BW/BW2 Shooter's purpose?

It turns the game into an FPS where you throw pokeballs.
I just want to know where the bag went. o_O

It isn't a battle option, yet both characters are shown with bags...I have a feeling it has either been combined with one of the existing options or with whatever this "shooter" does.

As to its use, I feel it has something to do with the camera. Or so I hope.
If it were a camera, that could be kind of neat. Take your own screenshots and then use the DSi to upload them to the internet?
I highly doubt its a camera, even though its a good idea. Its for the DS family, and I don't think Nintendo would torture non-DSI users with an feature that is built in-game.
Meaty said:
It turns the game into an FPS where you throw pokeballs.

lol, aren't you the little comedian?
I think it'll be a CHANCE to use items on your pokemon since bag is missing.
I guess instead of spamming restores and etc during battle, now you must like... earn it?
When I think shooter, I think Chance, Random and Probability.
Instead of catching pokemon now, you shoot them with a PokeGun©

20 points if you shoot them in the leg.
30 points if you shoot them in the chest.
40 points if you shoot them in the crotch.
50 points if you shoot them in the head.

You can spend your ShooterPointz© at the PokeDermist which is a new store where you can buy stuffed pokemon and put them in your PokeHouz©
You shoot item capsules at your Pokemon in lieu of using items. The series will go in the manner of the later Mario Party games.
Fire_Master said:
I just want to know where the bag went. o_O

It isn't a battle option, yet both characters are shown with bags...I have a feeling it has either been combined with one of the existing options or with whatever this "shooter" does.

As to its use, I feel it has something to do with the camera. Or so I hope.

Yah Pokebeach said that pokemon Black and White versions were not ntr games so it is
possible for you to take pictures and upload them to the internet on the dsi.
ShayminSky said:
I highly doubt its a camera, even though its a good idea. Its for the DS family, and I don't think Nintendo would torture non-DSI users with an feature that is built in-game.

DS players could still take pictures... just not upload them to the internet.
PMJ said:
DS players could still take pictures... just not upload them to the internet.
True, but why make that a battle thing? What's the point of screenshots anyways? Let the players spoil the game?(for people that don't have the game yet or just take screenshots of important battles in game.
If it was pictures, Capture would be better. I think you shoot at the Pokemon. Bullets, Items, whatever kills them.

dmaster out.
OR maybe there's a camera guy who needs you to take photos of certain Pokemon for points. That's just speculation, and probably not happening.
Fire_Master said:
I just want to know where the bag went. o_O

It isn't a battle option, yet both characters are shown with bags...I have a feeling it has either been combined with one of the existing options or with whatever this "shooter" does.

As to its use, I feel it has something to do with the camera. Or so I hope.

It's already been shown that the bag still exists. One of the other battles (Tsutaaja vs Mijumaru IIRC) had the Bag where Shooter was on this pic. Therefore, we can assume that shooter is Real Person vs. Real Person only.

"BLACK sends out Mijumaru! WHITE uses Shooter! It's super effective!" LOL
Yes, I also think it's some type of camera for recording wi-fi battles.
The Bag option was shown on another image of B/W, so I'm sure it's still available.
I mean, how would you heal or catch Pokemon?
ShayminSky said:
I highly doubt its a camera, even though its a good idea. Its for the DS family, and I don't think Nintendo would torture non-DSI users with an feature that is built in-game.

Isnt this game supposed to have a DSi exclusive feature? maybe this is what shooter is used for. If so, what about the bag? i.e pokeballs, status raisers, potions etc. ?
ShayminSky said:
I highly doubt its a camera, even though its a good idea. Its for the DS family, and I don't think Nintendo would torture non-DSI users with an feature that is built in-game.

I beg to differ. They want you to buy the DSI don't they? I think shooter could be a camera. It would be fun to take screenshots mid battle!
ShayminSky said:
True, but why make that a battle thing? What's the point of screenshots anyways? Let the players spoil the game?(for people that don't have the game yet or just take screenshots of important battles in game.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, but as far as cameras go, if the shooter really was a camera, I'm not sure what else it could be used for.