I think that essential cards should be easier to obtain for the wellfare of the common player. I don't think that opening lots of packs, or trading a stack of rares should be the only way to obtain cards that are needed in most decks. We are lucky to have sites like pokebeach to help organize trades, without them, availability issues would be so much bigger. Many people don't have certain cards in their decks, when they could possibly do much better with them. I think the least PUSA can do is put the better lv.x in the tins, and leave the less played ones out. They might also put rares such as uxie or claydol as a rare in POP packs, comparable to the EX and *s in pop packs.
I do belive that being a good player requires dedication, and a financial investment, but I think that they could make it easier to get cards that players need. They obvioulsy can't just give the cards away like commons, but cards that need a box to get one, or none of are rediculous. Pokemon could start by making the boxes fair. The new foriegn language ban makes things even worse. Any thoughts on the subject?
I do belive that being a good player requires dedication, and a financial investment, but I think that they could make it easier to get cards that players need. They obvioulsy can't just give the cards away like commons, but cards that need a box to get one, or none of are rediculous. Pokemon could start by making the boxes fair. The new foriegn language ban makes things even worse. Any thoughts on the subject?