Signs of Rampardos Lv.X?


Peach is staring into your soul
If you look carefully, there are signs that a Rampardos Lv.X will be printed.

The first sign can be found at any Target or Walmart for $11.99, a DP Theme Deck. The DP Theme Decks are as follows: Infernape, Torterra, Empoleon, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Electivire, Magmorter, Dialga, Palkia, Darkrai, Leafeon, and Glaceon. The Italacized names are cards that don't have a Lv.X form, in the set or otherwise.


Ours Second Clue come from this string of Pokemon that is found at the bottom of some very popular sleeves.
Incase you can't see, the pokemon at the bottom are (from Right to Left) Dialga, Rampardos, Garchomp, Torterra, Lucario, Infernape, Empoleon, and Palkia. Each of thouse pokemon have a Level X form of some sort, except Rampardos. Could this hint that Rampardos will soon join the ranks of these Pokemon? Why would they choose Rampardos over another pokemon with a Lv.X form, such a Dakrai to complete the Shinou Legendary Trio, or Magmorter or Electivire or Gardevoir?

Our final clue comes from DP7- There are still three unrevealed Lv.X pokemon. If Rampardos is indeed one of the missing Lv.X's, would it not make sense that Bastiodon would be a new lv.X?

Are all these coincidence, or is this hinting at our new Lv.X's? Your thoughts and feelings?
lol, nice try, if it happens, i think just coincidence tho..... i would actually like rampardos lv x....
I'd prefer Bastiodon over Rampardos because I have a deck that uses Bastiodon.

It wouldn't make much sense to only make Rampardos, though. That's like only giving Glaceon a Lvl X card.
I could see Rampardos Lv.X. Because it is "Diamond and Pearl" (and then the set. Ie, DP:MT, DP:SW,), it makes sense that they would do pokemon that are exclusize to certain games.
abaxter94 said:
I could see Rampardos Lv.X. Because it is "Diamond and Pearl" (and then the set. Ie, DP:MT, DP:SW,), it makes sense that they would do pokemon that are exclusize to certain games.

Skuntank and Purugly lv.x anyone?
That's good because I totally love Rampardos and Bastiodon! Pffft- Shaymin and Giratina can get stuffed. :p
I don't want this to turn into a "What Lv.X do you want to be in the next set" or "I bet that Rampardos will have an attack that does 300 damage!!!11!1!". I just want to discuss if you think that these are clues to a Rampardos Lv.X. Otherwise, PMJ will bring down the Mod Hammer (he told me it was his favorite weapon).
It's possible that they might make Rampardos and Bastiodon into Lv. X's, but it's very unlikely. Rampardos and Bastiodon were printed in Mysterious Treasures. Don't you think that they would have made them by then?
pikachu1246 said:
Their not really clue's. If you look it up Shaymin and giratina are the next lv.X card's.

That is true, but the author could be talking about a future set. Other than Legends Awaken or the set after that.
6 Lv.X's are set to be released with the new Jap Set. Dusknoir, Raichu, and Heatran will be in the set. Nothing is official that Shaymin and Giratina are the new Lv.X's. Rampardos could still be a new Lv.X. Shaymin and Giratina may not be the new Lv.X's.
And even if they are... Doesn't that mean Rampy can still fit in there?


I dunno, though... Maybe you're reading into it too closely... Still, it's convincing evidence. Meh, I'm torn. :p
Is it me, or do those tiny silhouettes not resemble the Pokémon listed at all?
Electro-sama said:
It's possible that they might make Rampardos and Bastiodon into Lv. X's, but it's very unlikely. Rampardos and Bastiodon were printed in Mysterious Treasures. Don't you think that they would have made them by then?

Garchomp was printed in MT too but the Lv. X is in MD.Same goes to Honchkrow,vire and cario.It could be true that the unreveal Lv. X is Rampardos.
My Scanner was being person, and I couldn't fix it. Yah, you have to look at it South to North.

Even if the two were in, Rampardos could still make it in. All though it doesn't make much sense to print Rampardos and not Bastiodon.

Also, IIRC, Regi and Heatran are the American Theme Decks. Low and behold, they Lv.X forms.