• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Standard Sinnoh Dragon Surfs Some Waves With A Kantonian Turtle


Aspiring Trainer
2 Palkia-GX (UPR 101)
2 Squirtle (TEU 23)
1 Articuno (TEU 32)
2 Palkia-GX (FLI 20)
1 Quagsire (DRM 26)
2 Blastoise (TEU 25)
1 Ditto Prism Star (LOT 154)
1 Wooper (DRM 25)
1 Volcanion Prism Star (FLI 31)
1 Wartortle (TEU 24)
1 Oranguru (SM 113)

14 Water Energy (CIN 124)

4 Nest Ball (SM 123)
2 Wishful Baton (BUS 128)
4 Rare Candy (SM 129)
1 Tate & Liza (CLS 148)
3 Ultra Ball (SM 135)
3 Guzma (BUS 115)
4 Cynthia (UPR 119)
1 Brooklet Hill (GRI 120)
2 Energy Recycle System (CLS 128)
3 Lillie (SM 122)
3 Order Pad (UPR 131)
1 Devoured Field (CIN 93)
I like Palkia-GX ran him a few times when first came out, I would consider tossing Devoured Field though, it's only giving 1 card in your deck a 10 Damage boost and considering Palkia can do multiples of damage depending on energy, that 10 damage isn't really going to be noticed. If your worried your Palkia getting 1 shotted, you can always GX.
theres no point in playing articuno if you are playing the dragon palkia cause they can still guzma it. look at caleb gedameer's wailord/magikarp list on teamDDG's youtube and start there.