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Aspiring Trainer
why doesn't pokemon have 15 cards sideboard like other TCG eg magic, yugioh and etc? that would increase the sales for them and more fun for the players that's what i think.. what you guys think?
Though I don't think the addition of a sideboard will at all affect sales of the cards, it would certainly be a nice addition of depth into the game, and would mean that you wouldn't be disadvantaged if you were travelling to a far away tournament and didn't know what decks people are running. It'd be an interesting mechanic to add into tournament play at least.
actually they can affect the sales simply because of the extra cards to have as extra tech in the sideboard.. eg i can run a 2-2 line claydol in the main of my unlimited deck and another 1-1 line of claydol in the sideboard if there's a need to get them out faster in the next game.. that's an extra 2 cards needed for a particular deck of mine and extra 2 cards sales for them.. imagine a tournament of 8 people only with 2 extra cards as sideboard.. that's already 16 cards total.. on the other hand, the amount of participant will have to be reduced due to the amount of games and times needed (3 games = 1 match) with 1st round of 1 game disqualification match, 2nd round of a match(3 games) and so on.. but they can have multiple tournament runs at the same time for big event though and have the top 3 of each tournament(Group A,B,C and etc) goes though a grand final tournament and so on..
It's too easy to tech for decks in Pokémon. Run three Terrakion and four Prism, and you're going to beat Eelzone. Don't run that, and you're in trouble, especially with a deck like CTM. It puts the person who knows their opponent's deck at a huge advantage.

The profits they would get from it don't really matter. The competitive player base makes up a very small percentage of their profits. Forcing people to have 10 more cards in their decks would hardly give them any profits. It also makes the game much more complicated, which turns away new players, ultimately making them lose money.
Celebi23 said:
It's too easy to tech for decks in Pokémon. Run three Terrakion and four Prism, and you're going to beat Eelzone. Don't run that, and you're in trouble, especially with a deck like CTM. It puts the person who knows their opponent's deck at a huge advantage.

The profits they would get from it don't really matter. The competitive player base makes up a very small percentage of their profits. Forcing people to have 10 more cards in their decks would hardly give them any profits. It also makes the game much more complicated, which turns away new players, ultimately making them lose money.

but eelzone could tech in some other stuff too or removing some pokemon line in the deck and turning it into a totally different deck with different pokemon line.. It puts the person who knows their opponent's deck at a huge advantage.. but it also put the opponent who know the player's deck at a huge advantage too..

there have always been a very standard rule to sideboard throughout games like yugioh and magic.. so i don't really find that will complicated the game at all or even more than when the legend cards are out..

example of the ruling on sideboard (this is for magic though so i changed some text for magic creature to pokemon):
What is a Sideboard?

Each player is allowed to bring 15 cards (in addition to his main deck) to a tournament. These cards are your sideboard. You're not required to have a sideboard; but, if you do have one, it must be exactly 15 cards. After the first and second game of a match, each player is allowed to swap cards in their deck for cards in their sideboard. This is a 1-for-1 swap, so both your deck and your sideboard must remain the same size. Your deck must still be legal after sideboarding (for example, if you already have four Pikachu in your deck, you can't sideboard in two more).

Sideboarding helps you address the weaknesses of your deck against a certain opponent. For example, if you consistently lose games against anyone who is playing Mewtwo EX, then you may want to put four Mewtwo EX to counter OHKO in your sideboard. Sure, you may still lose the first game; but after sideboarding, you should be able to hinder your opponent enough that you gain an advantage.
They felt that having first turn rules were too complicated. They also felt that leaving your supporter by your active was too complicated. They would definitely think a sideboard is too complicated. You have to remember that Pokémon is directed at eight year olds, whereas Magic is directed at teenagers/adults.

I'd rather have the game be about outplaying, not about which player can predict what their opponent will throw in their deck better.
Celebi23 said:
They felt that having first turn rules were too complicated. They also felt that leaving your supporter by your active was too complicated. They would definitely think a sideboard is too complicated. You have to remember that Pokémon is directed at eight year olds, whereas Magic is directed at teenagers/adults.

I'd rather have the game be about outplaying, not about which player can predict what their opponent will throw in their deck better.

ya true.. just thinking that it might worth a try.. maybe for seniors and/or masters only?

by the way.. will the 1st turn rule on trainers and supporters allowed permanent rules or changes according to format?
There's no way to know for sure. Fast Ticket implies that the rule won't be changing for a long time, but it's just an inference. Usually they only change game rules when a new block comes out. So we'll have to wait for generation six, if there is one. They really need to learn their lesson. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :(
I would LOVE a Sideboard, I think it would be good for the game.
You could just playtest before a tourney, and would not face a game loss.
Ok. Have The Truth with a variety of side techs, change your main attacker for each matchup, nothing can really beat you.

