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Six Corners


Aspiring Trainer
Ok, just basically just 6C for HGSS-NV. Play to type advantage, catcher for cheap prizes, and Shaymin UL to move and conserve energy. Any help would be appreciated.

4x Virizion NV
2x Terrakion NV
2x Cobalion NV
2x Mewtwo EX
2x Shaymin UL
1x Shaymin EX
1x Kyurem NV
1x Absol Prime
1x Victini (V-Create)

4x Cheren
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Prof Juniper
2x N
1x Seeker
4x Pokemon Catcher
4x Junk Arm
4x Eviolite
3x Switch
2x Pokegear 3.0
1x Super Rod
1x Skyarrow Bridge

4x Prism Energy
4x Rainbow Energy
2x DCE
2x Grass
-4 Cheren
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Juniper

This is really a player's opinion on the type of draw support, but I think that PONT and Juniper are better.
With only 12 energy and no way to get most of them back if discarded I feel reluctant to run more Junipers.
Two questions though.
1. Would playing DualBalls instead of Collector(so I can use my draw support for the turn) be wise?
2. Do you think I should be taking out the Ns? Reason for this is, I think i should be trying to get cheap prizes early, and N would just cripple me if I did. But at the same time, I also feel like the speed of current decks would make this a great comeback card.
I think that cheren is good with virizion. I prefer collector but others prefer dual ball but collector has more consistency IMO.
-1 shaymin UL (1 is enough)
-1 virizion (3 is enough)
-1 cheren (make room for other stuff)
-1 switch (can be reused with junk arm)
-1 catcher (can be reused with junk arm)
-1 absol (optional. depends on your metagame if there is still chandelure)

+2 collector (consistency)
+2 ssu (for shaymin and others)
+2 sage's (good with this deck to discard what you don't need and get what you do depending on the opponent's deck)

Hope I helped. :D
I find that you need 15 energy. 4 Cheren is too much and id probably also
-1 Victini
+1 Kyurem
Kyurem counters durant as well, if not better than Victini, I have KOed 3 Durant at once before.
Thanks for all the advice everyone. I'll be testing these changes when I have time and editing my decklist with what works.
I've never been a fan of Absol in 6C, seems purpose defeating in every instance...
4 Cheren with only 2 basic energy is a waste, also you should have a tad more energy anyways.
I find N hurts this deck type more than it helps, and PONT far superior to Juniper(you don't want to sac cards in this format).
4 Eviolites is a bit much, you won't need that many after considering you have 4 junk arms.

In the end, I think you need more PONT and energy.
^Try adding two more DCEs. They help a lot. The problem kind of that I see right now is the lack of an energy accelerator. Without one, it would be hard to set up faster than those decks that do have one like eelektrik decks and MTC.