Pokemon Should they rearrange the Pokedex?


Rare candies are steroids for pokemon!
Well as we all know there are new cross-generaton evos. The question on my mind is. Should they rearrange the pokedex line-up so it would be like

Elekid 239. Electabuzz 240. Electivire 241. excetra
i don't think so because when your looking for something in the pokedex you would have to know all of the first pokemon's number in order to find them. also they've been doing this for a while why would they change?
No they shouldn't because the pokemon need to stay in their region part of the pokedex.
It's easier to find the one/s that your looking for with the old style.
Lets say you want to find the number for.....Eevee.
You can find it when your looking down for it's number which is: #133.
I believe that at some point, during later generations (when the number of Pokémon rises to ridiculous levels), the WHOLE Pokédex should be revamped. Kind of start over, in a way. Make a new national dex. Because honestly, it's easier now, but when there's five or six or seven generations, searching for evolutions between the first and fourth, or (just for expample) the second and seventh, things would just get crazy.
They should rearragne it going for types and put all the starters at the end of each type list