikou can use this as well. Because of the tool, can do 120 to the active and 150 to the bench, you just need Zigzgaoon to KO a Dedenne at that point. 3-4