Sigilyph- an amazing Mewtwo counter!


It's dangerous to go alone!
Sigilyph - Psychic - HP90
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Safeguard
Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Sigilyph by your opponent's Pokemon-EX.

[P][C][C] Psychic: 50+ damage. Does 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

All of it just SCREAMS "No more Mewtwo!" It's amazing!
I really don't think that Sigilyph is going to pose a threat to people carrying Mewtwo, like, at all. At first glance, you would think that Sigilyph would destroy Mewtwo, but it simply isn't true. The first problem is that Sigilyph can't come out of nowhere to counter Mewtwo, like another Mewtwo can do. Unless you are playing Shaymin, your opponent is going to see it on your bench for a minimum of one turn before you can actually do something. Therefore, they will simply start using another attacker. There aren't any decks that play only EXs, they can Catcher kill the Sigilyph with something else before it is built up. The other obvious thing that I see here is Sigilyph can't even OHKO Mewtwo. The Mewtwo needs to have 4 or more energy on it, which no one in there right mind is going to do. It is also worth noting that Sigilyph takes Psychic Energy, so you are going to have to tech Prism Energy into most things. I really don't think this will see too much play, Mewtwo itself just make such a better counter, if you know how to play it right.
It's not a Mewtwo counter at all, but it could be a decent little tech when it comes out. Now that it's revealed, people will definitely be prepared for it.
I'd probably tech it into my ChandePlume deck, assuming I'm still running it and Mewtwo is still crazy popular when that set hits our shores in ~September.
@Vulpix Yolk
You can also one-turn-set-up Sigilyph if you play ZekEels, but other than that I agree with you :)
Huh! I'm actually not so familiar with that Sigilyph at all! But anyway, it can easily be catchered and knocked out. Too bad it didn't have a {L} weakness instead, but I'm not even sure if that would matter a lot or not.
You need two turns to charge up this puppy, and you're wasting a Shaymin if you decide to use Celebration Wind for this card. Low HP, an actual Retreat Cost, and reliability on your opponent's Mewtwo to have four Energy, FOUR, is just not good.
Um, Sigilyph doesn't have to come out of nowhere, mewtwo can't touch it, giving you the time to set up Sigilyph. This thread is about Sigilyph vs. Mewtwo, not Sigilyph vs. mewtwo and friends.-_-

It is the best Mewtwo counter ever because you don't have to worry about your mewtwo dying if you don't OHKO theirs.
Emopanda133 said:
This thread is about Sigilyph vs. Mewtwo, not Sigilyph vs. mewtwo and friends.-_-

Mewtwo is very rarely alone; you have to worry about its partners.
Emopanda133 said:
This thread is about Sigilyph vs. Mewtwo, not Sigilyph vs. mewtwo and friends.-_-

...I have nothing left to say.

Moving on, every deck with Thundurus or Tornadus is going to probably carry a few PlusPowers to deal with this guy (unless they have Zekrom BW) but other than that I can't see it having much of an impact. The format is going to be vastly different by the time this card is out and pretty much the only metagame deck still in rotation that cares about this will be ZekEels and Rayquaza EX variants, which can tech Tornadus/Thundurus/Zapdos easily to deal with this. None of the other EXes are really great attackers; Mewtwo loses Celebi so there isn't a great engine to run it with and it'll just be a counter to other Mewtwo (which to a large extent it already is) so they simply won't drop it if they see a Sigilyph and no enemy Mewtwo. Since Sigilyph can't actually OHKO Mewtwo either it might not even take a prize since Mewtwo can just retreat/switch. It could be useful if I'm missing something, but I'm not sure what,
Dark Void said:
...I have nothing left to say.

