Skarmory and Clobbopus Illustration Rares from “Paradise Dragona!”

Skarmory doesn't look great but maybe it looks better in person, some cards lend themselves better like that. Clob looks great though!
as an artist, i deeply envy the way that takumi wada is capable of rendering chrome in such a simplistic way, but that also goes to show the great lengths his years of experience has taken him. i would die happy to reach that level.
It is not a dragon themed set. Stop saying that. The official description is BB Academy Terrarium. Its called paradise dragona mostly because of the Palm. Dialga is not living in that glass bulb!

also both of them got enough spotlight in there lifespan. i pass on that for the next ten years. thank you.
I know I’m biased lol but I could never get enough of Dialga and Palkia cards
Having that metal sheen on the illustration combined with the actual metallic from the holofoil will probably make this even more stunning!

Clobbopus is just a lil dude doing his little things and punching stuff. Adorable!
At least it has a bunch of Dragon-type Pokémon,even if they weren't printed in those types(Gouging Fire,Latias and Latios,etc...)
I know that. I wasn’t talking about the type either. But people are complaining about the lack of dragons inside when yet there was never a promise of having just dragons and it is kinda annoying at this point.
I know that. I wasn’t talking about the type either. But people are complaining about the lack of dragons inside when yet there was never a promise of having just dragons and it is kinda annoying at this point.
It's like saying that Raging Surf was a set about Water types,but it was just a set for Tera Garchomp
skarmory and clobbopus look amazing! this is the 1st sneak peek iv seen from this set that i have any interest in so far!!
Ooh, that's the second USGMEN illustration thus far, and it's another full art. The previous card he illustrated (Mew ex) was really popular and is still worth a lot of money. In my opinion, I prefer this Clobbopus over the Mew. I like how much action there is in the shot. Is it supposed to be depicting a swarm of Clobbopus, or (as I interpret it) one single Clobbopus zipping around punching everything in sight?

And then Takumi Wada... what a pro lol. The technical skill on this piece is so good that I feel like I could look at it forever. I'm curious how the card would look in my hand. In the photo, the direction of the foiling seems to match the direction of the illustration's light source, and the rainbow hue calls to mind a sort of hot desert haze that's appropriate for the setting. Was the illustration drawn with the foiling effect in mind, perhaps?
Ooh, that's the second USGMEN illustration thus far, and it's another full art. The previous card he illustrated (Mew ex) was really popular and is still worth a lot of money. In my opinion, I prefer this Clobbopus over the Mew. I like how much action there is in the shot. Is it supposed to be depicting a swarm of Clobbopus, or (as I interpret it) one single Clobbopus zipping around punching everything in sight?

And then Takumi Wada... what a pro lol. The technical skill on this piece is so good that I feel like I could look at it forever. I'm curious how the card would look in my hand. In the photo, the direction of the foiling seems to match the direction of the illustration's light source, and the rainbow hue calls to mind a sort of hot desert haze that's appropriate for the setting. Was the illustration drawn with the foiling effect in mind, perhaps?
The way the talons hit the car is wrong. It’s clear that those two parts were made separately and don’t really match and it bugs me out.