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Shrike's Japanese Card Trading Thread!

RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

Could you do my Salamence holo (PLB) and Golurk holo (PLB) for your N RH?
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

PsychedelicBreakfast said:
Interested in xX Farfetch'd KSS, xX Ultra Ball, xX Energy Switch, xX Skyla, xX Juniper, xX TP Ball, xX Escape Rope, xX Rare Candy, xX Tierno.

I have PLB Golurk x2. CML for anything else. Thanks.
Looking at your list I'm interested in:
-[PLB] Uxie RH
-[PLB] Escavalier RH
-[PLB] Caitlin RH
-[PLB] Plasma Energy RH
-[PLB] Golurk Holo
-[LTR] Gyarados RH
-[LTR] Empoleon RH

I have spares of all those you list but Escape Rope (the only one of those I have is in my collection) so there's quite a few options here. Looking at values between TnT and eBay, for all of your cards above I could do my:
-[BCR] Skyla
-[PLB] Professor Juniper
-[PLB] Ultra Ball

I'd prefer that one since it'd keep postage low, but without Skyla I could also do:
-[PLF] Team Plasma Ball x2
-[PLB] Rare Candy x2
-[PLB] Professor Juniper x2
-[PLB] Ultra Ball x2

Or even something like this for more variety though I'd worry about it bumping postage up to parcel rates at this point:
-[PLF] Team Plasma Ball x2
-[PLB] Rare Candy
-[PLB] Professor Juniper
-[PLB] Ultra Ball x2
-[LTR] Energy Switch
-[KSS] Farfetch'd
-[KSS] Tierno x2

PM me if any of those options interest you. I also have at least two of all but Skyla and KSS Farfetch'd if you want to tweak the quantities and make a counteroffer, the exact amounts are in the first post..

Frost Mage said:
Could you do my Salamence holo (PLB) and Golurk holo (PLB) for your N RH?
Sorry, the N RH seems to be worth more than those two are.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

How about this?

-[PLB] Uxie RH
-[PLB] Escavalier RH
-[PLB] Caitlin RH
-[PLB] Plasma Energy RH
-[PLB] Golurk Holo
-[LTR] Gyarados RH
-[LTR] Empoleon RH

-[KSS] Farfetch'd
-[PLB] Professor Juniper x2
-[PLB] Ultra Ball x3
-[LTR] Energy Switch
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

Hey how about this trade? 1 card holo rare for 1 of the same

BINX has
LT terrakion holo
P blast salamance H R
P Blast salamce rev H R

Binx wants
rev zoroark from LT
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

PsychedelicBreakfast said:
How about this?

-[PLB] Uxie RH
-[PLB] Escavalier RH
-[PLB] Caitlin RH
-[PLB] Plasma Energy RH
-[PLB] Golurk Holo
-[LTR] Gyarados RH
-[LTR] Empoleon RH

-[KSS] Farfetch'd
-[PLB] Professor Juniper x2
-[PLB] Ultra Ball x3
-[LTR] Energy Switch

That's fine! PM me to confirm~

Binx345 said:
Hey how about this trade? 1 card holo rare for 1 of the same

BINX has
LT terrakion holo
P blast salamance H R
P Blast salamce rev H R

Binx wants
rev zoroark from LT

I could do my:
-[LTR] Zoroark RH

For your:
-[PLB] Salamence Holo

If that's good, PM me with your address!
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

Could you do...

-Golurk (PLB) holo

For your:
-Blaziken (PLB) holo?
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (Update 12/5 with PLB W/H!)

Frost Mage said:
Could you do...

-Golurk (PLB) holo

For your:
-Blaziken (PLB) holo?

If PsychedelicBreakfast doesn't PM me that'll be fine, but I want to wait a bit more to give him a chance to reply first.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

Bumping, got a Plasma Freeze box and so put up stuff and wants from it. I now also want lots and lots of reverse holos, particularly of rare holo cards. My wants exceed my haves! Such is the story of my life.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

Bumping, nothing new since I've sort of gone into a hibernation with spending money thanks to the holidays, but before I start selling cards want to see if there's anymore trades I can make!
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

I have a reverse holo Zapdos and Houndoom. :) I really need two Skylas.
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

My Cofagrigus PLF 56/116 for your Skyla? c:
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

Sorry for not replying, been down and not wanting to deal with stuff due to some badly timed stress. I could do all three of those cards for Skyla going by their value, but not either of those trades on their own sorry @_@
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

I'm sorry to hear that. :c I'll think about it. All of those for one Skyla?
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

Even a non-reverse Skyla is worth around $3.50 on eBay, yeah >_< Troll and Toad is even more!

Highly used metagame cards can just skyrocket in value it seems, don't even look at ultra rare metagame cards like Genesect EX :p
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

I know. v_v And believe me, I have seen Genesect EX... Jesus. Look up the prices for a Dusknoir holo (Sinister Hand). 0_0 But like I said, I'll think about it. :)
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

So I have a Dialga EX FA and I wanted a couple things from you but i only see a few things that I need.
I did this based on TT
My Dialga Ex FA

Tierno x4 (0.49)
Ultraball x3 (0.79)
Thundurus Ex PF (non fa) (8.49)
Crushing Hammer x2 LTS (0.49)
Switch KSS (0.49)
Total $14.29

Feel free to counter offer
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

I could do that! Though I may have to send in two envelopes unless I get larger ones before I mail. Since you have less trades than me you'll have to send first, is that all right? Just send me a PM with your address and I'll reply with mine :3
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

Aight seems cool to me I'll send out later today (currently 3 am xD)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
RE: Shrike's Trading Thread! (H: RH's, KSS, Assorted Trainers! W: More RH's!)

Hey perhaps we can trade.

Binx wants
LT- kyurem EX
rev shadow triad
any (reverse or not) cilan, N, skyla, silver mirror
D explorers - rev zorua # 69

Binx has
P blast - rev H R houndoom
LT - rev H R serpior
check my thread many other reverse holos
for kyurem ex I would trade 1 of these: ND promo zekrom EX, radiant FA reshiram, radiant FA shaymii EX, radiant FA emonga, meloetta ex, LT prerelease tornadus ex but not the other UR