• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Shrike's Japanese Card Trading Thread!


Aspiring Trainer
Hello, welcome to my revamped trading thread now that I've switched to collecting Japanese cards! Japanese card trading doesn't seem to be hugely popular here, but I figure I can at least give it a try before I start tossing cards on eBay.

1. All forum rules apply, of course.
2. I look at prices from eBay to determine trade value. If you think my offers are off, feel free to make a counteroffer!
3. All my cards are Near-mint/mint and I generally only accept those in return. Even if I do accept a trade for a played card, it CANNOT have any creases!
4. I can provide pictures of my cards upon request, and expect others to be able to do the same.
5. I sell cards on eBay. While I will work to keep the list here updated according to what I sell, I apologize if you ask for a card I have only for me to realize I don't have it anymore!

  • [010/XY-P] Garchomp EX

Collection X
  • [XY1 015/060] Delphox (Unlimited)
  • [XY1 029/060] Trevenant (Unlimited)
  • [XY1 043/060] Slurpuff x2 (Unlimited)

Collection Y
  • [XY1 013/060] Talonflame (1st)
  • [XY1 018/060] Lapras (1st)
  • [XY1 033/060] Rhyperior (1st)
  • [XY1 045/060] Aromatisse (1st)
  • [XY1 053/060] Furfrou (1st)

Wild Blaze
  • [XY2 007/080] Shiftry (1st)
  • [XY2 018/080] Milotic (1st)
  • [XY2 035/080] Dusknoir x2 (1st)
  • [XY2 053/080] Florges (1st)
  • [XY2 054/080] Carbink (1st)

Rising Fist
  • [XY3 005/096] Mega Heracross EX x2 (1st)
  • [XY3 014/096] Blaziken x3 (1st)
  • [XY3 017/096] Poliwrath x2 (1st)
  • [XY3 024/096] Clawitzer x2 (1st)
  • [XY3 044/096] Machamp x2 (1st)
  • [XY3 052/096] Lucario EX (1st)
  • [XY3 056/096] Landorus (1st)
  • [XY3 064/096] Pangoro x2 (1st)
  • [XY3 069/096] Dragonite EX (1st)
  • [XY3 072/096] Noivern x2 (1st)
  • [XY3 098/096] Seismitoad EX FA (1st)
  • [XY3 103/096] Battle Reporter FA (1st)

And pretty much any C/U you could want from the above sets.

  • [LTR 17/113] Charmander RH

  • [059/XY-P] Pangoro
  • [XY-P] Greninja

~Active Trades~
  • CuriousCleffa
    [XY3 097/096] Heracross EX FA (1st)

    For their:
    [XY3 003/096] Victreebel
    [XY3 020/096] Seismitoad EX
    [XY3 060/096] Hawlucha
    [XY3 067/096] Sylveon
    [XY3 078/096] Slaking
    [XY3 084/096] Maintenance
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

Hey , I have a few of your ultra rares wants. I see you got the kalos starter decks. I am after either sealed decks. Or a complete kalos deck (any of the 3) with 1 of each of the cards, including 1 of each holo the deck came with and also 1 of each nonholo the deck came with. Do you think you could put together a complete kalos deck? I can even go check at my walmart to get a complete deck list for each deck.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

Sorry, the whole reason I got the decks is for the holos and to build the complete set for myself (...it'd probably have been cheaper to just buy one of each card online, but hey I'm still learning here >_>), and since there's only one of each holo per deck and some cards only have one across all three decks (Snorlax, Miltank, Skitty, Bidoof, and each of the two different Furfrous) I couldn't do that without cutting into my own collection.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

I'm interested in your Radiant Collection FAs, check my list to see if there's anything you'd like from me? Thanks and let me know!
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

How about my:
LTR Articuno OR LTR Tornadus

for your:
LTR Leavanny

Also, please check my list for my Pokedex CardDex wants. I have LTR RHs for trade. Shuckle, Cherubi, Snivy, Sewaddle #9 & 10, Dwebble, Pignite, Tympole, Ralts, Swoobat, Gothorita, Duosion, Zorua, Deino, Swablu, Minccino. I will need to check for sure on those though because they are all listed on eBay, so some may have bids.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

PsychedelicBreakfast said:
How about my:
LTR Articuno OR LTR Tornadus

for your:
LTR Leavanny

Also, please check my list for my Pokedex CardDex wants. I have LTR RHs for trade. Shuckle, Cherubi, Snivy, Sewaddle #9 & 10, Dwebble, Pignite, Tympole, Ralts, Swoobat, Gothorita, Duosion, Zorua, Deino, Swablu, Minccino. I will need to check for sure on those though because they are all listed on eBay, so some may have bids.