Moving on, every deck with Thundurus or Tornadus is going to probably carry a few PlusPowers to deal with this guy (unless they have Zekrom BW) but other than that I can't see it having much of an impact. The format is going to be vastly different by the time this card is out and pretty much the only metagame deck still in rotation that cares about this will be ZekEels and Rayquaza EX variants, which can tech Tornadus/Thundurus/Zapdos easily to deal with this. None of the other EXes are really great attackers; Mewtwo loses Celebi so there isn't a great engine to run it with and it'll just be a counter to other Mewtwo (which to a large extent it already is) so they simply won't drop it if they see a Sigilyph and no enemy Mewtwo. Since Sigilyph can't actually OHKO Mewtwo either it might not even take a prize since Mewtwo can just retreat/switch. It could be useful if I'm missing something, but I'm not sure what,

Like. I. Said. A. Thousand. Times. Before. MEWTWO SUCKS ALONE! He dies without his friends! And you all keep talking about his partners, proving my point above. Sigilyph>Alone Mewtwo all day long.
Right... Of course Mewtwo itself loses against Sigilyph on its own. If they were the only two things on the field, Sigilyph would win; that is obvious. Mewtwo can't damage Sigilyph, so of course Sigilyph wins that irrelevant, hypothetical situation. We are trying to get actual discussion out of this thread for Sigilyph's use in the real metagame, not match ups against deck concepts that don't exist. Sigilyph would beat Mewtwo by itself on any day of the week, unfortunately, we live in the real world where any deck that is carrying Mewtwo EX will also have another attacker that can effortlessly handle Sigilyph's 90 HP. This makes Sigilyph a bad use of a card slot in my opinion. I would much rather direct focus towards deck consistency, or a tech that is less easily played around, like Lost Remover.

As for Sigilyph being better than Mewtwo alone... Just a straight forward NO there. Sigilyph is good against Mewtwo, but bad against everything else, while Mewtwo has a practical use against almost every deck in the metagame. This is probably why it is worth 60 + dollars, and everyone who owns it plays at least 2 copies. Please, don't bring the point of Sigilyph beating straight Mewtwo EX up again, because that is not a played deck, is obvious, and is a distraction from discussion about Sigilyph's applications in the real metagame. Sorry if I am coming off as a little rude here, just trying to get my point across in the most clear cut manner I can. I'm not going to tip-toe around my points right now.
Ok, Sigilyph with garbador, drifblim and the old gothitelle, full psychic deck with trainer and ability lock, how's that for a Mewtwo match up? Oh look, you can't catcher up sigilyph, I charge him up, catcher up your Mewtwo then switch to sigilyph, no more Mewtwo. Zeels, please, you don't even have your eels. Or maybe I stall with sigilyph and use crushing hammer to discard the DCE on tornadus and use the new drifblim to kill Mewtwo and plus power to kill tornadus. If you put some back up behind sigilyph, guess what, he can take on your Mewtwo back up.
Feels like you're changing the subject to deck matchups rather than discussing SigilyphvsMewtwo

At the end of the day, Sigilyph is most definitely not a good Mewtwo counter. Safeguard might be useful to stall against EXs but with 90HP and catcher around it's not gonna live long enough to accomplish anything.
No, you are all changing the subject. "Sigilyph-an amazing Mewtwo counter" the only two cards that should be talked about in this thread, not catcher, not Mewtwo's buddies, not sigilyph's buddies, just sigilyph and Mewtwo, and sigilyph wins. That's the point I was trying to make.
Emopanda133 said:
Ok, Sigilyph with garbador, drifblim and the old gothitelle, full psychic deck with trainer and ability lock, how's that for a Mewtwo match up?
Emopanda133 said:
Yes, don't need garby against CMT, zeels, no gothi, maybe a mew EX tech or a terrakion.

When you say things like that, it sure sounds like your'e changing the subject.:rolleyes:

We've established that Sigilyph>Mewtwo as long as no other factors come into play. No one argues against that, but that's realistically not going to happen. In reality other factors WILL come into play.

SO, what we know are;
1. Mewtwo is never played as the only attacker and,
2. Every competitive deck plays Catcher(s)

So for Sigilyph to realistically counter Mewtwo in a competitive environment, it's gonna have to play around those 2 points. Trainer lock is too slow and 90HP gets OHKO'ed by practically every other attacker in the current meta.
1 and 2 no relevance to this thread. Stop bringing other cards into this thread. Yes, Mewtwo WITH OTHER CARDS, will beat sigilyph, but heads up, Mewtwo loses, end of story, end of thread.