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Standard Silvally-GX Deck

Gabs Kazumi

Amateur Illustrator @kazumi.draws
Hi guys!

Recently, I bought a promo Shiny Silvally-GX card (so pretty!) and I tried to make a deck with the resources I have at the moment. I'll be participating in a Regional Championship here in Brazil in two weeks (for fun actually, bc I'm returning to the competitive play and I'm still getting used to it again) and I'm in doubt about
which deck I should use.

I made a "staple" Garchomp/Lucario/Cynthia deck with Lycanroc-GX (midnight) which is actually good to play (I'm still adjusting it, but it's fun to play in general), but Silvally-GX felt so much funnier that I'm considering taking it to the Regional.

Can you give me some suggestions?

Actual Decklist

Pokémon (14)

4 x Type: Null ULP 115
4 x Silvally GX ULP 116
3 x Registeel CRI 68
1 x Magearna UPR 91
1 x Dialga GX FLI 125
1 x Cobalion GX TEU 168

Trainer - Supporter (10)

1 x Professor Kukui
3 x Sophocles
1 x Cynthia
1 x Cyrus Prism Star
2 x Lillie
2 x Sightseer

Trainer - Others (23)

3 x Nest Ball
2 x Timer Ball
2 x Choice Band
2 x Energy Loto
1 x Rescue Stretcher
2 x Adventure Bag
2 x Fighting Memory
2 x Psychic Memory
2 x Fire Memory
2 x Water Memory
1 x Grass Memory
1 x Electric Memory
1 x Sky Pillar

Energy (13)

4 x Double Colorless Energy
9 x Metal Energy

The star of the deck is Silvally-GX, so I structured the deck to make me use the full potential of the Memories and hit for Weakness (240 damage).Sophocles/Sightseer is here to help me filter the deck: after seeing the Weakness of the opponent's deck, I discard the Memories I won't be using and draw some cards for it, and discard Energies for Silvally's acceleration too.

I included a Cynthia if I need to refresh my hand but can't discard any cards at the moment, Cyrus Prism to disrupt the bench (and utilize the Steel-typing of the deck), Kukui for a bonus damage and Lillie for a chance of a good first turn.

For the Items, I included Nest/Timer Balls but I'm considering to switch them with Pokémon Communication (bc of the rotation). Choice Band for any other Pokémon than Silvally-GX, Adventure Bag to bring me the Memories, Sky Pillar for a chance to remove the opponent's Stadium (and boost the damage of Cobalion-GX). Energy Loto is here for a chance to bring me the DCE when I need it.

At last, for the other Pokémon, I chose Turbo Arm Registeel to compliment the Energy acceleration provided by Silvally-GX, Magearna to switch tools, Dialga-GX bc of the GX attack (that helped me A LOT when I was playing with my friends, and it can be powered up by the attacks of Silvally-GX), and Cobalion-GX for a situational use when facing status condition-based decks like Celebi/Venusaur TTGX and Alolan Muk/Muk TTGX. They are all Basic to take advantage of Silvally's Ability too.

The number of memories is based on the main decks of the format (Zoroark, Blacephalon, Steel-based decks, etc).

Thanks for the help!
Hey there. Love me some Silvally. Some quick changes.

Get rid of all the memories EXCEPT Fighting, Water and maybe Psychic.

Get rid of 4 metal energies and add Triple Acceleration Energy. Silvally will thank you for being able to attack faster.

There's a start on the improvements for the deck. You can go from there. Good Luck!!
Well, silvally is one of my favourite cards, it has an infinite potential, but is hard to figure it out. I suggest you to leave the metal variant path, instead play it with zapdos, with two of them and one silbally in play you're assuring your self a free "recharge" of zapdos attack, applying the early pressure that silvally lacks. In this case you may want to add electropowers and thunder mountain, a couple of viridian forest, keep just fighting and water memories and add some choice bands. Also add some cynthia. Keep up the good work! Cheers from Italy.