Shrine Of Immortality (Ubers)

King Arceus

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I wanted to build a stall team because I am not as familiar with them as other styles of playing in Ubers. I got inspired to create the team by my Ubers guide I wrote. The idea was to test the principles of it for the stall section and see how accurate they are. This team has been very successful when it hasn't been haxxed.

Creating The Team

I wanted Dialga to be the main Pokemon because it is only weak to ground and fighting attacks. It has stellar stats with the exception of Speed. The Dialga I had in mind wasn't designed for winning any Speed contests so I knew that wouldn't be an issue.


With Dialga's weakness to fighting and ground I wanted a Pokemon that could take on those moves easily. Lugia fits this bill perfectly with its typing. It also has great bulk so it will be alive for a long time.


I needed a Pokemon that could set entry hazards for my team. This would make Dragon Tail cause a lot more devastation. Deoxys-D has the incredible defense so it could pull this role off well.


Since the team does like entry hazards, a spin blocker was needed. Giratina has the best defenses out of any of the Pokemon, although it comes at the cost of several common weaknesses. I decided that it has the stats where it could overcome them.

I wanted another Pokemon that could dish out fair damage while also being able to shuffle when necessary. Arceus-Ghost seemed to be the best choice since it also has immunity to Rapid Spin.


Kyogre is always a pain to deal with for teams. I decided that Dialga was not enough this time since the spread I'm running is capable of being 2HKO'd by Specs Kyogre. Quagsire is the most surefire Pokemon that can defeat Kyogre. It also can perform well against numerous other Pokemon.

In Depth


Deoxys-D @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Recover
- Magic Coat

Deoxys is what I normally will lead with. It can always get Stealth Rock and usually at least 1-2 layers of Spikes up. Recover lets it live longer so it can try and get maximum hazards set up. It also combos well with its ability Pressure. Magic Coat will reflect Taunt that Deoxys-S uses or Dark Void that Darkrai will use. The only time I won't start with the Deoxys is basically against Kyogre leads. The Quagsire is much better equipped for dealing with Kyogre since Kyogre can still deal about 75% damage with Water Spout. This is why I need entry hazards down early so Kyogre won't be a nuisance later if I lose Quagsire. The EVs were geared toward Specially Defensive because more attacks tend to be special based. 252 HP is necessary for maximum HP restoration with Recover and for walling attacks.


Lugia @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 124 Def / 136 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Toxic
- Roost
- Aeroblast

While Lugia normally carries Whirlwind, this one doesn't because of it having Toxic. Toxic will normally force switches fast anyway since they get worn down fast due to Lugia's high defenses paired with recovery. Pressure also eats through their PP. Calm Mind helps against Special Sweepers such as Mewtwo who think they can use their high Special Attack to break Lugia. It also will boost the damage Aeroblast deals. Aeroblast is the damaging move of choice because It hits Kyogre and Groudon for neutral damage. It is only resisted by Jirachi and Dialga. Lugia also has a nice immunity to ground moves. This works well with Toxic so the opponent just lost HP to do no damage. 248 HP lets Lugia switch in the maximum amount of times, though that shouldn't be an issue since it has Roost. 136 Speed gives it just enough to outpace Rayquaza and other base 95s. EVs were not placed in Special Defense because it will be raising that with Calm mind.


Giratina @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Rest

This Giratina is really helpful for the team. It cripples physical attackers such as Groudon and Swords Dance Arceus with Will-o-wisp. Calm Mind will then allow it to take less and less damage from Special Attacks while increasing the damage it can dish out with Dragon Pulse. Dragon Tail is not present on this set because it is suppose to deal out damage and the team already has two phazers. Rest also works well with most of the team having Pressure and also can deal with Toxic, which is Giratina's main weakness otherwise since its defensive capabilities are so good. It has the helpful immunities of normal and fighting. Not even the strongest attacks can do over half damage to it after 2 Calm Minds. The EVs give Giratina maximum health and provide great defenses all around.


Dialga @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 196 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Dragon Tail
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Bulk Up

Dialga is the star of the team if you want to call it that. Bulk Up makes its Dragon Tail attack do more damage and forces switches. This capitalizes fully on the entry hazards that Deoxys-D will set up. It also helps against boosted opponents. Bulk Up is also used to become better at defending against physical attacks. The Rest Sleep Talk combo is used so it has a chance to do something while it is asleep. It also gives the team a status absorber so Darkrai can be dealt with more easily. Maximum HP is necessary so it can survive many attacks. 60 Defense should be able to allow me to survive a +2 Earthquake from Arceus. The remaining were placed in Special Defense so it can take those hits better since it can't boost its Special Defense.


Arceus-Ghost @ Spooky Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Roar
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Recover

Arceus-Ghost is used as a secondary spin blocker. This will allow me to do the shuffling of their Pokemon to dish out damage without them being able to get rid of the hazards. Calm Mind lets Dragon Pulse dish out more damage while also raising my Special Defense. Dragon Pulse is chosen over Judgment so it can do damage to Arceus-Normal since that can be a big threat. Roar forces the opponent out and goes right through Substitute. It also helps against boosted opponents since Arceus-Ghost can survive almost any attack. Recover lets it take damage continually while raising its stats to become immortal. It can then take out nearly any enemy. Maximum HP and Defense are used since it will raise its special stats. 8 Speed will let it outpace Arceus-Normal since they often run 0 EVs in Speed.