I would be willing to trade my:
-[LTR] Leavanny
For your:
-[LTR] Articuno

I also have the following cards from your carddex list:
-[KSS] Delphox
-[KSS] Greninja
-[KSS] Chesnaught
-[RAC] Shaymin EX (as you say you have some already I doubt you're interested though? haha)
-[LTR] Spiritomb
-[PLB] Shelgon
-[R&S] Blaziken

The Blaziken, Shelgon, and Spiritomb I'd be willing to just throw in, however the Kalos final evolutions I'd want to trade for, one each for your:
-[LTR] Serperior
-[LTR] Zapdos
-[LTR] Tornadus
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

fezwhy said:
I'm interested in your Gible RH from LTR.

I see you have an LTR Minccino RH, how about my:
-[LTR] Gible RH
For your:
-[LTR] Minccino RH

If that's okay send me a PM and I can send my half out on Monday.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

Yeah I understand. Sigh.... looks like I will spend $100 of my xmas money on the 3 DX decks (at least an xtra pack), AND the true DX Japanese starter deck with the Girls deck box, tin, sleeves, and all.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

CML for the RC Shaymin EX, Emolga, and Mew EX. Ive got quite a few reverse foils from Legendary Treasures
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

Afro-G said:
I'm interested in your Radiant Collection FAs, check my list to see if there's anything you'd like from me? Thanks and let me know!

Sorry for not replying sooner, I must have overlooked your post. Your Lugia EX and Zekrom EX, are they from Legendary Treasures or an earlier set? I've decided I'm only interested in collecting Legendary Treasures for now until I fully finish the set (well, minus gold Reshiram at least though it'd be nice if I can find that!)

redterror117 said:
CML for the RC Shaymin EX, Emolga, and Mew EX. Ive got quite a few reverse foils from Legendary Treasures

I am interested in your:
-[LTR] Victini Holo
-[LTR] Cinccino Holo
-[LTR] Vulpix RH
-[LTR] Mismagius RH
-[LTR] Spritomb RH
-[LTR] Cedric Juniper RH

There's a pretty wild disparity in the value of those, huh... I'm not so good at haggling but would my:
-[RAC] Mew EX

Be fine by itself? If you think that's too little, feel free to make a counteroffer.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

Shrike said:
redterror117 said:
CML for the RC Shaymin EX, Emolga, and Mew EX. Ive got quite a few reverse foils from Legendary Treasures

I am interested in your:
-[LTR] Victini Holo
-[LTR] Cinccino Holo
-[LTR] Vulpix RH
-[LTR] Mismagius RH
-[LTR] Spritomb RH
-[LTR] Cedric Juniper RH

There's a pretty wild disparity in the value of those, huh... I'm not so good at haggling but would my:
-[RAC] Mew EX

Be fine by itself? If you think that's too little, feel free to make a counteroffer.

Its fairly close. If you find another reverse foil from my end you wanna toss in, I think that will make it just about even :)
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

Hi there! Would you be interested in trading your Mew EX FA (LT) for my Black Kyurem EX (LT)?
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

redterror117 said:
Shrike said:
I am interested in your:
-[LTR] Victini Holo
-[LTR] Cinccino Holo
-[LTR] Vulpix RH
-[LTR] Mismagius RH
-[LTR] Spritomb RH
-[LTR] Cedric Juniper RH

There's a pretty wild disparity in the value of those, huh... I'm not so good at haggling but would my:
-[RAC] Mew EX

Be fine by itself? If you think that's too little, feel free to make a counteroffer.

Its fairly close. If you find another reverse foil from my end you wanna toss in, I think that will make it just about even :)

Hmm, how about your PLB Archen RH? So your:
-[LTR] Victini Holo
-[LTR] Cinccino Holo
-[LTR] Vulpix RH
-[LTR] Mismagius RH
-[LTR] Spritomb RH
-[LTR] Cedric Juniper RH
-[PLB] Archen RH

For my:
-[RAC] Mew EX FA

Frost Mage said:
Hi there! Would you be interested in trading your Mew EX FA (LT) for my Black Kyurem EX (LT)?

That sounds good, so it'd be your:
-[LTR] Black Kyurem EX

For my:
-[RAC] Mew EX FA

Just send me a PM with your address to confirm!
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread!

Bump, I knocked off a bunch of my wants from Troll and Toad Black Friday singles sales, but I still have a few cards left to complete my Legendary Treasures set and I'd prefer to trade for them! I also have a Plasma Blast booster box and other things coming, so in around a week probably I'll be adding PLB haves and wants!
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

Bumpity bump, I got some Plasma Blast stuff in including my booster box so have added some haves from it and new PLB wants!
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

Interested in xX Farfetch'd KSS, xX Ultra Ball, xX Energy Switch, xX Skyla, xX Juniper, xX TP Ball, xX Escape Rope, xX Rare Candy, xX Tierno.

I have PLB Golurk x2. CML for anything else. Thanks.