Should staple cards be easier to obtain?

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I think that essential cards should be easier to obtain for the wellfare of the common player. I don't think that opening lots of packs, or trading a stack of rares should be the only way to obtain cards that are needed in most decks. We are lucky to have sites like pokebeach to help organize trades, without them, availability issues would be so much bigger. Many people don't have certain cards in their decks, when they could possibly do much better with them. I think the least PUSA can do is put the better lv.x in the tins, and leave the less played ones out. They might also put rares such as uxie or claydol as a rare in POP packs, comparable to the EX and *s in pop packs.

I do belive that being a good player requires dedication, and a financial investment, but I think that they could make it easier to get cards that players need. They obvioulsy can't just give the cards away like commons, but cards that need a box to get one, or none of are rediculous. Pokemon could start by making the boxes fair. The new foriegn language ban makes things even worse. Any thoughts on the subject?
The rarity of a Uxie is not made by how uncommon it is in a box, it is made by the need that people place on it. A Uxie is about as common in a box as a Kingdra, and yet a Uxie is magically worth almost three times as much?

I don't disagree that putting a Uxie in a POP pack is a terrible idea, but in terms of sense that it would make, it would make very little sense. Most people can get by without either Uxie or Claydol in their deck, but they are severely limited in their options for decks.

I would probably sum this up by saying that those who spend and become good at the game get the most rewards. If that means making it harder for little kids to play, then it may just have to be that way.
DawnOfXatu said:
The rarity of a Uxie is not made by how uncommon it is in a box, it is made by the need that people place on it. A Uxie is about as common in a box as a Kingdra, and yet a Uxie is magically worth almost three times as much?

I don't disagree that putting a Uxie in a POP pack is a terrible idea, but in terms of sense that it would make, it would make very little sense. Most people can get by without either Uxie or Claydol in their deck, but they are severely limited in their options for decks.

I would probably sum this up by saying that those who spend and become good at the game get the most rewards. If that means making it harder for little kids to play, then it may just have to be that way.

I kind of disagree with uxie being as common as kingdra. My friend opened a case, and got 3 uxie.
I bought a box, and got no uxie. So even when you do soend, you aren't always rewarded.
I think it should be a little bit easyer to get Claydol and Uxie. For me, it is hard enough to get regular cards, let alone Uxie and Claydol. I think they should make the cards per box ratio a little bit better.
hmmm, whats that?
i smell japanese pack ratios.
11 cards, guaranteed 1 holo, and a rare, we would get rid of stupid RH cards, profit!!!

and maybe it would help newer players, but if someone just spended 60$ on 3 uxies, it would stink so badly if they became pop pack cards.
cause really, if they pull one in a pop pack, theres always someone willing to trade.
so it wouldn't be a good idea.

but japanese pack ratios would :D
Well Im not phased by this as England doesn't value uxie that high, I got one for 40 cents XD on ebay 30p British currency

They shouldn't make anything easier as it is no fun to try and obtain the cards you need. You won't need to trade anymore. All decks are the best and so on. It gives it balance

Anyway you were unlucky with yuor box. I got 2 one which is RH. It was just luck didn't waver in your favor
it's no fun either if the cards you want to play keep out of reach no matter what you do.
I will admit, our pack ratios suck. Most of the time though, if we were able to get staple cards easier, they would be potentially rotated out every August anyway. Then there'd still be more staple cards. It still wouldn't help anything, people would still have to buy boxes. :F

dmaster out.
Magic and Naruto made those little 4 card packs with staples and sold hem for about 3$ at Target in those bins, why not just do that? They can still have Dialga G and cool cards kids would buy it for on the front. I'd like it if tins did 2 of those and 2 new set packs, a level X, and 1 still new, but not as new pack. 15$ is a good deal there, no?
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