Quagsire (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Stockpile
- Toxic
- Recover
- Earthquake

Quagsire seems like an odd choice to put on an Ubers team because of its inferior stats. It is not inferior when used properly though. This Quagsire can take on any Kyogre without fear. Stockpile raises both of its defenses making it very hard to take out. Toxic is an all around useful move on a wall Pokemon. Earthquake can hit everything that is immune to Toxic, except for Skarmory which is rarely used anyway. Recover keeps it healthy so it can continue to devaste the opponent's team.

Threat List
Darkrai: Medium level threat. Once a Pokemon becomes asleep, Quagsire poisons it then it can be stalled. Dialga can strike it with Dragon Tail if it hasn't used Nasty Plot.

Arceus: Medium level threat. The Swords Dance variety is the most dangerous if I can't get it burned.
I like how no one rates awesome teams. Anyways, I'm no Ubers expert, but I'll add a couple of things I see problems with. I Night shade over Magic Coat on Deoxys-D just for the sheer damage value, and it chips away at a lot of stuff that you can find annoying. I've never been a fan of Mono-attack sets, because they lack versatility and can get countered quickly. Calm Mind and Bulk Up take multiple turns to turn you into a powerhouse, and quicker attackers like Darkrai and Deoxys can really ruin your day. Perhaps running a more offensive-oriented set on any of your boosters can give you a reliable switch-in. This is a great Ubers stall team, and I'd love to play it sometime. And here's a Ghost Arceus Sprite for you to use:
I actually have my own sprite for it on my own site I was just too lazy to get the exact url.

The problem with Night Shade is Darkrai can totally set up since it will often use Dark Void on Deoxys-D so I can't get up entry hazards. Stall teams don't dish out straight attacks each turn. That is why it doesn't have more offense orientated Pokemon. Quagsire seems to do the least for the team. I might replace it with a more offensive Pokemon just so I have something that can dish out large damage.
For some odd reason I fear and respect this team. Though I am strictly OU I can't see any glitches in the team. Though I would like to see what would happen if my OU Stall Team faced off against this. Lugia I could see being a threat but what do you do if it gets Posioned put to Sleep, Burned or ThunderWaved? Only three of your pokemon have a counter to that. And I could see how Darkrai can be a threat. Also what happens if Trick is used on Arceus? Do you have a way to counter that?
I'm fairly certain Multitype makes Trick fail.

I don't know much about Ubers, but two spin blockers seems kind of redundant. Giratina is incredibly bulky, and I would think that Giratina alone should be fine.

To deal with Arceus and Darkrai, would a Steel or Fighting type Arceus work? The Steel type sponges the Extremespeeds and Dark Pulses, while the Fighting type clobbers them with a Fighting-type Judgement.
If I use Arceus-Steel, which I had orginally thought about, the team because weak to Groudon. If Groudon got off a Rock Polish, Lugia is not about to beat it because Groudon can deal up to 75% or so damage with Stone Edge. I've never really given much thought to Arceus-Fighting. If I tried that, I'd swap Dragon Pulse for Judgement.

I'm considering replacing Quagsire with either Mewtwo or Kyogre since they are far more offensive.
I think Quagsire is good here but would Ferrothorn be a good option too? I mean you could abuse Stealth Rock and Spikes and since you can use Gyro Ball and Power Whip it maybe a good Groudon and Kyogre counter.
I dont think it's a good idea to have a physical dialga. if you just want to see mine i'd be happy to suggest (although this is offensive dialga)

life orb
248 HP/ 252 Sp Atk/ 8 Spe
aura sphere
Draco Meteor
Ice Beam/ Blizzard
I know yur dialga is defensive but i dont think its a good idea to run dragon tail considering dialga's base 150 Special Attack
of course this is just me
This is a stall team, dude. Physical Dialga makes a wonderful RestTalker and phazer, and provides some good resistances to the team. Offensive Dialga ruins the team's synergy, and that moveset really makes no sense considering how the rest of the team sets up. Please do some research in the future before wanting to provide an actually helpful team rate. Thanks.
^I'm sure that de would appreciate you giving some reasoning behind your suggestion. :/
Just for the record... Gastrodon seems like a better idea than quagsire. Quagsire's niche is Unaware, but you're using Water Absorb. Gastrodon just seems to do the same thing while Raising Special Attack. Gastrodon can always use Recover to gain his HP back, and the Special Attack boost will allow stuff like Scald, Earth Power, and Ice Beam to maybe actually do some form of remotely lethal damage in ubers.
Gastrodon does seem like a good idea. But why not run a pokemon that can do some wish support like Blissey? That would be a great way to heal up pokemon that don't have a recovery move to use.