Shuckle's Room (Triple battle)

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Shubsole - High Def. and ATK
Ever since I first found out about shuckle's awesome DEF and SDEF, I've been wanting to find out strategies around him. Then I found out what trick room can do, plus also what Wonder room can do too. This team is based around Shuckle and triple battles so of course this wouldn't really work on singles, but maybe doubles. The main 3 pokemon in this team are going to be Shuckle, Reuniclus, and Clefable. The other 3 pokemon are for backup.


Shuxle (Shuckle) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 DEF / 128 SDEF / 128 HP
Nature: Sassy
- Toxic
- Wrap
- Power Trick
- Gyro Ball
Description: This entire team is built around this shuxle. The leftovers item allows shuxle to gain his HP back from the little damage done to him by attacks. I gave him the sturdy ability because if there is a pokemon that will be able to OHKO shuxle, he'll be able to stay alive for a little while longer, and then counter with Gyro Ball or Toxic. I prefer the Toxic Wrap combination over any other attacks, because the opponent will basically KO themselves after a period of time. Power Trick is so that shuxle can get his 614 Def, and switch it with his 24 (or less) Attack so that he can deal OHKO to almost any pokemon. Gyro ball is probably the most powerful move for shuxle in forms of attack, so that's why I use that move.


Mario (Reuniclus) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Magic Gaurd
EVs: 252 HP / 128 SDEF / 128 DEF
Nature: Sassy
- Trick Room
- Pain Split
- Psychic
- Wonder Room
Description: This is the main supporter of shuxle, so even without Clerra, double battle winning could also be possible. I gave Mario the Life orb because it increases the power of his attacks, and because of his ability, he doesn't lose the HP from the secondary effect of Life orb. Since most people will be going after shuxle or Clerra, because of her "Follow Me", I have included Pain Split for Mario so that he can share his HP with Clerra or shuxle and heal them. I gave Mario Trick Room so that shuxle would be the fastest pokemon on the field, and also the strongest because of the power trick. I also gave him Wonder room just in case I battle pokemon that deal physical damage to shuxle, instead of Special attack damage, also if shuxle uses Power Trick again his attack and def would still be extremely high. Psychic is just in case I need to deal damage to fighting types or other pokemon that are weak to psychic type.


Clerra (Clefable) (F) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Cute Charm
EVs: 128 HP / 128 SDEF / 252 DEF
Nature: Relaxed
- Follow Me
- Minimize
- Wish
- Metronome
Description: Clerra is the 3rd main helper of shuxle, and the reason for being able to win triple battles. I gave Clerra the focus Sash so that even if she is OHKO'd, she would still survive one more attack, and even just one attack could save shuxle or Mario. the cute charm is so if a pokemon does a physical attack on Clerra, then the person would become infatuated. Minimize is so that (if there's a chance) then Clerra could raise evasiveness meaning more times for Follow Me. Wish is so that she can heal herself if Mario can't. Metronome is there for the random attacks, and for luck. Mario can also help Clerra go first with his Trick Room.


Absolute (Absol) @ Scope Lens
Trait: Super Luck
EVs: 128 ATK / 128 SPD / 252 DEF
Nature: Jolly
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Super Power
- Psycho Cut
Descritpion: Absolute is on this team because of a plan B that involves him and Jeweyel (Sableye). (not because he is my #1 fav Pokémon) When Absolute and Jeweyel are on the field together, Absolute would swords dance to get his attack power high, then Jeweyel would use taunt on a pokemon, so that absolute could sucker punch it. I gave absolute the scope lens because they give him a high critical hit ratio, along with the ability "Super luck" which increases his C.H.R. even more, and Psycho cut because its almost an instant Critical! The super Luck ability will also help with the sucker punch STAB, making it a very epic quick attack. :p Absolute will also help me against Psychic type pokemon like Gardevoir and Alakazam, getting OHKO and 2HKO's.


Jeweyel (Sableye) @ Leftovers
Trait: Keen Eye
EVs: 255 DEF/ 128 SDEF / 128 HP
Nature: Bold
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Seismic Toss
- Recover
Description: Jeweyel is in this team mainly for status effects and helping out Absolute. His keen eye will help my team from loss of accuracy, so sand-attack and mud-slap don't do much. He has leftovers so he can heal the damage he takes during battle, and also to support recover. Taunt is so that he can make the opponent use only attacking moves, and give an opening for Absolute. I also gave him seismic Toss so that he can do decent damage to most pokemon, and because it'll always be a sure amount. When Jeweyel is low on health, I'll just use recover, and the leftovers, to heal him almost fully, and continue his rampage of burning, and flipping. :p


P-Zoro (Porygon-Z) @ Life Orb
Trait: Download
Evs: 255 SPATK / 128 DEF / 128 SDEF
Nature: Modest
- Ice Beam
- Psybeam
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
Description: P-Zoro is my plan C. He works solo so I can have him in solo battles and (maybe) win. With his already high Special Attack, plus Life Orb and Nasty Plot makes it even higher! Making an OHKO for most pokemon, and 2HKO for others. Ice beam is to OHKO Dragon and Ground types, Psybeam is for fighting and anything else weak to psychic, then Dark Pulse for Psychics. :D The download ability will also raise P-Zoro's Special attack higher if the opponent has less SDEF. This is a colorful Porygon-Z, so it can deal massive damage to most pokemon types.
Someone rate it? :eek: Or is it that there are little-to-no flaws? o.o (doubt it.)
There are a few things I noticed, tell me if im wrong. If this is for online stuff against randoms, then your crit/accuray stuff is alright. But if this is for online, I'm fairly certain going for crit items and accuracy reduction is banned, making your absol sabalye combo pointless, and a bit underpowered. Your type's are all good, avoiding 4x as triple battles do not allow for such weaknesses. I feel like this team is a bit too technical and missing too many base stats to be entirely effective. OHKO moves are also banned in online.
No, this team isn't for online play. (didnt even know all that stuff was banned, gotta do more research. o.o) This team is for random people I meet across my travels. :p I have a separate team for online play. :eek:
You can ask a mod to move it there, probably Hyperbeem. :]
I'll give it a rate when he does.
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