Wi-Fi Trades Sigth's Player thread

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could you breed a hipno and meowth with assist and a speed boosting nature and a scarmory with impish nature

for my treeco and shiny groudon
Ill get the teddiursa for you killrdarkness and Im not sure what your asking me to breed pythagoras.

Do you mean breed hypno and meowth together?Or...what?
breed a hypno with the egg move assist and speed boosting nature, a meowth with the egg move assist and a speed boosting nature, and just a normal scarmory with an impish nature.
edit: actually could you just get the meowth i will still trade the groudon for it.
Ok. Ill get to work breeding the meowth for you pyth and the teddiursa for you killr.

Sorry for not being on. Been real busy.


I havent been on in forever, but ill try to log on at least once week. Anyone still want to trade?
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