That is why I don't think it would work.
It would have to be smaller than 15 since unlike other TCGs like Yugioh almost all decks play very similar trainers, and the sidedeck would probably only be used on teching pokemon or special trainers. It should be like 5-8 cards maybe.
Glaceon said:
Ok. Have The Truth with a variety of side techs, change your main attacker for each matchup, nothing can really beat you.

That is why I don't think it would work.

That's the point of having a side board. Having techs you want for certain decks but can't fit even though the techs would help your chances in the tournament meta.
^But decks that are solely techs– like 6 Corners or The Truth– that can tech against literally anything given even 8 cards– would be ridiculously good with a sideboard. It increases consistency and gives you a sure tech for the matchup, which is what The Truth and 6 Corners need to win.
but still.. an increased consistency doesn't means you will have it when you needed it.. eg if all deck have 4 sableye in their list.. not everytime they get to have it in their starting hand.. you can say in pokemon there's draw and search.. but you can't do that unless it's your turn and by the time you are able to you might not need it anymore as much as on turn 1..

remember this: if with sideboard you are able to side in tech against a particular pokemon line in a particular deck, the opponent could be doing so too as both players are to do the siding at the same time.. and the possibility are almost infinite (opponent can totally remove the tech pokemon line that you are siding in against and increase it's main pokemon line, or opponent could also side in tech that counters your tech and etc).. it might seems like who guess correctly and who wins but it takes experience, skill and the players familiarity of his/her deck and metagame to do so correctly..
Scizorliscious said:
^But decks that are solely techs– like 6 Corners or The Truth– that can tech against literally anything given even 8 cards– would be ridiculously good with a sideboard. It increases consistency and gives you a sure tech for the matchup, which is what The Truth and 6 Corners need to win.

So what? It wouldn't be as bad as people are making it out to be.
It would actually help a lot of decks in the long run. Especially the autopilot ones like Reshi and ZPST.
Stuart Hayden said:
That's the point of having a side board. Having techs you want for certain decks but can't fit even though the techs would help your chances in the tournament meta.

Yes, but it would be way too powerful.
I think a small side board, maybe only 5-8 cards would encourage creativity and skill. That way, you could tech, and still have consistency. However, it's only really good in the 2 out of 3 games, unless you know what your opponent is playing, which I don't like. Maybe you have to have your sideboard set before the pairings are announced. It's something fun I'd be willing to try though.
ESP said:
I think a small side board, maybe only 5-8 cards would encourage creativity and skill. That way, you could tech, and still have consistency. However, it's only really good in the 2 out of 3 games, unless you know what your opponent is playing, which I don't like. Maybe you have to have your sideboard set before the pairings are announced. It's something fun I'd be willing to try though.

Who is playing what tends to spread like wildfire, so I bet in the smaller tournaments everyone else will already know what you are playing. You also would probably have to have the same 5-8 cards as a possible side board, no taking cards out of the sideboard depending on the matchup.
Glaceon said:
Who is playing what tends to spread like wildfire, so I bet in the smaller tournaments everyone else will already know what you are playing. You also would probably have to have the same 5-8 cards as a possible side board, no taking cards out of the sideboard depending on the matchup.

Ofcourse no changing cards in the sideboard.. Sideboard is part of your deck..

For all other TCG that uses sideboard.. Before the tournament we have to write down the list of cards that's in the sideboard as well.. And during the 1st game the player have to ensure that the cards in their main deck is the exact same list as written down on the list and there is exactly 15 cards in their sideboard if they have one (players are allowed to ask the opponent to count the number of cards face down in front of the player) AND no cards is in the deck box that you took your deck out would hint any possible cheating (unsleeves cards and any playable cards except reference cards where you would have to indicate them or let the opponent know how many of them you have at the beginning of the game.. Any possible cheating found would result in immediate disqualification).. Sideboard cards are to have the exact same sleeves as your main deck as well..

Before game 2 and 3, players are allowed to do siding ON THE EXACT SAME TABLE SPOT where they play their 1st game and no other cards other than the players main deck and sideboard are allowed to bring in or out of that area.. If you want to go to the washroom you have to leave your deck and sideboard on the table and you can tell the judge or your friend to look out for you to prevent the opponent stealing your cards when you are not around.. Before the game start again, both player are to count their sideboard to ensure that there are 15 cards exactly if they have one face down in front of their opponent and failure to do so and found that the player have less or more cards after the game start would result in disqualification as well.. At any point of time that you suspect your opponent have more or less cards in their sideboard with some fairly good and valid reason, you are allowed to call the judge to check the opponent sideboard.. but without a fairly good and valid reason OR abusing of this resulting on wasting time would result in warning.. 3 minor warning or 2 major warning or 1 minor and 1 major warning and you are disqualified as well.. Major warning would be if cards are found that would indicate or encourage possible cheating however after investigation no cheating was found.. Minor warning would be those action that would disrupt the game without valid reason..
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